monitoring Trump and relevant contemporary events

Sun 11 Dec, 2016 02:52 pm
They repeatedly suggest they are smarter and better informed than the rest of us, while the unfolding facts, and the inept, shallow and often stupid rationalizations they continue to issue for them reveal exactly the opposite. It is all sadly comic.
Yet the majority voted for Hillary no? Are you calling everyone who didnt fall for the Trumpian manipulation of truth delusional?

I think, in reality, you partisan GOPers needa win so bad that you were willing to discount and ignore all that you know of Trumps unfamiliarity with truth, his narcissism, his sociopathic tendencies, not to mention his abysmal ignorance and ADD impulsiveness-and, (dare I say) his known criminal
Im amazed at how all you who were ,in the months leading up to the election , willing to "hold your nose and vote for Hillary because you did NOT Trust Trump with the "football"

You guy are rather like toadies to the "Lonesome Rods" character, not the folks I respected in MAy and June 2016 who were willing to fight for Bernie or accept Hillary just so this guy wouldnt ascend to the White House.

A majority of the voters who voted DID NOT voteforTrump. Mr Trump hqd announced that he would win the Popular vote too if there werent so much voter fraud, YET, hes unwilling to support the recount to ,perhaps, prove his point?

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Sun 11 Dec, 2016 02:56 pm
farmerman wrote:

Trump is a liar because he recognizes the untruth and still uses it to manipulate us . Hes a serial liar because he does it to us continuously.

Is there anyone elese on the contemporary political scene who might fit your implied definition here? Perhaps a better question is who doesn't fit it?
Sun 11 Dec, 2016 03:00 pm
Workers get their share of the money the businessman generates, they get paid what they are worth. The employee can get a better paying job, ask for a raise at the current job, or add another stream of income if they don't have enough. The best workers apply a good business person's business plan to their own lives by cutting personal cost, smart workers get the most out of the money they earn.
Sun 11 Dec, 2016 03:01 pm
Krampus and a deep dive into the christian mind. Take a look at these illustrations I just bumped into:


These two illustrations are very typical of how Krampus or Satan were portrayed in Victorian and earlier European art (though the first obviously contemporary). Two things to notice.

1) he/it is a Jew. Look at the face and the nose.

2) he/it is portrayed as an animal, that is, a highly sexualized animal

The first needs no further explanation. We get what that's about. The second is an instance of the classic differentiation between animal lust and christian agape/spirtuality. That's a binary split/opposition that remains a deep part of the christian view of the world.

And an interesting contemporary aspect to this is how evangelicals and the more rigid catholics in the US so easily framed Bill Clinton is a lusting animal but commonly refuse to perceive Trump the thrice married to ever younger women, womanizer and pussy grabber in the same manner.

Sun 11 Dec, 2016 03:04 pm
Absolutely. Yay capitalism
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reasoning logic
Sun 11 Dec, 2016 03:05 pm
[/quote]Too bad that you are just as ignorant as they are, and suck this disinformation up like a baby at his Mama's tit.

Hint: Trump is NOT a corporation that he happens to own some stock in. A coporation is its own entity. Trump is not a corporation, and no corporation is Trump.

How much stock do you think Trump was holding Why did he have to sale his yacht and airline??

Just fess up, cheese-eater. Your claim was FALSE.

Do you think it may be possible that your claims were constructed using confirmation biases?
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Sun 11 Dec, 2016 03:05 pm
Not to the extent as he does. He seems to have absolutely NO RESPECT for truth. Are you not feeling just a wee bit manipulated by his "birther story"??

Hes a liar on public media and then he tries to deny it with yet another lie. That's the ADD impulsiveness side of him.
Sun 11 Dec, 2016 03:06 pm
blatham wrote:

1) he/it is a Jew. Look at the face and the nose.

Really? He/it, eh? A Jew? Ya sure?
0 Replies
Sun 11 Dec, 2016 03:19 pm
I always kinda wondered how and why it became commie doctrine to hate, demonize, and murder jews. Turns out that it all started out with Karl Marx himself, it seems.

“Let us not look for the secret of the Jew in his religion, but let us look for the secret of his religion in the real Jew. What is the secular basis of Judaism? Practical need, self-interest. What is the worldly religion of the Jew? Huckstering. What is his worldly God? Money.” (Karl Marx)

Blathy would probably make a good "police dog" for the commies. He can spot one on sight, and probably "smell" them from a block away, too, I betcha.
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cicerone imposter
Sun 11 Dec, 2016 03:20 pm
This is only one of many articles that calls Trump a pathological liar.
I agree with all of them.

