Quote:not any sort of a pogrom. The word 'pogrom' means a general ethnic cleansing or massacre of some whole group of people.
I understand. My ancestors hoe to become Orthodox Christins n then RCC's in order not to be exterminated or starved as the Jews they were.
So youre only for "little pogroms"? I see. How many constitutes a mini pogrom
Like I say, if we are talking about anything in the real world at all, which is highly questionable, then what we are talking about is killing off a handful of oligarchs and oligarch related idiots whose deaths may have been necessary to save Russia and the Russian people. After the fall of the Soviet Union, a number of well-placed former commie bosses remained in place and in control of major areas of production particularly of raw materials and metals; these assholes were selling off Russia's production of such items on spot markets and pocketing the proceeds while Russians were starving.
It could even be that some of those assholes were Jewish. But you would be insulting Jewry in general to try to claim that those guys had any hold on or were doing anything for Jews in the world, or that somebody like Putin eliminating a few of them would be perpetrating any sort of a pogrom.
Hating evil is basically the same thing as fearing the Lord. There is nothing wrong with that and, in fact, the Bible actually recommends it.
The guy who invented the idea of calling people who hate evil "haters" or "negativists" (" nattering nabobs of negativism") was Spiro Agnew.
Was Spiro Agnew some sort of a hero of yours?