monitoring Trump and relevant contemporary events

cicerone imposter
Sun 11 Dec, 2016 01:07 pm
Yea, thank god for Trump, the ignoramus, racial bigot, declared bankruptcy four times, and doesn't understand free trade. The faculty and students at Wharton disavowed this ignoramus as a graduate of that school for his ignorance concerning human equality and Economics 101.
Sun 11 Dec, 2016 01:13 pm
@cicerone imposter,
cicerone imposter wrote:

Yea, thank god for Trump, the ignoramus, racial bigot, declared bankruptcy four times, and doesn't understand free trade. The faculty and students at Wharton disavowed this ignoramus as a graduate of that school for his ignorance concerning human equality and Economics 101.

Trump has never declared bankruptcy, but otherwise I'm sure you're 100% correct.
Sun 11 Dec, 2016 01:46 pm
well heres one thing hes stuck to. I was listening to Weekend Edition and the NYT editor was explaining why he felt that Trump was actually a serial liar. (He used the example of Trumps 6 year insistence that Obama was not a US citizen (By definition in our Constitution). Then he tries to quickly dismiss his previous "beliefs" as if thatll make it go away.

Trump is a liar because he recognizes the untruth and still uses it to manipulate us . Hes a serial liar because he does it to us continuously.

His toadies dont seem to, like he, respect the truth.

Exactly. It's why I earlier described his approach to truth as being precisely the same as a professional wrestling promoter. He knows that what he is saying and presenting is utter bullshit but he also understands it is just what his audience wants to hear. His toadies now get it too or they are part of his audience.
0 Replies
Sun 11 Dec, 2016 01:49 pm
Holy ****, 68 pages in less than a month.

I am a fisher of men. Or as I have it in the King Bernies modernized version of the holy scriptures, a fisher of persons.
Sun 11 Dec, 2016 01:51 pm
I think WikiLeaks had little to no impact on the general election, at least in my opinion. However, to me that seems the least important point. It the simple act itself, not the motivation or even the impact, which is important.

Not sure. Let me think about that a bit.
0 Replies
cicerone imposter
Sun 11 Dec, 2016 01:53 pm
You are wrong.
Sun 11 Dec, 2016 01:55 pm
Quote georgeob1:
The fact that an unfriendly nation took selective action to reveal the corruption of a departing Political administration here is certainly an affront but it is not itself a serious national concern.

The fact that Russia, America's traditional enemy since WWII, hacked into various American computers, possibly adulterated the messages and then used them to install the American President of their choice is of no concern? I guess I'm just a traditionalist who thinks the President of the USA should be selected in American voting booths, not the Kremlin.

What's your next post going to be about-proposing St. Vladimir's Day as a national holiday? For America, I mean.
Sun 11 Dec, 2016 01:59 pm
Kellyanne Conway called the notion of Russian interference in the election to defeat Hillary Clinton and help Donald Trump win the presidency “laughable and ridiculous.”
click here to find jesus
The reason this response from Conway is so compelling as truth has something to do with her high level security clearance permitting her to read that report. Oh, wait...
0 Replies
Sun 11 Dec, 2016 02:02 pm
@cicerone imposter,

Heh, that so? Your so-called "fact checker" aint knowin much about no facts, eh, Al? They say, for example:

Trump has actually filed Chapter 11 six times, four times within two years in the 1990s, once more in 2004 and once more in 2009.

Too bad that you are just as ignorant as they are, and suck this disinformation up like a baby at his Mama's tit.

Hint: Trump is NOT a corporation that he happens to own some stock in. A coporation is its own entity. Trump is not a corporation, and no corporation is Trump.

Did it ever even occur to you that there are NOT four Donald Trumps to file 4 separate bankruptcies in the space of just 2 years? Do you ever actually think about the numerous false assertions that you claim are "fact?"

No need to answer. You already have.
cicerone imposter
Sun 11 Dec, 2016 02:09 pm
Without Trump, those companies would not have existed.
Go back and read these articles.
Sun 11 Dec, 2016 02:13 pm
Trump on why there's no need for him to go to intel briefings
`I’m like a smart person. I don't have to be told the same thing and the same words every single day.'

Right on. After all, he's been at this for years, getting so many briefings, and they're like soooooo boring and like because he already knew more than the generals and China/Taiwan and Shunni and the other Muslim faith group or whatever they are and like do you know how much my fans want to see me and it's my first duty not to let my fans down. And because I'm like a smart person. Pence isn't like a smart person. I mean, are you kidding me.
Sun 11 Dec, 2016 02:17 pm
@cicerone imposter,
cicerone imposter wrote:

Without Trump, those companies would not have existed.
Go back and read these articles.

