McGentrix wrote:What do you consider to be Trumps most serious lies? Like, if you had to have a top 3 that really get your goat, which ones would those be?
Nah, I don't subscribe to the idea that there's a hierarchy of lies, and that we should only be outraged by the particularly big whoppers.
Sure, big lies are damaging - not just to Trump and his job performance rating, but more importantly to the office of the President of the United States of America, and to the credibility of America in the world. But at least equally damaging is the constant, daily stream of falsehoods, misleading statements and lies
coming out of the White House:
Whether those are laughably idiotic after-the-fact claims like Trump saying on Friday, after the failure of the AHCA bill, that he had been saying for the last year and a half that the best thing to do politically speaking was to let Obamacare explode - never mind the probably hundreds of times on the campaign trail where he promised to repeal and replace Obamacare on day one.
Or whether it's claims like this one:
An entirely fact-free claim, coming directly from the President of the United States of America, smearing his predecessor with an incredibly serious false accusation that was contradicted only hours later by James Comey and Mike Rogers.
And the best attempt of defending this constant stream of falsehoods that his lackeys have come up with are statements about "alternative facts" or claims that Trump, in his heart, might actually really believe the falsehoods he spouts on a daily basis.