This is the same guy who pushed the Obama birther issue for five years.
Those who fail to see Trump's many failings must be blind or just plain stupid.

I don't have any respect for Trump for his history of racial bigotry.

White supremacists and the KKK love him.
Sun 11 Dec, 2016 03:40 pm
@cicerone imposter,
You lie!
cicerone imposter
Sun 11 Dec, 2016 03:43 pm
Get some real education, bubba.
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Sun 11 Dec, 2016 03:43 pm
Merry Christmas One and All!!

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Sun 11 Dec, 2016 03:56 pm
blatham wrote:

Krampus and a deep dive into the christian mind. Take a look at these

These two illustrations are very typical of how Krampus or Satan were portrayed in Victorian and earlier European art (though the first obviously contemporary). Two things to notice.

1) he/it is a Jew. Look at the face and the nose.

2) he/it is portrayed as an animal, that is, a highly sexualized animal

The first needs no further explanation. We get what that's about. The second is an instance of the classic differentiation between animal lust and christian agape/spirtuality. That's a binary split/opposition that remains a deep part of the christian view of the world.

And an interesting contemporary aspect to this is how evangelicals and the more rigid catholics in the US so easily framed Bill Clinton is a lusting animal but commonly refuse to perceive Trump the thrice married to ever younger women, womanizer and pussy grabber in the same manner.

It is difficult to even begin to note Blatham's errors, lack of historical accuracy, unfounded insinuations and tortured false analogies here.

The illustrations are not "typical pf Victorian and European Art". Indeed at least one appears to be a contemporary creation. This is simple uninformed ignorance. What any relic of European Victorian culture (however inaccurately portrayed) may have to do with contemporary U.S. politics is unstated. This appears to be mere lunatic fantasy.

Blatham appears to believe he has achieved a significant insight in seeing an illustration of the Christian contrast between lust and selfishness and charity and spirituality, or his truly offensive implication that there is something (which he hasn't taken the trouble to specify) wrong with that . (Despite that he does manage to force yet another pretentious word , "agape" , into his text. This is but a rather tortuned contrivance for the political point that follows- probabaly the central theme of this page long piece of ****.

It appears that Christians in America who may have faulted Bill Clinton for his misuses of office and abuse of youthful inexperienced government employees by getting blowjobs from an intern in the White House, and then perjuring himself in a sworn deposition about it, and his previous history of alleged rapes of other women - all accompanyied by organized attacks on his accusers, have somehow failed to see the same behavior in Trump's several marriages to beautiful women and the attractive children they have produced, and his occasional coarse talk.

Then, of course there is the enfolding suggestion of anti semitism and sexuality, all,in some unstated way, connected to his ill-informed and largely inaccurate depicton of European Victorianisn - an historical phenomenon which has no evident connection to the current political situation in the United States.

Apart from a possible insight to some of the inaccurate and illogical mental procersses which might plague Blatham, this crap has no relevance to the issues on this thread or, for that matter anything in the world except perhaps the strange thoughts of an obsessive person in Western Canada.

Sun 11 Dec, 2016 03:57 pm
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Sun 11 Dec, 2016 03:59 pm
If Trump's Message on Pearl Harbor Shows How He Will Lead as President, America is In for a Great One
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Sun 11 Dec, 2016 04:03 pm
Blickers wrote:

Quote georgeob1:
The fact that an unfriendly nation took selective action to reveal the corruption of a departing Political administration here is certainly an affront but it is not itself a serious national concern.

The fact that Russia, America's traditional enemy since WWII, hacked into various American computers, possibly adulterated the messages and then used them to install the American President of their choice is of no concern? I guess I'm just a traditionalist who thinks the President of the USA should be selected in American voting booths, not the Kremlin.

What's your next post going to be about-proposing St. Vladimir's Day as a national holiday? For America, I mean.

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Sun 11 Dec, 2016 04:39 pm
Nice breakdown from the Journal Snetinel politifact folks on Priebus' claim that Trump son in "electoral landslide" (pssst, he didn't)
his bum is on fire
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Sun 11 Dec, 2016 04:48 pm
@cicerone imposter,
Hillary was a liar too and you know it! We had no candidates that were not liars. Your candidate should be in jail. He who lives in glass house should not throw stones.
Sun 11 Dec, 2016 04:49 pm
Gratifying to see a sane and principled comment like this from a senior editor at National Review (they were, after all, the key folks on the right who did try to convince their party members to refuse to support Trump)
Jay NordlingerVerified account
Be clear: If a foreign intelligence operation had worked to elect the D, not the R, conservatives would talk of nothing else. Rightly.

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