Just fess up, cheese-eater. Your claim was FALSE.
Sun 11 Dec, 2016 02:17 pm
And do we even want to bring THIS one up?
President-elect Donald Trump is about to inherit the most powerful surveillance apparatus in history. Combining unprecedented technological capabilities with a lax legal regime, his spying powers dwarf anything the notorious FBI director J. Edgar Hoover could have fathomed.
paging Winston Smith - the rat cage is ready for you now
Sun 11 Dec, 2016 02:24 pm
blatham wrote:

Trump on why there's no need for him to go to intel briefings
`I’m like a smart person. I don't have to be told the same thing and the same words every single day.'

Right on. After all, he's been at this for years, getting so many briefings, and they're like soooooo boring and like because he already knew more than the generals and China/Taiwan and Shunni and the other Muslim faith group or whatever they are and like do you know how much my fans want to see me and it's my first duty not to let my fans down. And because I'm like a smart person. Pence isn't like a smart person. I mean, are you kidding me.

This is a bit odd coming as it does on the heels of Obama's spineless and shameful effort to blame his inaction in the face of the widely reported and amply forecast danger presented by ISIS on the intelligence community that somehow failed to "put it on his radar" - that on the heels of explicit warnings in a book published by his former SECDEF oabout three years ago, and his own firing of LtGen Lynch for saying the same thing in testimony before Congress. Blatham hasn't conmmented on that at all.

My opinion is that Trump is foolish to answer such questrions at all, however, even there I must concede that he has surprised me many times with is ability to turn the media.s BS against them often with great effect.
Sun 11 Dec, 2016 02:31 pm
Trump holds that bait so close that they can't resist overreaching, which they invariably do, thereby constantly undermining their own credibility. He doesn't even have to call them liars. They speak for themselves.

Played by Trump, like the chumps they are.
0 Replies
Sun 11 Dec, 2016 02:35 pm
@cicerone imposter,
Trumps a billionaire, not some lifelong politician who never had to deal with actual business decisions . Yes, he played the system. So what? Who's fault is it that the system was set up that way in the first place?

Sun 11 Dec, 2016 02:36 pm
layman wrote:

Right, George. Their real complaint is that the truth was made available to voters. No one has ever denied the authenticity of the hacks.

No outrage like this about the russians when they were "merely" hacking top secrets from Hillary's flimsy-ass private server and reckless handling of emails. Their line was to falsely claim that no foreign agents ever hacked her.

The russians "interfered" with the election because they only exposed Hillary. Of course Hillary's co-conspirators, the main stream media, would NEVER "report" in a one-sided fashion. The media certainly didn't "interfere," did they?

I agree, The Liberal self-delusion and rationalizations evident here are breathtaking. Indeed the odd lack of intellectual curiosity and discretion involved in the implicit suggestions that only DNC and Hillary servers were hacked, and the absence of ANY facts casting doubt on the truth of the released material. are themselves a confirmation of the delusions, denial and, stupidity exhibited by Democrat elites and their servile, credulous followers like Blatham. They repeatedly suggest they are smarter and better informed than the rest of us, while the unfolding facts, and the inept, shallow and often stupid rationalizations they continue to issue for them reveal exactly the opposite. It is all sadly comic.
Sun 11 Dec, 2016 02:38 pm
tony5732 wrote:

Trumps a billionaire, not some lifelong politician who never had to deal with actual business decisions . Yes, he played the system. So what? Who's fault is it that the system was set up that way in the first place?

Yeah, Tony, he was just following the law. Moreover, a Chapter 11 bankruptcy does NOT discharge any debt. It is merely a "reorganization" procedure which affords more time to restructure and pay all debts in full.
0 Replies
Sun 11 Dec, 2016 02:41 pm
Not the business. A good business person is going to make their money regardless. Whether that means getting one person to do twice the work to cut labor costs, using more machines instead of people to get work done, or outsourcing jobs to other countries, a smart business person gets theirs
Sun 11 Dec, 2016 02:48 pm
blatham wrote:

President-elect Donald Trump is about to inherit the most powerful surveillance apparatus in history. Combining unprecedented technological capabilities with a lax legal regime, his spying powers dwarf anything the notorious FBI director J. Edgar Hoover could have fathomed.

Worse yet, Blathy, Trump done set up a nation-wide organization that I have joined. He is compiling an exhaustive "enemies list" and needs assistance in identifying ALL of his enemies for vicious reprisal.

I have sent your name in.

Trump is gunna make Tail-gunner Joe McCarthy look like a commie lap-dog. Adios, cheese-eaters.
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