monitoring Trump and relevant contemporary events

Tue 28 Mar, 2017 03:43 am
Libtard trials and tribulations.....

0 Replies
Tue 28 Mar, 2017 04:13 am
I happen to love rabbits...Deep fried in peanut oil!!

(One term Jimmy...What a putz)
0 Replies
Tue 28 Mar, 2017 04:35 am
0 Replies
Tue 28 Mar, 2017 05:01 am
The Liberal Test

So, you are questioning if you are, in fact, a liberal. That's perfectly fine. We all go through times in our life where we question where we fit in, or we see some strange new disorder and think, I think I might have that... So, I have devised an easy online test, that anyone can take in just a few minutes to determine if they are indeed a liberal or not. Steps for calculating your score can be found after the questions. Keep track of your answers, and tally up the results.

Question One

Do you feel the beliefs (or lack of beliefs) of a small number are more worthy of protecting than the beliefs of the majority of the population?

yes, all the people who do not believe in any god need to be protected from those that do.

no, I recognize the fact that 90% of the people in the U.S. believe in some form of a god.

I'm confused...

Question Two

Do you feel that the rights of animals are more important than the rights of people?

yes, animals are people, too. PETA forever!

no, animals are great, but people are more important.

animals are cute!!

Question Three

Do you spout off your thoughts and opinions to anyone who will listen, and sometimes to people who don't want to hear it?

Yes, but my opinions are more valid, so they need to be heard

No, but I do enjoy a healthy debate every now and then.

I love lint

Question Four

Do you refuse to admit when you are wrong, and even when faced with evidence that you are wrong, still cling to your opinions?

Yes, of course, I am never wrong, so this question makes no sense

No, I can admit when I am wrong

I don't understand....

Question Five

Are you a celebrity with the IQ of a toaster?

Yes, don't you recognize me?

No, I am not a celebrity

What is the IQ of a toaster? I need to compare my score.

Question Six

Are you a fan of either The View, MSNBC, or Rosie O'Donnell?

Yes, at least one of these or more
No, not really a fan of any of them

I eat paste

Question Seven

Do you feel that everyone owes you something, or that you should be given something for nothing?

Yes, I even think you owe me something

No, I feel you should earn what you have

Is that like the opposite of thinking everyone's out to get you?

Tallying Up Your Score

If you answered 'yes' to three or more of these questions, you are, indeed, a liberal. The number of questions you answered 'yes' to indicates to what degree you are a liberal. The fewer 'yes' answers you gave, the more moderate you are. The more 'yes' answers you have, the more extreme, or left-wing, you are.

If you answered yes to all the questions, you are a left-wing nut, and should be locked away for your the protection of yourself, and those around you. Society is not safe from you until you are taken care of. You may be prone to undressing for PETA, or even agreeing with Chris Matthews on a regular basis.

If you answered 'yes' to two or fewer questions, rest assured, you are safe, and you are not a liberal, though you may need to be aware that you do have some liberal tendencies, and may want to look into ways to protect yourself from further leftist leanings. I suggest some spiritual guidance, or renting some old movies.

If you answered 'no' to all of the questions, you are not a liberal, and should have no problem avoiding the stigma of becoming one. You should be proud of yourself!! Good for you!!

If you chose the third option for any of these questions, you might actually be a liberal. Either that, or you recognize this Hub for what it is; a silly joke, and not to be taken seriously. If the first is true, please, seek help! If the second is true, thank goodness someone out there has a sense of humor!

If You Have Found Out That You Are A Liberal

How did you do? If you found out that you are a liberal, you may be concerned, and rightfully so. You may be unsure of what to do at this point. What kind of life could you possibly have? How can you face your friends? What will your family think? I am sure there are a lot of questions running through your head right now.

I can't answer all of them. I am sorry. I can guide you in the right direction. Rent some old movies, you know, the ones where family values actually meant something. Eat a hamburger (they are not bad for you, as long as you don't scarf down 20 of them a day. Spend time with your family, instead of at an Occupy protest or Black Lives Matter protest.

