monitoring Trump and relevant contemporary events

Fri 7 Apr, 2017 10:38 am
I've never heard of anything like this happening before, have you?

At least five people have died and several more have been injured after a hijacked truck ploughed into a shopping centre during a terror attack in Stockholm.

Fri 7 Apr, 2017 10:42 am
It is the fourth truck attack within a short time.
Stockholm, Berlin, Nice and London.
Fri 7 Apr, 2017 10:47 am
saab wrote:

It is the fourth truck attack within a short time.
Stockholm, Berlin, Nice and London.

Ya forgot Ohio State U, eh? Understandable, though. Probably forgettin a lot of others too. This is just "life in the city," eh? Aint even news no more.

And the cheese-eaters who sent out gold-engraved invitations to these terrorists, offering them food, shelter, and a paycheck for life, just for existing, will never understand why some people aint gunna put up with their cheese-eating policies no more.

They will find the rejection unfathomable when they're heaved out of office.
0 Replies
Fri 7 Apr, 2017 10:47 am
@cicerone imposter,
Not the real world, the hypocritical world of liberals. Next thing you know, you will call this Trumps war in Syria... not Trump cleaning up Obama's mess in Syria.
0 Replies
Fri 7 Apr, 2017 10:49 am
@cicerone imposter,
cicerone imposter wrote:
Trump took office more than 30 days ago, and he still hasn't destroyed ISIS as he said he would. That was a campaign promise.

Trump has ordered more American troops into the conflict, and they are presently making great progress against Islamic State.

To complain that Islamic State hasn't been destroyed "yet" (when it is clear that they are about to be destroyed) is really an act of desperation.

And lets not forget Trump's amazing success in killing Zaid Khayr. Trump's expansion of dronestrikes is just what America needed. Let's hope that AAA and Saif al-Adel are soon to follow.
Fri 7 Apr, 2017 10:51 am
revelette1 wrote:
Well, you've made up for your absence.

I wasn't really absent. I poked my nose in each day. It's just that each time all I saw was more silly hysteria over Russia and I just rolled my eyes and went and did something else instead of posting messages.
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Fri 7 Apr, 2017 10:57 am
When ya need a good liar, Susie Rice is your go-to girl, eh?

Back in January in an in interview with NPR, Obama national security adviser Susan Rice was still touting the Obama administration's success at removing chemical weapons in Syria, saying, "We were able to get the Syrian government to voluntarily and verifiably give up its chemical weapons stockpile."
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Fri 7 Apr, 2017 10:59 am
President Trump’s Real-World Syria Lesson

Back during the election when Trump was saying weird nonsense about Syria, I repeatedly posted here that Trump may have been taken in by propaganda now, but Trump is no fool, and as soon as he has real world experience with Assad, Trump will quickly learn what is what.

And I was right. Trump learned just as quickly as I thought he would.

It was naïve because ISIS does not exist in a vacuum — nor is it the only bad actor in the region. ISIS was produced as a Sunni Muslim reaction to massive overreach by Iran in Iraq, where Iranian-backed Shiite militias and the Iraqi government forces of Nouri al-Maliki tried to crush all vestiges of Sunni power in that country and make it a vassal of Iran. (If you think ISIS is sick, Google the phrase “power drills to the head and Shiite militias in Iraq” and you will discover that ISIS did not invent depravity in that part of the world.)

A couple weeks ago PBS Frontline did another undercover look into Iraq to see what is up there, and bad news. The Shia are back to massacring innocent Sunnis again. Even after we destroy Islamic State, the Sunnis are going to be forced to turn to extremism again, just so they can protect themselves from the Shia.

The Iranian/Shiite onslaught against Iraqi Sunnis ran parallel with Assad’s Shiite-Alawite regime in Syria, turning what started out as a multisectarian democracy movement in Syria into a sectarian war between Sunnis and Shiites. Assad figured that if he just gunned down or poison-gassed enough Syrian Sunnis he could turn their democracy efforts into a sectarian struggle against his Shiite-Alawite regime — and presto, it worked.

Actually it is much much worse than that. Assad intentionally created Islamic State.

Assad thinks that when he bombs civilians in a region that is nowhere near Islamic State, he can just say he was attacking Islamic State and people will believe his lies.

Assad also thinks that, in the future when he is finally finished massacring innocent civilians, he can turn his attacks against Islamic State and pretend that he was fighting them all along, and people will believe those lies as well.

And Assad thinks that those who are not fooled by his lies will nonetheless find Islamic State to be the greater evil, and will accept Assad staying in power in exchange for being rid of Islamic State.

