monitoring Trump and relevant contemporary events

cicerone imposter
Mon 12 Dec, 2016 02:24 pm
They're not slipping, they've already slipped and hit bottom.
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Mon 12 Dec, 2016 02:45 pm
Frugal1 wrote:

0bama & that nasty woman have been working with the Russians since day one, they made it extra easy for the Russians & others to gather information on us.

You are an extremely foolish person.
0 Replies
cicerone imposter
Mon 12 Dec, 2016 02:47 pm
Frugal1 wrote:

0bama & that nasty woman have been working with the Russians since day one, they made it extra easy for the Russians & others to gather information on us.

What information is that, and how did they use it?
0 Replies
Mon 12 Dec, 2016 02:55 pm
It's sometimes hard to detect the underlying points under discussion with all the invective (coming from both directeions) going by.

We know that over the past several years we and others have seen a steady increase in the number of hackers gaining entry to private and public web sites and data. A good deal of this has likely come from Foreign governmnets, and, as we have already learned, some months ago foreign hackers got a good deal of the personnel data on the files of the DOD and other government agencies, among other things. I think that no serious person in our government is surprised anymore that such things continue.

We know that Hillary's private e mail server was hacked, as was that of the DNC. I read a news report stating that Rence Preibus stated that the RNC computers were not hacked: I don't know the truth of either this report or the underlying facts, but do recognize there is likely a significant probability that some RNC computer files were indeed hacked - we (and they) just don't know about it yet.

I find all the furor about supposed Russian interference in our election, most coming from still angry, discruntled and possibly disoriented Democrats, to be seruously disingenuous. The "interference" presumably had to do with the release of hacked e mails that added new confirmation of already hotly debated concerns about the insecurity of Hillary Clinton's e-mails on her private, insecured server, and allegations of under-the-table partisan connections between the Hillary campaign organization, the DNC and the liberal news media during the Democrat primary and the recent election campaign. All of that stuff was already on the table when the recent leaks occurred. Mot significantly - indeed the core point here - is that the wrongful actions on the part of the Clinton campaign, the DNC , and the liberal media were themselves a far more serious threat to the integrity of our election process than were the hacked and leaked e mails confirming them.

Obama's recent, loudly broadcasted, direction to the U.S. intelligence community to investigate the supposed Russian interference and report before he leaves office, was an obviously unnecessary act of grandstanding. Some of these leaks and hacks go back months, and yet he took no such action then. More significantly he has done nothing to investigate the obvious corruption in the DNC, or the far more serious vulnerability that Hillary Clinton herself created, in defiance of law and policy she herself issued, in putting all of her e mail at risk on an unsecured private server. Indeed Obama has deliberately slow walked the investigation, and actively denied any wrongoing in the case of Hillary's server, a vulnerability that itself was the core of the so-called Russian interference.

Now after months of denials and obstruction of justice, and a long-term pattern of illicit collusion between the Hillary campaign and the Liberal media we are suddenly being entertained (and distracted) with cries that "The Russians are coming ...."

It is all sadly comical.
Mon 12 Dec, 2016 03:04 pm
In this Facebook, Instagram and Twitter obsessed society some believe that they know every direction the intelligence community takes. Makes sense, when you are attempting to thwart criminals and hackers....the first thing you do is broadcast every morsel of information so the entire nation will know. Wrong-doers aren't on distribution so we can talk about it freely on A2K without tipping off anyone.
0 Replies
Mon 12 Dec, 2016 03:06 pm
The "hack" was not on her "unsecured private server" it was done through a pretty standard/common phishing attempt on John Podesta's emails.

John Podesta essentially gave the Russians his password and they used that password to download his emails.

They then coordinated to have that information released over the course of months to steadily influence our election.

The emails themselves were rather innocuous except for the image they presented.

I guess it'd be completely OK if private citizens and governments hacked all the private email systems of our government officials and released everything they found in a way to discredit our politicians and influence elections in the way they seem fit.

I'm sure when it happens to a republican official, it will be a national tragedy.
cicerone imposter
Mon 12 Dec, 2016 03:15 pm
0 Replies
Mon 12 Dec, 2016 03:16 pm
Which one of the DNC emails was it that you think caused Hillary's campaign to falter?

Which email hacked by "the Russians" was it that influenced so many people to vote for Trump over the Clinton?

