monitoring Trump and relevant contemporary events

Thu 6 Apr, 2017 08:04 pm
I hope he will act decisively - I'm not sure how far he will go.

We are still acting out the consequences of three centuries of British, French and Russian imperialism in the Middle East and the orchestrated (by these countries)destruction of the Ottoman Empire which began in the last half of the 19th century , and was completed in WWI, along with the betrayal of the Arabs who were bribed by the British and promised self rule if they revolted against the Ottomans and the subsequent betrayals of both them and the Zionists of Europe over Palestine after the war.

The Gulf war was a major error: we should have let Saddam remain, keep Kuwait and continue his fight with Iran. Letting your enemies fight among themselves is better than intervention in their affairs; but no action at all to deal with such threats is the worst outcome and we are seeing the results of Obama's inaction now.
Thu 6 Apr, 2017 08:12 pm
You guys were r anting and raving before the election that Hillary would start a nuclear war if she was elected. Now, less than 100 days in, Trump has launched 50 missiles against Syria, a Russian ally. The Russians have promised retaliation (unspecified) if the US takes military action agains Syria. Trump, apparently with NO foresight or forethought has done just that. Seems apparent that the real threat of war was never from Hillary, but from Trump. When will the first Russian cruise missile take out the White House?
Thu 6 Apr, 2017 08:24 pm
MontereyJack wrote:

You guys were r anting and raving before the election that Hillary would start a nuclear war if she was elected. Now, less than 100 days in, Trump has launched 50 missiles against Syria, a Russian ally. The Russians have promised retaliation (unspecified) if the US takes military action agains Syria. Trump, apparently with NO foresight or forethought has done just that. Seems apparent that the real threat of war was never from Hillary, but from Trump. When will the first Russian cruise missile take out the White House?

Well, Jack, you're making statements and asking questions that would elicit different responses from different people. I think you'd prefer to hear the answer some candyass cheese-eater would give over than anything I would have to say, ya know?
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Thu 6 Apr, 2017 08:30 pm
I would simply note that whenever sum sumbitch pisses ya off to the point where ya go upside his sorry head, you fully expect him to try to hit back. So what?
Thu 6 Apr, 2017 08:36 pm
your right george, when the twin towers came down, that coward Obama stood behind Hillary while Trump watched Muslims dance in the street AND then after Obama called for shock and awe and bombed Afghanistan into the middle ages AND then lied to us about weapons of mass destruction and frigging mushroom clouds to convince us we should go into Iraq (and we still have military in harms way) finally God elevated St. Trump (the patron saint of beautiful little babies, Babies)

Frankly, we have to stop lying to ourselves, it this wasn't so tragic it would be funny. Trump installed a no nothing as Secretary of State who due to his complete ignorance of diplomatic speak, didn't realize he sent a signal to a madman. The Secretary of State is blaming the Russians for not removing chemical weapons from Syria, Trumps blaming Obama, Trump and apparently most of the republicans with short memories won't admit they thwarted any action Obama wished to pursue because they had a sacred blood brother agreement with Boss McConnell to block anything Obama asked for or even thought. Congratulations Congress, you only had the House and Senate, but now you have the White House. Good job kids, good job.

So tomorrow, I wait for the chants to lock Hillary up.

And please my brothers and sisters who actually pay attention, the entire first paragraph is a lie (actually a pack off lies) but please explain this to the dopes who actually want to believe this. I already pay attention.
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Thu 6 Apr, 2017 08:38 pm
Pretty simplistic when he can hit back with nukes, doncha think? The faux-hick bit is getting really really old.
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Thu 6 Apr, 2017 08:38 pm

The Gulf war was a major error: we should have let Saddam remain, keep Kuwait and continue his fight with Iran

True dat! Rayguns had the right idea. When that Iran/Iraq war was goin down--to the point where 10-year olds on one side were shootin at 9-year olds on the other, he gave arms to BOTH sides.

"If we see that Germany is winning, we ought to help Russia, and if Russia is winning we ought to help Germany, and that way we let them kill as many as possible." (Truman, 1941)
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Thu 6 Apr, 2017 09:10 pm
My condolences, nimh. But I can share in your pain. After this fellow appeared on Ed Sullivan (I didn't see the show) everyone in my junior high school informed me that I had a double.
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cicerone imposter
Thu 6 Apr, 2017 09:19 pm
Russia needs cooler heads. The US has missiles all around the world including our ships and allies. Russia has only a handful of big cities.
Thu 6 Apr, 2017 09:21 pm
The Russians have promised retaliation (unspecified) if the US takes military action agains Syria. Trump, apparently with NO foresight or forethought has done just that.

Trump just aint never gunna satisfy the cheese-eaters, eh? One day he's too cozy with the russians. The next day, he doesn't kiss their ass enough, according to them.
Thu 6 Apr, 2017 09:28 pm
Now Trump gets to pretend he's a war president. I trust everyone feels safe and secure with this turn of events.
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Thu 6 Apr, 2017 09:28 pm
I just noticed something very disturbing. George, Gent, and I aint gettin the quota of thumbs down that we deserve and demand.