Just speaking for myself, but it'll be a cold day in hell before I let a monster like Assad use the existence of a second monster (Islamic State) to manipulate me into accepting his crimes. Especially when the only reason that Islamic State even exists was because Assad created them, and created them with the express intent of pulling off this monstrous manipulation.

The least bad solution is a partition of Syria and the creation of a primarily Sunni protected area — protected by an international force, including, if necessary, some U.S. troops. That should at least stop the killing — and the refugee flows that are fueling a populist-nationalist backlash all across the European Union.

Considering that PBS Frontline documentary that I mentioned, breaking up Iraq might be the least-bad option too.
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cicerone imposter
Fri 7 Apr, 2017 11:00 am
Progress is not what Trump promised. He failed to keep most of his promises.
Fri 7 Apr, 2017 11:01 am
edgarblythe wrote:
Obama has killed at least as many Muslims as any president.
I had hoped the next president would seek some way to break the generational cycle of war, but he is as warmonger as they come. Then, Hillary today gave her take on what the asshole should bomb in Syria.
edgarblythe wrote:
As far as I am concerned, no president I could name was worth a crap in that part of the world. Each one compounds the mistakes of the last.
MontereyJack wrote:
You guys were r anting and raving before the election that Hillary would start a nuclear war if she was elected. Now, less than 100 days in, Trump has launched 50 missiles against Syria, a Russian ally. The Russians have promised retaliation (unspecified) if the US takes military action agains Syria. Trump, apparently with NO foresight or forethought has done just that. Seems apparent that the real threat of war was never from Hillary, but from Trump. When will the first Russian cruise missile take out the White House?

(Replying to three posts at once.)

Good grief. What is it about the Far Left that they love terrorists and genocidal dictators but hate freedom and democracy?

I said Far Left. Any Moderate Leftist who thinks it is perfectly fine to stop genocidal monsters from using nerve gas on children, I'm not directing this at you.
0 Replies
Fri 7 Apr, 2017 11:03 am
I just read that the Trump administration has filled only 22 of the 553 key positions that require Senate confirmation. This makes me worry that the administration will not have enough manpower to produce the same volume and standard of incompetence that we’ve come to expect so far.

Once more Democratic intransigence is harming the nation.

Trump's pick for Ambassador to China is a long-time personal friend of China's current leader. He would be just the person to help Trump strike a mutually beneficial deal with China during the current talks.

Unfortunately he won't be there. Because of Democratic stalling, he hasn't been confirmed yet.

We need another nuclear option. This one to prevent the Democrats from needlessly delaying all of these confirmation hearings.
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Fri 7 Apr, 2017 11:08 am
As much as they hate the west, given the choice a muslim will always prefer killing another muslim.

I say we should back off and let them boys have at it, ya know?
0 Replies
Fri 7 Apr, 2017 11:10 am
From PDiddie's blog:

Nothing rebuilds bipartisanship post-nuclear strike in the Senate like a war. Marco Rubio, John McCain, and Hillary Clinton all agree.

Laura Ingraham ✔ @IngrahamAngle
Missiles flying. Rubio's happy. McCain ecstatic. Hillary's on board. A complete policy change in 48 hrs.
8:27 PM - 6 Apr 2017
8,339 8,339 Retweets 16,274 16,274 likes

Business as usual for the neoliberals and neoconservatives. It does also help with that pesky Kremlin buddies problem he's been having, so there's something gained for Cheetolini by starting a proxy war with Russia this week, the latest worst of his presidency.
Fri 7 Apr, 2017 11:16 am
Olivier5 wrote:
georgeob1 wrote:
The Gulf war was a major error:

Indeed... No need to go back to the Sykes-Picot agreement to make sense of the current mess. It all started with the gulf war. Now it's hard to imagine what the world would look like without ISIS, without the Syrian civil war and the mass emigration of Syrians to Europe, or with a stabilized Afghanistan (Afghanistan went to the Taliban dogs once the US lost their focus there and moved to Iraq).

That's a world where Kadaffy would still be alive, gleefully thumbing his nose at America after having murdered 187 American civilians in the Lockerbie Pan-Am 103 bombing.

The present reality where Kadaffy got raped up his rear end with a bayonet and then shot in the head is by far more preferable to me, regardless of any possible negatives on any other fronts.