Was it how she made millions from the banks and rich folk she was supposed to be against and lied about?

Was it the collusion between her campaign and the DNC that routed Sanders?

Was it her incessant lying about anything and everything under the sun?

Do you really think it was hacked emails and not the candidate that caused her to lose?
Mon 12 Dec, 2016 03:26 pm
If hackers stole and leaked Trumps tax returns and those tax returns showed something that, while not illegal, would be damaging to his campaign....would that be ok with you?

What if Clinton had publicly and in the middle of a debate, ASKED for hackers to do this? ....I'm sure that'd be fine too, right?
Mon 12 Dec, 2016 03:30 pm
My oh my, how you guys forget how Wikileaks got on the international scene in the first place. Did you forget about all the govt information they were publishing years ago? Of course you did, as long as they were exposing the secrets of those you hated, it was ok. They do the same thing to those you like and all of a sudden it's a crime to take and publish information that doesn't belong to you.

Some of us tried to warn you about wikileaks years ago, but they were exposing your enemies, what did you care about legality or ethics... Now the monster is biting you in the ass and you want the monster under control, well it's too late now.
Mon 12 Dec, 2016 03:35 pm
I don't typically mind wikileaks or the release of these emails.

I'm simply stating that the process was done with intention. That intention was likely to help Trump get elected.

Have you seen me ask for new laws or criminal prosecution??

I was really happy when they released those emails showing how the government was spying on Americans. I've got no problems with the release of stolen information at all really; I'm just not going to deny that in this particular instance it was done to help an individual.

I'd really enjoy some reading of Trumps personal information and emails from the RNC.
Mon 12 Dec, 2016 03:41 pm
First of all, the failure was Obama's and Hillary's. Hers for circumventing security protocols and his for knowing it and allowing it.

Second, to say that the Russians are responsible for manipulating our election is like saying Monica's Blowjob is why Bush became President.

Next, why are we relying on the analysists and linguists when it comes to international espionage instead of human intelligence? (another failure of the wrong thinking culture in the intelligence community) How come these analysists can't tell us who hacked the OPM and military files for anyone who ever applied for a clearance? Where was Obama then? Was he calling for an investigation to give him answers in less than 2 months like he is now?

Obama doesn't confer with the "worker bees", he interfaces with his executive staff at the CIA...THE ONES HE PUT IN THERE.

Aren't these the same people who said that no less than five foreign bad actor nations had access to Hillary's email? Why are we just blaming the Ruskies?

Are we to think that the Russians are stupid enough to leave their finger prints on this? Is anyone on the left denying the validity of the emails content?

Didn't Obama get his intelligence people to lie for him and change their terrorism theat assessment to be more in line with his rosey public pronouncements? Does Benghazi ring a bell?

Lastly, once Hillary exposed her emails to the world I could give a rat's ass if Wikileaks made them public and some people decided not to vote for her. She should be in a federal prison. She's a self serving treasonous piece if ****.

Mon 12 Dec, 2016 03:48 pm
Sometimes the sheer lunacy of your ramblings makes me worry for you.
Mon 12 Dec, 2016 03:52 pm
So now you have a direct line to how Putin thinks?


A more reasonable conclusion is that he wasn't trying to get Trump elected he was trying to torpedo Hillary...big difference.

That conclusion is easy to make after Putin's anger at Hillary for meddling in his elections in 2011.

But if course that doesn't fit all the crybabies narrative. Suck it up buttercup.
Mon 12 Dec, 2016 03:55 pm
Yeah...keep posting I'm diagnosing you too.

I noticed you didn't even try to refute anything in my post...and your childish tactic of questioning my sanity is transparent...but thanks for playing.
Mon 12 Dec, 2016 04:01 pm
giujohn wrote:
A more reasonable conclusion is that he wasn't trying to get Trump elected he was trying to torpedo Hillary...big difference.

Yeah, that's a distinction without difference.

"Help Trump" and "torpedo Hillary" are functionally the same thing.
Mon 12 Dec, 2016 04:08 pm
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cicerone imposter
Mon 12 Dec, 2016 04:08 pm
Maybe, he's flipping a coin with two tails.
0 Replies
Mon 12 Dec, 2016 04:13 pm
Mon 12 Dec, 2016 04:54 pm
Is she walking an invisible dog?
0 Replies

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