These are just some simple things you can do to curb your liberal tendencies. If this fails, seek the help of a professional. They may be able to guide you to a support group, twelve step program, or individual therapy that might help you out.

If all else fails, there's always suicide...But don't use a gun...That would be sooooo hypocritical!
0 Replies
Tue 28 Mar, 2017 05:27 am
“As democracy is perfected, the office of the president represents, more and more closely, the inner soul of the people. On some great and glorious day the plain folks of the land will reach their heart’s desire at last and the White House will be adorned by a downright fool and complete narcissistic moron.”

H. L. Mencken, Baltimore Evening Sun, 26 July 1920
Tue 28 Mar, 2017 06:03 am
Evidently Rex Tillerson is in a bind with failure to turn over all relevant Emails in ExxonMobil SEC filings. He has to until March 30th to comply


Amid the fresh outrages over the Trump administration's budget proposal, the GOP effort to repeal the Affordable Care Act and Muslim Ban 2.0,another scandal is quietly simmering. It's a story about big oil's lies and Wall Street corruption that hasn't gotten anywhere near the attention it deserves.

It starts with a shady character named Wayne Tracker – or, as you may know him, Rex Tillerson. Tillerson, of course, is Donald Trump's secretary of state. Prior to joining the Trump administration, he served as CEO of the fossil fuel giant ExxonMobil for over a decade.

Decades ago, Exxon's own scientists concluded that carbon dioxide emissions, an inevitable byproduct of burning fossil fuels, are causing climate change. Yet the company buried those findings and instead funded pseudo-scientific studies purporting to deny or downplay legitimate science.

Investigators in the New York attorney general's office suspect this wasn't just a colossal crime against the environment; it might also be a massive financial fraud.

First, some background. Publicly traded companies like Exxon are required to make annual reports on their financial condition to the federal Securities and Exchange Commission, or SEC. Federal law requires their CEOs to personally certify that those reports do not contain "any untrue statement of a material fact." Just as importantly, they must also swear that the reports don't "omit to state a material fact" relevant to the company's financial health.

In Exxon's case, the company allegedly failed to disclose the full truth about its climate research in its own SEC filings. In its 2015 statement, the last one certified personally by Tillerson, the company reported net property, plant and equipment – which includes its oil reserves – valued at about $252 billion. That constituted almost 75 percent of its total assets of $337 billion.

Yet if a significant portion of those oil reserves prove to be unrecoverable – either because climate-conscious governments or social movements compel fossil fuel companies to stop extraction – that means those assets would be worth a whole lot less. A large drop in the valuation of the company's assets would lead to a massive "impairment charge," potentially driving the company into the red.

This is a huge risk. But it's scarcely mentioned in Exxon's 2015 filing.

The document does mention climate change as a potential concern that may reduce demand for the company's products, but without assigning any quantitative risk to it. Elsewhere, in a 2014 report that claimed to address shareholder concerns about climate risk, the company dismissed the possibility of deep cuts in carbon emissions as "highly unlikely."

The potential misinformation provided to investors affects more than just hedge fund managers and other billionaires. It means that lots of teachers, firefighters and other ordinary workers have their retirement savings tied up in a company that could be seriously overvalued.

So who is Wayne Tracker? Tracker is the email alias for Tillerson created by Exxon, and the New York attorney general suspects it may have been used to conceal some of then-CEO Tillerson's communications regarding climate change. The company was required to produce all relevant internal communications on climate risk to comply with a state subpoena, but failed to produce the bulk of the emails from the Wayne Tracker address.

More at the source USN
Tue 28 Mar, 2017 06:31 am
An amazing(and eerily accurate) quote
0 Replies
Tue 28 Mar, 2017 06:38 am
blatham wrote:

Desperately important, yes.

1) The number of threads linking Trump and people around him to oligarchs and criminals in Russia grows almost daily

2) That Russia set out purposefully to influence the election results and concentrated their efforts on bringing Clinton down and getting Trump into office is now a known known, as the FBI and Intel people have told us.

3) That Russia is acting to destabilize the US and western European democracies is a known known, again from the FBI and Intel people.