Somethin just aint right here.
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Thu 6 Apr, 2017 09:59 pm
Maybe they are on vacation?
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Fri 7 Apr, 2017 12:19 am
The Cheese-Eater-in-Chief, Donald Trump, eating cheese pizzawith a knife and fork. How pretentious is that? But then of course he's a Cheese Eater, so pretentious is his middle name.   http://25.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_lm4iwtgOW91qz82gvo1_400.jpg
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Walter Hinteler
Fri 7 Apr, 2017 01:20 am
Hup, Holland, hup!
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Fri 7 Apr, 2017 02:22 am
@cicerone imposter,
It's called MAD, mutually assured destruction, neither side can win. Cooler heads needed all around.
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Fri 7 Apr, 2017 02:26 am
Putin looks like he's going through the motions, outrage at US aggression coupled with relief that there has been a (limited) response to the chemical attack that embarrassed Russia. His man is still in charge and it's business as usual.

Could even have been Putin's idea, seeing that Trump doesn't have many of those.
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Fri 7 Apr, 2017 02:27 am
glitterbag wrote:

((I just get goose pimples, like when Kate Smith sings "God Bless America"))

Park Service To Use Trump Donation To Search For Millions Still Missing On National Mall

Staying true to his word, Donald Trump has given away his first quarter salary as President to the National Park Service. Interior Secretary Ryan Zinke was delighted to receive the donation, and said the money will be put to good use searching for the million or more people who tragically went missing at a park called the National Mall back in January.

Zinke said funds for finding lost backpackers has never been more needed and appealed for further aid. Though it’s usual for a few hundred people to go missing in America’s wilderness parks every year, already in 2017 over a million have been reported lost, with most of them disappearing on a single day in January.

Possible reasons being explored are that they got disoriented after their GPS failed, they are just trying to get away from it all and will re-emerge when ready, or that they were eaten by bears.

“But a million or more people missing translates into a lot of hungry bears, and their range normally doesn’t extend into the District of Columbia.”

Though the chances of finding someone alive diminishes the longer they are gone, Zinke remains hopeful.

“They’re out there somewhere. I can feel it.”

What a shrill harpy like response to a purely altruistic donation.
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Fri 7 Apr, 2017 02:51 am
MontereyJack wrote:

You guys were r anting and raving before the election that Hillary would start a nuclear war if she was elected. Now, less than 100 days in, Trump has launched 50 missiles against Syria, a Russian ally. The Russians have promised retaliation (unspecified) if the US takes military action agains Syria. Trump, apparently with NO foresight or forethought has done just that. Seems apparent that the real threat of war was never from Hillary, but from Trump. When will the first Russian cruise missile take out the White House?

Oh what bullshit. Russia was warned ahead of time to get their people out but never warned the Syrians. Putin is not stupid enough to escalate and it most certainly will not lead to nuclear war...Only an idiot would think that would happen.
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Fri 7 Apr, 2017 03:41 am
Twitter is suing the US government after it demanded it reveal the identity of an anti-Trump account.

The @ALT_USCIS profile was an anonymous profile account criticising President Trump’s immigration policy.

The account claimed it was being run by federal employees at the United States Citizenship and Immigration Services.

Twitter has requested a court block the Trump administration’s request, calling it a matter of free speech.

The challenge was filed in San Francisco, where the micro-blogging service is based.

"The rights of free speech afforded Twitter's users and Twitter itself under the First Amendment of the US Constitution include a right to disseminate such anonymous or pseudonymous political speech,” the company argued.

It added that the government "may not compel Twitter to disclose information regarding the real identities of these users without first demonstrating that some criminal or civil offense has been committed".

The move was backed by the American Civil Liberties Union.

"We are pleased to see Twitter standing up for its users' rights, and the ACLU will soon be filing documents in court on behalf of this user," the ACLU said in an emailed statement.

"To unmask an anonymous speaker online, the government must have a strong justification. But in this case the government has given no reason at all, leading to concerns that it is simply trying to stifle dissent."

In January, when Donald Trump became President Trump, several so-called "alternative" accounts for US government services began appearing online.

Most claimed to be authored by current or former employees at those agencies, and they offered harsh criticisms of their new boss.

According to the filing, the government sought to use a power given to the US Customs and Border Protection (CBP) - one typically used to obtain records relating to imported merchandise - to get detailed information on who was behind @ALT_USCIS.

The request asked for "all records regarding the twitter account @ALT_USCIS to conclude, User names, account login, phone numbers, mailing addresses, and I.P addresses".

It demanded Twitter hand over the information by 13 March 2017 - though the company was not actually sent the request until the 14th.
In response, Twitter has told the court that "permitting the CBP to pierce the pseudonym of the @ALT _UCCIS account would have a grave chilling effect on the speech of that account in particular and on the many other 'alternative agency' accounts that have been created to voice dissent to government policies".

The account itself tweeted on Thursday the portion of the US Constitution that protects free speech.

The accounts were motivated by the gagging of the official National Parks Service Twitter account which, on the day of President Trump's inauguration, retweeted a picture comparing his crowd size to that of President Obama's inauguration in 2009. It was briefly shut down, before reappearing with an apology for the tweet.

According to press reports at the time, President Trump himself called the head of the National Parks Service to complain.

The furore prompted an apparent "rogue" former employee at the Badlands National Park in South Dakota to commandeer the park's Twitter account to published a variety of statistics and facts relating to climate change.

The tweets were quickly removed and the former worker's access revoked - but not before a flurry of new accounts claiming to be from within agencies appeared.

The veracity of the accounts was hard to verify given the authors insisted on keeping their identities secret in order to protect their jobs.


Good for Twitter.
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