monitoring Trump and relevant contemporary events

Finn dAbuzz
Fri 7 Apr, 2017 11:36 am
And if nothing is forthcoming? Will you finally give up the notion that Trump is being blackmailed?
Fri 7 Apr, 2017 11:41 am
your proposed alternate reality would be a world where the US would still have troops in Saudi Arabia

Of course it's impossible to tell exactly what would have been a world without W's war of choice in Iraq. My personal opinion is that it would have a better world. Yes, Sadam would probably still be in power. But AL Qaeda and co would also be far weaker.

As for Qadafi, his fall was not caused by the Iraq war.
Fri 7 Apr, 2017 11:45 am
hightor wrote:
If the Russkies thought that the threat to leak the contents of the infamous 'dossier' would compel good behavior by Trump it looks as if they miscalculated. We can expect them to put all their cards on the table now since the blackmail trick didn't work. Should make for good reading.

Setting aside the fact that Russia isn't trying to blackmail Trump to begin with, what makes you think that Russia is at all unhappy with these missile strikes?

Russia wants to keep Assad in power so they keep their military bases, yes. But that doesn't mean that they like being tainted by being associated with Assad's war crimes.

These missile strikes did not remove Assad from power. But they may have curtailed Assad's ability to commit atrocities that embarrass Russia. They may also have made Assad more reliant on Russian air power. The missile strikes don't seem to have harmed any Russians.

Putin is probably pretty happy with the way these missile strikes turned out.

I would not be surprised to learn that whatever forewarning Russia had of these missile strikes, they decided to keep it to themselves and not pass it along to Assad.
Fri 7 Apr, 2017 11:47 am
@cicerone imposter,
You will have to excuse a majority of normal people who are going to ignore anything critical coming out of Think Progress.
0 Replies
cicerone imposter
Fri 7 Apr, 2017 11:50 am
Why should I be desperate? Trump is the one with the lowest approval rating.
Fri 7 Apr, 2017 11:55 am
Olivier5 wrote:
As for Qadafi, his fall was not caused by the Iraq war.

There would never have been an Arab Spring if not for the 2003 Iraq war.
Fri 7 Apr, 2017 11:58 am
@cicerone imposter,
cicerone imposter wrote:
Why should I be desperate?

Because liberalism is on its way to the dustbin of history.

cicerone imposter wrote:
Trump is the one with the lowest approval rating.

Trump is the one who is on his way to following Washington, Lincoln, and FDR as one of America's greatest presidents.
0 Replies
Fri 7 Apr, 2017 12:01 pm
@Finn dAbuzz,
There is no point having the greatest military the world has ever known if everyone thinks you're afraid to use it.

Makes sense, and thanks for a good post, overall.

Yes this was a show of force. 59 Tomahawks, no less...
Fri 7 Apr, 2017 12:01 pm
Now that we have someone in the white house that has a pair, what we need to do is OCCUPY Syria completely and permanently. By force if arms if necessary.​ We need to establish a LARGE Military presence and bring stability to the entire middle east. We would partner with Jordan,Turkey, and Saudi Arabia BUT WE GOT WOULD RUN THE SHOW. We would pledge to be their for the next 75 years. We would bring the rule of law modeled on a doctrine of basic individual rights with a strict seperation of church and state. We would administer government and the economy. We would provide protection and aid. We would have strong boarders an sensible immigration. We have tried to leave them to their own devices...It doesn't work. We won't be in any more danger from terrorism than we are now. The stability if the region couldn't get much worse. It's time for us to be more imperial for the sake of the rest of the world. And if the UN doesn't like it...**** em. We need to take a post WWII approach. We are in a war now...Let's just move right to the winners circle now.
Fri 7 Apr, 2017 12:11 pm
I like the Libya model, where we topple the bad guy and then just pull out.
Fri 7 Apr, 2017 12:14 pm
pair a what? Hes irrational.
Now Im not faulting him for hitting Assad but Im wondering about his motives. Was it to quell all the dumass flap hes raised during his first 2.5 months in office? Has he a plan for a "NOW WHAT"?

Congress nd trump announcd that Obama shoulda conferred with Congress when Obama attacked Libya? (remember?)
cicerone imposter
Fri 7 Apr, 2017 12:17 pm
People seem to forget, we have a congress to authorize military action when we are not attacked. Trump wants to divert his low approval rating.
0 Replies
Fri 7 Apr, 2017 12:17 pm
oralloy wrote:

Olivier5 wrote:
As for Qadafi, his fall was not caused by the Iraq war.

There would never have been an Arab Spring if not for the 2003 Iraq war.

I disagree. What triggered the 2010-2011 Arab revolts is the release of thousands of US diplomatic cables by wikileaks, I was told by Tunisian officials. It was then that they realized the obscene wealth of their tyrant. The rule of an honest strong man is bearable, that of a corrupt pig isn't.
Fri 7 Apr, 2017 12:18 pm
oralloy wrote:

I like the Libya model, where we topple the bad guy and then just pull out.

No. No more vacuums. Total occupation. And if the Russians want a fight for their bases I say give it to them. Personally I think they dont have the stomach for it. And as for an all out nuclear exchange...Won't happen...Putin's not that stupid.
Fri 7 Apr, 2017 12:21 pm
If I was Prez, I wouldn't be trying to accomplish the impossible task of achieving "peace" in the middle east.

On the contrary, I would be working behind the scenes trying to foment as much suspicion, mistrust, and hatred among all these muslim nations as possible, hoping to provoke a "war of all, against all," as Hobbes put it.

It wouldn't be pretty, but then neither was WWII. But after that fiasco, the U.S. came out as the most powerful country the world has ever seen.

America First, Baby!
0 Replies
Fri 7 Apr, 2017 12:21 pm
giujohn wrote:

oralloy wrote:

I like the Libya model, where we topple the bad guy and then just pull out.

No. No more vacuums. Total occupation. And if the Russians want a fight for their bases I sat give it to them. Personally I think they dint have the stomach for it. And as for an all out nuclear exchange...Won't happen...Putin's not that stupid.

#Sigh! Even I know he was posting sarcasm. #goodgrief He wasn't being literal there.
Fri 7 Apr, 2017 12:23 pm
Trump has a pair of balls Obama was a pussy. You and the other cheese eaters can blather on with your Makavelian conspiracies about motivations. The only motivation I saw on Trump's part was that he had no choice, he had to do it, and it was executed flawlessly.
cicerone imposter
Fri 7 Apr, 2017 12:25 pm
What has balls and pussy have anything to do with this topic?
Fri 7 Apr, 2017 12:26 pm
@cicerone imposter,
cicerone imposter wrote:

What has balls and pussy have anything to do with this topic?

Just like a cheese-eater to have to ask, eh?
0 Replies
Fri 7 Apr, 2017 12:26 pm
Now that Trump is an out and out murderer, could we throw him in the slammer? Please?

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