Baldimo wrote:It would seem by your above statement that you do subscribe to a "hierarchy of lies".
Nah, it's fine with me if you want to call broken campaign promises "lies" as well.
I'm just pointing out that a President not being able to follow through on campaign promises might get different reception in the media than a President straight up, demonstrably, lying to the public.
Baldimo wrote:It might be true for some of the current coverage, but you have to be honest, the media has been all over Trump since the election, even before he had taken office, the media was more concerned with the protesters and their claims then they were a newly elected President.
The media also covered the tea party protests under Obama extensively, so I'm not sure these claims of unfair media treatment are particularly valid.
And of course Trump has been lying a lot even before he got into office - and when he wasn't making false statements or straight up lying, he tweeted out the most outrageous stuff, presumably to drown out the other candidates and lead the news cycle.
Baldimo wrote:It's been a media scam from the start and Trump hasn't helped himself in the least. He needs his twitter account taken away.
It clearly worked for him during the campaign. It was a gish gallop of outrage and falsehoods, and Trump was able to stay ahead of the media and fact checkers and other candidates by drowning out any reporting about previous lies, outrage and falsehoods by tweeting new lies, outrage and falsehoods.
It's arguably working against him now, and you may feel free to blame the media for that, but if that's your argument, then you should probably also blame the media for giving us President Trump in the first place.