See, the entire concept of this BS "insurance" program, is that it removes the basic underpinning of all insurance. REQL INSURNCE IS A POOL of risk elements that are so undewritten that the financial risk portion is spread about so that the customers recieve service while the underwiters make a profit. The way the RyanCAre approach is written is to reduce as much risk for the carriers so the are guaranteed to enhance their revenue.
So, once again, health care is back in the hands of the insurance compqnies qho will be able to rise an plunder unchecked.
Obama care needed work and fixing to spread the Pool of risk elements better. The Conservative friendly plan of Ryancare , instead, will result only in huuge bonii to Healthcare CEOs nd COO's and CFO's and "**** everyone else who isnt a zillionaire". Because the fallback position of service to indigent folks will be tax-funded local urgent care and EMergency Room service , where most of the costs will be shared by the county or state in which th service is provided. The POOL concept is destroyed, as is most other programs that do not serve the rising plutocracy.
Thats why Im a proud snowflake, at least we are all of different lattices.