4) That the GOP is acting via Nunes and other committee members and the D of J to insulate Trump through distraction and obstruction is clear and obvious.

5) That the potential threats to US democracy from all the above is so significant and so dire, that the present GOP/administration behavior just cannot be permitted to continue. This is all SO much more dangerous than either Benghazi or emails and if the GOP is allowed to proceed as they have been, the jeopardy to the US becomes almost impossible to exaggerate.

Even though I know that Blatham isn't reading posts from people the vehemently disagree with him, maybe one of his lackey's can help out here.

What evidence has Blatham given for any of this? What verifiable, non-partisan sources is he using to gather this information? Ask yourself if you think everything a Canadian is actually honest and not just an opinion? He is always on everyone else to source their info, so let's see him do the same.
Tue 28 Mar, 2017 06:50 am
blatham wrote:

Donald J. Trump ✔ @realDonaldTrump
We are taking action to #RepealANDReplace #Obamacare! Contact your Rep & tell them you support #AHCA. #PassTheBill http://45.wh.gov/Rame8F
9:07 AM - 23 Mar 2017

Donald J. Trump ✔ @realDonaldTrump
After seven horrible years of ObamaCare (skyrocketing premiums & deductibles, bad healthcare), this is finally your chance for a great plan!
5:14 AM - 24 Mar 2017

In his daily press briefing on Monday, White House spokesperson Sean Spicer suggested that President Trump canceled a vote on the Republican plan to replace Obamacare because it was a “bad deal” that was “not going to be keeping with the vision that he had.”

But Trump was trying to get House Republicans to vote for the bill until the very last minute, even though it never lived up to his promises on the campaign trail to cover everyone and do it cheaply.


There is clearly no limit to how much or how often these people will just lie through their teeth.

That's not interesting at all. Look at what is said there. "In his daily press briefing on Monday, White House spokesperson Sean Spicer suggested"

Notice they don't say what he said, but what they interpreted him to have said.

More fake news from Canada. I am so not shocked.
Walter Hinteler
Tue 28 Mar, 2017 07:24 am
McGentrix wrote:
Notice they don't say what he said, but what they interpreted him to have said.
Could it be that we get a different website here in Germany? (Vox [Vox media] here is listed as an US-American website. And I can see here quotes an the linked website as well.)
0 Replies
Tue 28 Mar, 2017 07:35 am
1) If you have the Flipboard news app, or something similar, it's everywhere. I'm doubtful that much will come from anything that I've seen dug up this far, and I'm almost certain that the administration will get little more than a slap on the wrist when it's all said and done.

2) As mentioned, from US intelligence. Something that Trump denied, then conceded to as fact, then eventually went back to denial.

3) US intel.

4) This looks like speculation, but the events surrounding are suspicious, unless you assume that Nunes and the rest wouldn't lie to cover themselves. Also I've been more out of the loop with work and home the past couple days, so maybe I've missed something.

5) Probably the biggest threat to the US as a result of this administration would be a realization that any person can win the presidency simply by being a completely ignorant asshole and then fill the WH with family and business buddies who have no idea how to do the jobs necessary to actually govern.

Now asking for "verifiable, nonpartisan sources" is ridiculous, as there are no such things anymore, are there?
Fil Albuquerque
Tue 28 Mar, 2017 07:55 am
0 Replies
Tue 28 Mar, 2017 08:04 am
thack45 wrote:

Now asking for "verifiable, nonpartisan sources" is ridiculous, as there are no such things anymore, are there?

I don't know, but I do know that Blatham requires that from anyone that has something to say that he doesn't agree with or that might counter one of his wild speculations.
0 Replies
Tue 28 Mar, 2017 08:10 am
McGentrix wrote:

blatham wrote:

In his daily press briefing on Monday, White House spokesperson Sean Spicer suggested that President Trump canceled a vote on the Republican plan to replace Obamacare because it was a “bad deal” that was “not going to be keeping with the vision that he had.”

But Trump was trying to get House Republicans to vote for the bill until the very last minute, even though it never lived up to his promises on the campaign trail to cover everyone and do it cheaply.


