monitoring Trump and relevant contemporary events

Mon 20 Mar, 2017 10:48 pm
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cicerone imposter
Mon 20 Mar, 2017 11:29 pm
With Trump's approval rating snuggling around 37%, let's hope he's a one termed one. I hope American voters learned their lesson by electing a liar who ended up costing them their health insurance, and their taxes increased to lower the taxes for the wealthy. Our allies in termoil, and not sure about the future of NATO. Russia's take over of Crimea, and possibly other countries. Our past allies are confused about what Trump will do next.
Heck, Americans don't know what he'll do next.
Mon 20 Mar, 2017 11:44 pm
@old europe,
Paraphrasing the word "unusual" by using the word "extraordinary" hardly constitutes a lie.

Who the hell do you think you're shitting, Yurp. You didn't "paraphrase" anything. You weren't composing a quote from memory, you were ostensibly quoting a news article verbatim, by cutting and pasting.

You simply deleted the word "unusual" and replaced it with "extraordinary.'

And yes, it is a lie.

You have repeatedly proven youself to be without a shred of intellectual integrity. Lying sophistry is your trademark.
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Mon 20 Mar, 2017 11:48 pm
Yeah, Trump lost. That's why Hillary in is the White House now, extracting bribes from the entrepreneurs she meets with every day.

Oh, wait....
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Tue 21 Mar, 2017 12:03 am
Jeff Sessions works fast. I saw an FBI "wanted for treason" poster in the Post Office today with Noam Chomsky's ugly-ass face on it, ya know?

It said that Chomsky was last seen in the Cayman Islands, withdrawing the millions in cash he has accumulated by exploiting and abusing the capitalism he hates so much.
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Tue 21 Mar, 2017 12:19 am
@cicerone imposter,
cicerone imposter wrote:
With Trump's approval rating snuggling around 37%, let's hope he's a one termed one.

Trump will serve two full terms as president. And the Republicans will hold the White House for twenty years.
Tue 21 Mar, 2017 12:53 am
Hoping that C.I. he right.....
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Tue 21 Mar, 2017 02:58 am
from the NYT:
GOP Responds to FBI Inquiry by Changing Subject
I noticed during the hearing one congressman, didn't catch the name, repeatedly trying to make the point that "Russians Prefer Democrats to Republicans" and asking really astute questions like who would the Russians have preferred, Reagan or his Democratic opponent? Again and again he tried to make this point, which was really asinine, considering the Trump doesn't represent that old Cold War Republican Party at all. Total idiot.
Tue 21 Mar, 2017 03:39 am
Why oops?

Be patient.
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Tue 21 Mar, 2017 04:50 am
Well, it was quite normal for the Pharaoh's family members to have great power and influence while at the same time having no ethical constraints. So Ivanka's role here has precedent.
Tue 21 Mar, 2017 04:54 am
@cicerone imposter,
With Trump's approval rating snuggling around 37%, let's hope he's a one termed one.

Those dismal approval/disapproval ratings do tell us exactly what the majority of Americans think of the guy. That's a very positive sign.
0 Replies
Tue 21 Mar, 2017 04:59 am
The Christianity of Trump: Can Trump be called a true Christian?

Trump has been hitting the headlines ever since he stood as the candidate to be elected as the next American President. He has been the apple of the eye for the media after he claimed to support the deporting of nearly 11 million undocumented immigrants. Only a man living under a rock would not be aware of Trump and his fondness for these immigrants. Trump’s evangelic Christian supporters favor him stating that the silent majority stands with Trump.

Tue 21 Mar, 2017 05:00 am
GOP Responds to FBI Inquiry by Changing Subject
I noticed during the hearing one congressman, didn't catch the name, repeatedly trying to make the point that "Russians Prefer Democrats to Republicans" and asking really astute questions like who would the Russians have preferred, Reagan or his Democratic opponent? Again and again he tried to make this point, which was really asinine, considering the Trump doesn't represent that old Cold War Republican Party at all. Total idiot.

I'm sure you are already well aware of this but permit me to spell it out.

Three things going on there. First, the "what's important here is the leaking" diversion each of them tried to pretend was the issue. Second, the standard marketing/propaganda ploy of "positioning" - identifying the product you want to sell (Trump) with something very positive (Reagan). Third, they are talking to their base. This is 90% about keeping Trump voters and the conservative base stupid.
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Tue 21 Mar, 2017 05:06 am
That is the most unusual external link brought into this discussion, I have to say.
Tue 21 Mar, 2017 05:18 am
Trump’s Weary Defenders Face Fresh Worries

Mr. Trump’s allies have begun to wonder if his need for self-expression, often on social media, will exceed his instinct for self-preservation, with disastrous results both for the president and for a party whose fate is now tightly tied to his.

“The tweets make it much more difficult for us as we try to build a case against these leakers,” said Representative Peter T. King, a New York Republican who sits on the Intelligence Committee. “We always have to be answering questions about the tweets — it puts us on defense all the time when we could be
building a case for the president.”
I agree with Elizabeth Drew - I don't think Trump wants to be where he is and I think he's getting increasingly unhappy with his situation. What part of his behaviors is just reactive (because of his personality) and what part might be unconsciously self-destructive (to somehow get him out of his unpleasant circumstance) - who the hell knows.

But Dems or Dem supporters will make a serious mistake if they hope that Trump's removal will do the trick for them in terms of policy or even in terms of honesty in governance and civic sanity. His removal, however that happens, will be an improvement, certainly, but the much deeper and more intractable problem is the modern GOP.
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Tue 21 Mar, 2017 05:23 am
Pence is as great a danger to the world as Trump, without the insane tweets.
Tue 21 Mar, 2017 05:24 am
Yesterday's performance by Republicans in the Comey hearings demonstrate as clearly as anything could that they cannot be trusted to do an unbiased and truth-based investigation of the Trump campaign/Russia issues. They will bury what is damaging if they even go so far as to allow means to ferret out the truth.
Tue 21 Mar, 2017 05:29 am
Pence is as great a danger to the world as Trump, without the insane tweets.

My guess, edgar, is that Pence would be less dangerous in terms of international affairs and engagement. He's a creature of the Koch universe which is quite different from how Bannon hopes the US acts internationally. But nationally, yes, I think Pence is more dangerous than Trump.
Tue 21 Mar, 2017 05:33 am
India where for thousands of years people of different culture and religion have been living in unity.

It is not really correct if you follow modern India regarding Muslim and Hindy.
Cultural and also religously there is the cast system, which is not really to live in unity.
There are records of religous violence goint back to the 8th cemtury.
Historical records of religious violence are extensive for medieval India, in the form of corpus written by numerous Muslim historians. Will Durant states that Hindus were historically persecuted during Islamic rule of the Indian subcontinent. The total number of deaths of this period, are usually attributed to the figure by Prof. K.S. Lal, who estimated that between the years 1000 AD and 1500 AD the population of Hindus decreased by 80 million.

Tue 21 Mar, 2017 05:35 am
Americans overwhelmingly believe that global warming is happening, and that carbon emissions should be scaled back. But fewer are sure that the changes will harm them personally. New data released by Yale researchers gives the most detailed view yet of public opinion on global warming.
Some good graphs and demographic info here though some of it is depressing. For example,
Just 33 percent of Americans surveyed said they discuss global warming at least occasionally with friends and family – and 31 percent said they never do.
Rather obviously, we humans might be just too ******* stupid to solve this.
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