Also, your proposed alternate reality would be a world where the US would still have troops in Saudi Arabia (at the insistence of the Saudi government) in order to prevent Saddam from getting ideas about another invasion. How would the war on terror have gone with al-Qa'ida using our continued presence there as the central theme of their recruitment videos? How many more American troops in Saudi Arabia would have had their barracks truck bombed?
Fri 7 Apr, 2017 11:20 am
Lash wrote:
We just helped ISIS, which is par for the course since we created them. We are now without a doubt the bad guy in the world.

I don't hang it on Trump. This is a long-standing Deep State operation. Check out the competing pipelines across Syria. We're the world's best armed robber-barons--Dems and Reps. Hillary would've been at this game earlier.

With respect, you've been badly misled. Assad created Islamic State.

Assad hopes that when he perpetrates genocide against innocent Syrian civilians, he can pretend that he was attacking Islamic State, and people will believe his lies.

We are not helping Islamic State. Trump has put more American troops on the ground and they are going to help the Kurds topple Islamic State.
0 Replies
Fri 7 Apr, 2017 11:21 am
If the Russkies thought that the threat to leak the contents of the infamous 'dossier' would compel good behavior by Trump it looks as if they miscalculated. We can expect them to put all their cards on the table now since the blackmail trick didn't work. Should make for good reading.
Fri 7 Apr, 2017 11:21 am
By far the vast majority of victims of terrorist attacks over the past 15 years has been Muslims killed by Muslims. In the latest instance, an Islamic State suicide bomber struck a Kurdish wedding in southeastern Turkey on Saturday, killing more than 50 people.

Of 167,221 terrorism-related fatalities reported from 2001 to 2015, almost all — 163,532 or 98 percent — occurred outside the United States and Western Europe, according to the University of Maryland’s Global Terrorism Database. The U.S. government-funded GTD is the world’s largest public database on terrorist attacks.

The violence has involved Islamic State militants killing Kurds in Turkey, Sunni suicide bombers targeting Shiite mosques in Pakistan, Shiite extremists assassinating Sunni religious figures, Taliban bombs killing civilians in Afghanistan, Islamic State suicide bombers blow up Shiite shrines and massacring members of the Yazidi minority in Iraq, and Boko Haram militants killing peaceful Muslim worshipers and restaurant guests in Nigeria.

Proportionally, Shiites, who make up about 10% of the world’s 1.7 billion Muslims, are killed in increasingly large numbers as Sunni extremists from Iraq to Pakistan target members of a minority sect they view as heretical, according to Bulliet.

Fri 7 Apr, 2017 11:29 am
@cicerone imposter,
cicerone imposter wrote:
Progress is not what Trump promised. He failed to keep most of his promises.

Good grief. Could you be more desperate?

The fact that Trump is taking the fight to Islamic State and is near to toppling them is a good thing.
Fri 7 Apr, 2017 11:30 am
the latest worst of his presidency.

Yes. It is always a bad thing when America prevents a genocidal dictator from using nerve gas on children.

Can't we have all the liberals hauled down to Guantanamo or something?
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Finn dAbuzz
Fri 7 Apr, 2017 11:34 am
The attack on Syria serves two major purposes:

1) Letting the world know that we no longer have a president who is afraid of taking military action. Military action is always risky, but in the long run this was a message nations like North Korea, China, Russia, Iran and Syria needed to receive.

Putin played Obama something terrible with Syria. Obviously Assad didn't give up his chemical weapons, but it served Obama politically to be able to claim he did and the Russians were all too happy to help him with the fiction. Only recently that Paladin of Truth, Susan Rice was boasting to the MSM that she and the administration eliminated Assad's chemical weapon capabilities.

As these things go it was a very "measured" action and it's extremely unlikely that the Russians or Syria will retaliate. If Putin refrained from going to war with Turkey when it shot down one of his planes, he's not about to start something with the US. There will be condemnations and bluster, but any direct attack against our troops over there would mean war. Russia going to war with the US over this? No way.

Assad might want to try something but his Russians masters will keep him in check. If he directly attacks US troops, it's war with the US and the Russians would likely step aside and let him go down in flames.

There is no point having the greatest military the world has ever known if everyone thinks you're afraid to use it.

Arguably it was the Trump Administration's recent rhetoric about Syria that Assad saw as a green light to escalate his war on his people. I hope they learned their lesson.

2) Giving lie to the nonsense that Trump is Putin's puppet. The truly deranged believe something like this was cooked up between Putin and Trump to give the latter cover, but then they are truly deranged. I don't believe it was the sole reason, but I'm pretty sure it figured in the decision calculus.

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