monitoring Trump and relevant contemporary events

Fri 7 Apr, 2017 03:49 am
From conservative David Brooks
I just read that the Trump administration has filled only 22 of the 553 key positions that require Senate confirmation. This makes me worry that the administration will not have enough manpower to produce the same volume and standard of incompetence that we’ve come to expect so far.

Granted, in its first few months the administration has produced an impressive amount of ineptitude with very few people.

On his worst days Sean Spicer can produce more errors than 10 normal men on their best days. Kellyanne Conway can flail her way through television confrontations 24/7 and still have the stamina to lose to the Teletubbies on Saturday morning.

The White House staffing system is successfully answering the question, How many scorpions can you fit in a bottle? And in general, the personnel process has been so rigorous in its selection of inexperience that those who were hired on the basis of mere nepotism look like Dean Acheson by comparison.
Fri 7 Apr, 2017 04:40 am
Me too. I'm curious to see whether Putin and Assad will back down or escalate. They could easily bomb the US troops presently in Syria, or they could make a lot of noise while biting the bullet...

Putin already laid down when the Turks blew off a Russian Sukoi from the sky, something like a year ago. Chances are he will not retaliate, but Assad is another matter.
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Fri 7 Apr, 2017 04:47 am
The Gulf war was a major error

Indeed... No need to go back to the Sykes-Picot agreement to make sense of the current mess. It all started with the gulf war. Now it's hard to imagine what the world would look like without ISIS, without the Syrian civil war and the mass emigration of Syrians to Europe, or with a stabilized Afghanistan (Afghanistan went to the Taliban dogs once the US lost their focus there and moved to Iraq).

Fri 7 Apr, 2017 04:55 am
Hillary would've done this sooner. You do know she urged this strike publicly, hours before it happened.

Trump and Clinton are neocons.

Is this basically a pipeline thing?
0 Replies
Fri 7 Apr, 2017 05:03 am
Cernovich is far from the only person on the right pushing a “false flag” message. His argument has been echoed by a variety of accounts that are loosely ideologically similar, such as the website Infowars, which shared a story suggesting that the attack was staged by groups funded by billionaire philanthropist George Soros, who supports liberal political causes.

..Just in the past week, both Donald Trump Jr. and White House counselor Kellyanne Conway have praised Cernovich — Trump's son suggested that Cernovich should win a Pulitzer. President Trump has praised Infowars, telling Jones during an interview last year that his reputation was “amazing” and that “I will not let you down.” At a campaign rally, he said, “I love WikiLeaks.”.
Well-balanced gentlemen, these.
0 Replies
Fri 7 Apr, 2017 05:44 am
Re the missile attack on the Syrian base...

1) who in the Trump administration advised this action? More to the point, who in the administration is sufficiently knowledgeable to offer up competent advice? Not Tillerson as he has no background remotely relevant. Kushner? Bannon? Preibus? Obviously the military was involved but that would be on issues related to the operation itself.

2) let's acknowledge the domestic political advantages in Trump deciding on this operation. It portrays him as decisive and manly which is a GOP PR mainstay (set against a contrasting portrayal of Dems as weak and feminine). But more importantly, it portrays Trump as being divorced from and in opposition to Putin and Russia which acts as a counter to the most acute political problem Trump has right now with the various investigations of coordination between the Trump camp and Russia. And it serves as a distraction from those issues. If you'd want to push Trump's polling up, this would likely do the trick.
Fri 7 Apr, 2017 05:58 am
1) Who in the administration is sufficiently knowledgeable to offer competent advice? .. .. Is there normally a person designated specifically for that? He was presented options, and chose one

2) Yep
0 Replies
Fri 7 Apr, 2017 07:22 am
Big Slowdown for U.S. Economy

(It's also possible that these are phony numbers — the good numbers were real!)

Okay, excuse my presentation. Just trying to illustrate the folly of believing that a single story is sufficient to explain something as vast and complex as the US economy, practically and politically. Trump was all over the May '16 report — which really was dismal — suggesting that the economy was doomed. Yet gains in employment jumped right back up in June and July and stayed at a pretty decent level for the rest of the year. The habitual mining of the news cycle for any tidbit of positive or negative news and spinning it for temporary political gain is nothing new. I'm surprised at how many people are addicted to this type of news consumption.
Fri 7 Apr, 2017 07:52 am
BREAKING NEWS: John McCain admits he is a big "stupid idiot."
0 Replies
Fri 7 Apr, 2017 08:13 am
According to an article I just read, Trump for once relied on military advice on Syria. Regardless of all else, I am glad he did.

Confronting his first foreign policy crisis, Trump relied on seasoned military experts rather than the political operatives who had dominated policy in the first weeks of his presidency and showed a willingness to move quickly, officials involved in the deliberations said.

On Thursday afternoon, Trump ordered the launch of a barrage of cruise missiles against the Shayrat air field north of Damascus, which the Pentagon says was used to store the chemical weapons used in the attack.

