monitoring Trump and relevant contemporary events

reasoning logic
Sun 11 Dec, 2016 04:51 pm
Hillary was a liar too and you know it! We had no candidates that were not liars

This is true if you believe there were only two candidates running for president.

Jill Stein was not a liar.

Sun 11 Dec, 2016 04:51 pm
Hillary was a liar too and you know it! We had no candidates that were not liars.

Sure. You've lied too. So did (almost surely) OJ Simpson.
Thus you and OJ are both liars and the same?
Or you and Benedict Arnold or you and Bernie Madoff?

Sun 11 Dec, 2016 04:56 pm
@reasoning logic,
Jill Stein is bought and paid for.
reasoning logic
Sun 11 Dec, 2016 04:57 pm
Jill Stein is bought and paid for.

This must be why she was so well known to the public?
Sun 11 Dec, 2016 04:59 pm
Note the date of this Trump tweet is 15 dec 2014

Donald J. TrumpVerified account
The CIA deserves our praise for taking the fight to the enemy in the dark corners of the world. The CIA perseveres, the politicians whine!
0 Replies
Sun 11 Dec, 2016 05:03 pm
Here's another, this one from 30 Sep 2014
Fact--Obama does not read his intelligence briefings nor does he get briefed in person by the CIA or DOD. Too busy I guess!

And doncha just trust him re getting the facts right on this.
0 Replies
Sun 11 Dec, 2016 05:05 pm
I don't think there is any argument anywhere about the offensive character (and potential threats involved in ) the Russian hacking of U.S. public and private web sites.

It is the odd silence of the liberal elites on the content of the material they released, and the actions of the principals involved (the DNC and its preselected candidate) that created the vulnerability the Russians so easily exploited in doing so that is the real concern.

The only damage done was to people who made themselves vulnerable due to their own wrongful actions. The issues were already in the public eye and being debated vigorously. The Russian/Wiki leaks merely provided confirming evidence - for which the DNC/Hillary perpetrators have provided no convincing rebuttal, other than claiming the leaked material "might have been doctored". They could easily refute this by releasing the real documents, but their dilemma is that doing so would also confirm other allegations regarding the insecurity of Hillary's e mail system.

Hillary created her own trap and stepped in it. It is a stretch to blame it on the Russians.
Sun 11 Dec, 2016 05:07 pm
@reasoning logic,
She is now.
Sun 11 Dec, 2016 05:08 pm
Vanity Fair editor points to an odd discrepancy
Kurt Eichenwald ‏@kurteichenwald 4h4 hours ago
When Obama used Dijon mustard, Fox attackd him 4 not using yellow mustrd (true) Yet they shrug when Trump says doesnt need daily intel brief

And also terrorist fist bump. That was top notch journalism.
Sun 11 Dec, 2016 05:13 pm
0bama says doesn't need daily briefings, he actually skips them.
0 Replies
Sun 11 Dec, 2016 05:15 pm
I don't think there is any argument anywhere about the offensive character (and potential threats involved in ) the Russian hacking of U.S. public and private web sites.

You really aren't keeping up george. Trump says he doesn't believe it happened. Not merely that, but he is now denigrating all the intel groups by suggesting they are incompetent and trying to do something political against him. McConnell has threatened to push back against investigations of this hacking while implying/claiming it is merely a cheap partisan trick.

It is the odd silence of the liberal elites on the content of the material they released,

Utterly false. All the mainstream media covered this for weeks.

Hillary created her own trap and stepped in it. It is a stretch to blame it on the Russians.

Not the point. Nor, contrary to what Fox has been saying, that's not what Hillary said.

The complaint about the hacking is that a foreign state hacked and did so in order to aid one candidate and hurt another. That's the complaint.
Sun 11 Dec, 2016 05:15 pm
good grief, I make my own dammed mustard. It's easy.
Sun 11 Dec, 2016 05:25 pm
good grief, I make my own dammed mustard. It's easy.

It's just Murdoch's Fox. It's the game they always play.
0 Replies
Sun 11 Dec, 2016 05:30 pm
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cicerone imposter
Sun 11 Dec, 2016 05:43 pm
Most conservatives believe in racial bigotry. As for "free stuff," more whites are on welfare than blacks.
Sun 11 Dec, 2016 05:44 pm
@cicerone imposter,
Provide evidence.
0 Replies
Sun 11 Dec, 2016 05:44 pm
When did the Podesta email story break? In october. Here's a tweet from Roger Stone dated 21 aug
Roger Stone
Trust me, it will soon the Podesta's time in the barrel. #CrookedHillary

And after that tweet, he said he and Assange have a "mutual friend"
0 Replies
cicerone imposter
Sun 11 Dec, 2016 05:47 pm
Please identify blatham's errors.
0 Replies
Sun 11 Dec, 2016 05:48 pm
Please read more carefully. The controversy over the Russian hacking most significantly involves the abuses of power and responsibility by Hillary Clinton, her campaign organization and the DNC. That the Russians or anyone else might have hacked them isn't either surprising or particularly interesting. Indeed the reckless, self serving actions that created the vulnerability to that hacking is itself a central element of the real problem here.

The apparently undisputed fact that the hacking occurred gives the lie to Hillary's continued protestations that no lapse in security occurred as a result of her deliberate attempt to evade the requirements of the FOIA Act, and policies she herself issued to all State Department employees, by putting all her e mail correspondence (much - despite her denials - containing classified information} on an unsecured personal server.

The information leaked provides some element of confirmation to previously substantiated allegations of collusion between the Clinton campaign, the media and the DNC in corrupting processes involved in both the Democrat primary and the final election. No substantive denials or counter information have yet been issued by any of those accused. Instead they all have tried very hard to change the subject and turn it on some irrelevasnt comments by Trump. This is an obvious attempt to deceive and distract, that itself would be as admissable evidence of conspiracy in a court of law

Most of the mainstream media coverage has followed this deceptive effort and focused on Trump's comments. You too here are evading the central point, and merely following their lead.

The real issue here is that one candidate did, by her own actions make herself highly vulnerable to this stuff. I appreciate your slavish attention to the Democrat effort to distract attention from itself and the other perpetrators here. However, I reject your efforts as mere weak evasions of obvious facts..
0 Replies
cicerone imposter
Sun 11 Dec, 2016 05:50 pm
In this country, we don't throw an opponent candidate for any political position in jail.

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