There is clearly no limit to how much or how often these people will just lie through their teeth.

That's not interesting at all. Look at what is said there. "In his daily press briefing on Monday, White House spokesperson Sean Spicer suggested"

Notice they don't say what he said, but what they interpreted him to have said.

More fake news from Canada. I am so not shocked.

I'll agree that many many times when I'm reading a news story I can feel the author's "nudge", but I am curious, what do you think Spicer was saying, in light of the fact that Trump was pushing hard for passage of the bill? Because it looks to me like Spicer is once again bullshitting – or, lying – in order to try to save face.

I think the president learned a lot through this process. And one of the things that's interesting is, when you look back — and I know there's been a lot to make of this — but the president also recognizes that when there's not a deal to be made, when to walk away.

It's not just about making deals, it's about knowing when to walk away from deals and knowing when there's a bad deal that's the only solution. And I think the president understood that while you can get a deal at the time, that sometimes a bad deal is worse than getting a deal. And I think he smartly recognized that what was on the table was not going to be keeping with the vision that he had, and so he decided that this was not the time and that a deal was not at hand.
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Walter Hinteler
Tue 28 Mar, 2017 08:13 am

0 Replies
Tue 28 Mar, 2017 08:30 am
The information is out there for anyone without blinders on their faces as though they were horses you got to lead out of the fire.

The following link is from FP, it is not a liberal source.

The Russian Scandal has Reached the Trump Family
Tue 28 Mar, 2017 08:53 am
blatham wrote:

How do you fathom people who continue to support and defend Trump and his "administration"? I can't see how anyone with any shred of decency could keep propping this excrement up.

It appears to be an extreme level of tribal identification where rationality is subsumed beneath the us versus them framing. The present rightwing notions of mainstream media (they are the enemy because they question and criticize) is one indicator of what's going on. The rejection of truth/facts is of course related. This has been fostered for electoral gains and power and (as with Limbaugh and so many others in the rightwing universe) for personal profit. If you can make $70 million a year like Limbaugh and Beck (a few years back) or $40 million a year like Hannity, the incentives work strongly towards continuation of this very profitable game.

However, I did like

Every word of this ponderous nonsense could have been addressed equally well to the Obama Administration, Hillary Clinton's tenure in the State Department and subsequent Presidential campaign, substituting only "right Wing Media" for "Mainstream Media". However you are likely not able to recognize that.

You pontificate loftily, assuming absolute knowledge of the actions and motives of those you oppose ( and a great deal of self-importance as well) ,while professing strict evidentiary rules for any criticism of those whom you (rather blindly) favor. A true propagandist.

However, I did like , " extreme level of tribal identification where rationality is subsumed beneath the us versus them framing" .... nice academic overtones, impressive and important,,,,
Tue 28 Mar, 2017 09:52 am
I thought the very same thing about 8 years of Obama. The big difference between these 2 is that media ran interference on things for Obama and have dedicated themselves to bringing down the man who beat their favored candidate. I only wish the media had fact checked Obama and his admin half as much as they have fact checked Trump. The proof of this has been the media themselves, not long after Trump won the election. Several media people came out and said they had to start doing their jobs, admitting they haven't been doing their jobs for at least the last 8 years.
cicerone imposter
Tue 28 Mar, 2017 09:59 am
I know why I detest Trump; it's his history of bigotry. It's not surprising to me you are blind to it. His recent statements about Muslims and Mexicans, and his beliefs revealed by his statements and actions against blacks.
Walter's graph on Obama and Trump shows that most people recognize Trump's human weaknesses. It's too bad you are blind to it.
0 Replies
Tue 28 Mar, 2017 10:00 am
Just saw where a company gave a estimate of 1 billion doaalrs for 62 miles of fence. That comes to 35.5 billion dollars for the border fence.

I wonder what portion of the fence that stretch covers, flat ground, river crossing or mountains?

Based on the amount of money the federal govt loses in fraudulent tax returns, for 2015 it was $21 billion, we could almost self fund the wall with a crack down on tax return frauds.
0 Replies

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