"I think it does demonstrate that President Trump is willing to act when governments and actors cross the line ... It is clear that President Trump made that statement to the world,” Secretary of State Rex Tillerson told reporters.

Senior administration officials said they met with Trump as early as Tuesday evening and presented options including sanctions, diplomatic pressure and a military plan to strike Syria drawn up well before he took office.

“He had a lot of questions and said he wanted to think about it but he also had some points he wanted to make. He wanted the options refined,” one official said.

On Wednesday morning, Trump's military advisers said they knew which Syrian air base was used to launch the chemical attack and that they had tracked the Sukhoi-22 jet that carried it out.

Trump told them to focus on the military plans.

0 Replies
Fri 7 Apr, 2017 08:50 am
We don't even know whether or not the gassing of civilians was done by Assad or one of the happy beheading groups who want to goad the US into helping them defeat Assad...

Bombing for humanitarian reasons is laughable.

This is a **** up move.

We just helped ISIS, which is par for the course since we created them. We are now without a doubt the bad guy in the world.

I don't hang it on Trump. This is a long-standing Deep State operation. Check out the competing pipelines across Syria. We're the world's best armed robber-barons--Dems and Reps. Hillary would've been at this game earlier.

This is who we are.

Don't buy more bullshit.

Fri 7 Apr, 2017 09:16 am
Yeah, this could well have just been some rogue action by the Navy, eh? Think about it: What would you do if you were a sailor, just treading water on a boring-ass ship day in, day out?

I would be thinking: "****, ya know, if we unload all of these missiles that are just weighing us down, we'll have to head back to port, where the Babes are, to get some more."
0 Replies
Fri 7 Apr, 2017 09:39 am
Oh give me a break. We have more than enough Intel to show that it was the syrians that did it. Isis does not fly fixed-wing aircraft. We know where the aircraft originated from where they went to when they release their payload and where they return to. That's exactly where the cruise missiles went.
0 Replies
Fri 7 Apr, 2017 09:39 am
Well, OK, then!

First images of damage at Assad’s burnt-out airbase emerge

Today smoke was billowing from al-Shayrat more than 12 hours after it was targeted with 59 missiles in retaliation for the Syrian leader's horrific chemical weapons attack on Idlib.

Syria's state TV is showing footage of the U.S. missile strike, showing a fast sequence of orange flashes that lit the dark sky in the distance before the crack of dawn.

In a different sequence after day break, the Syrian TV station al-Ikhbariyah showed another short clip of smoke billowing in the distance, hovering over a raging fire, the tip of which emerges and a forest of trees is in the foreground.

Syrians have been celebrating the strike after the horrific chemical weapons attack. One wrote on Facebook: 'I've worked my tail off for six damn years to see this moment. This is the first time in almost half a century that the Assad regime has been held accountable for a crime they committed. Only Syrians will fully understand what this means. I'm choking back tears.'

Another said: 'For those of us who have campaigned tirelessly for humanitarian intervention for 6 years today is a surreal and momentous day. 'I can't even truly express how I feel, the devastating war is still years from ending, but for a brief few moments Syrians got to taste what justice feels like, even if that is only a smokescreen, the jubilation I am witnessing is very real.'

0 Replies
Fri 7 Apr, 2017 09:48 am
Syrian Army officials described the attack as an act of 'blatant aggression',

That's right.

What are ya gunna do about it, bitch?

0 Replies
Fri 7 Apr, 2017 09:54 am
As far as I am concerned, no president I could name was worth a crap in that part of the world. Each one compounds the mistakes of the last.

Do you support a complete pull out of all US forces in the ME and an end to all aide?
0 Replies
Fri 7 Apr, 2017 09:59 am
You guys were r anting and raving before the election that Hillary would start a nuclear war if she was elected. Now, less than 100 days in, Trump has launched 50 missiles against Syria, a Russian ally. The Russians have promised retaliation (unspecified) if the US takes military action agains Syria. Trump, apparently with NO foresight or forethought has done just that. Seems apparent that the real threat of war was never from Hillary, but from Trump. When will the first Russian cruise missile take out the White House?

Here is the catch 22 in this whole affair. If Trump were to act, he would be starting war with "insert country" and would be a warmongering twit. If he were not to act, he would be seen as a Russian puppet who only does what Putin wants him to. So which is it MJ? Much like many on this board, it wouldn't matter what direction he took, you would find some reason to bitch and complain.
Fri 7 Apr, 2017 10:01 am
Well, it's a done deal. Gorsuch has been confirmed.

Time for Trump to pursue his appeals.

Nice try, cheese-eaters.
0 Replies
Fri 7 Apr, 2017 10:08 am
Welcome to the presidency
0 Replies
cicerone imposter
Fri 7 Apr, 2017 10:22 am
Welcome to the real world.

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