monitoring Trump and relevant contemporary events

old europe
Mon 20 Mar, 2017 01:06 pm
NYT leading with the headline about the investigation on Trump's Russia ties:

F.B.I. Is Investigating Trump’s Russia Ties, Comey Confirms

The F.B.I. director, James B. Comey, took the extraordinary step on Monday of announcing that the F.B.I. is investigating whether members of President Trump’s campaign colluded with Russia to influence the 2016 election.

Mr. Comey’s remarks before the House Intelligence Committee created a treacherous political moment for Mr. Trump, who has insisted that “Russia is fake news” that was cooked up by his political opponents to undermine his presidency. Mr. Comey placed a criminal investigation at the doorstep of the White House and said agents would pursue it “no matter how long that takes.”

Mr. Comey also dismissed Mr. Trump’s claim that he was wiretapped by his predecessor during the campaign, a sensational but unfounded accusation that has served as a distraction in the public debate over Russian election interference.

The New York Times and other news organizations have reported the existence of the investigation into the Trump campaign and its relationship with Russia, but the White House dismissed those reports as politically motivated and rallied political allies to rebut them. Mr. Comey’s testimony on Monday was the first public acknowledgment of the case. The F.B.I. typically discloses its investigations only in the rare circumstances when officials believe it is in the public interest.

“This is one of those circumstances,” Mr. Comey said.


American intelligence agencies concluded in January that the President Vladimir V. Putin of Russia personally ordered a covert effort to hurt Hillary Clinton’s chances and aid Mr. Trump. That included the hacking of political targets including the Democratic National Committee and releasing embarrassing emails through the website WikiLeaks.

Mr. Comey said the F.B.I. was “investigating the nature of any links between individuals associated with the Trump campaign and the Russian government, and whether there was any coordination between the campaign and Russia’s efforts.”


It's going to be interestesting to see how this plays out. Conservatives were arguing that Clinton was unfit to be president, just based on Comey confirming that the FBI was reviewing additional emails pertinent to the case of Hillary Clinton’s email server.

Here we have the same guy publicly acknowledging that the FBI is investigating not just the issue of Russia interfering in the 2016 election, but the Trump campaign actually coordinating with Russia to influence the election - all of that in the face of Trump's straight out denial and claims that any reports about possible Trump campaign ties to the Kremlin were "fake news."
Mon 20 Mar, 2017 01:14 pm
@Walter Hinteler,
Walter Hinteler wrote:

No. You didn't ask the basic knowledge about our constitution (the above is something you learn at school) but you asked about the right of "social services".

I'm rather sure, McG, that you use this 'discussion' to let steam of.
I can understand that because due to the situation as a hardcore 'Trumpist' it's not easy for you in real life.
If it helps - carry on.

Maybe you need to go to an English refresher class?

McGentrix wrote:

What period? You've lost me here Walter. How about this, post the part that says you have a right to social services. I mean like copy and paste the sentence or paragraph.

English would be preferred, but I can probably get through the German if necessary.

What do you suppose I meant with the bolded part of that post Walter? Does it appear that I was asking for you to repeat something you already posted that didn't answer the question?

Mon 20 Mar, 2017 01:16 pm
I liked her name calling : the orange plank, and later in the text, scrotus. I know, I know, I'm just baad.

Also pleased she could appreciate the food and the serving staff.
0 Replies
Mon 20 Mar, 2017 01:18 pm
@old europe,
What's really interesting is that I am listening to the entire thing and nothing of that article is really true.

What IS happening is that they are are not allowed to discuss any investigation whether ongoing or not in an open forum.
Fil Albuquerque
Mon 20 Mar, 2017 01:18 pm
0 Replies
NSFW (view)
Walter Hinteler
Mon 20 Mar, 2017 01:35 pm
McGentrix wrote:
Maybe you need to go to an English refresher class?

I don't think that this id question of how good someone knows English or not (mine was good enough to get a BA from an English university) but how good you understand law. And different law systems.
I'm not going to give you a course in German Constitutional Law and additionally one in German Social law.
So believe it or not: the so-called "Sozialstaatsprinzip" (Social State principle) of Article 20, sentence 1 is not only the basis but the right to get "social services".

Edit: most Constitutions of the States contain references to the right of "social security/services"
0 Replies
Mon 20 Mar, 2017 01:45 pm
Mark Murray‏Verified account
Comey confirms that entities for *both* political parties were hacked in 2016, but only Democratic emails were released/disclosed, he says

That's important.
0 Replies
Mon 20 Mar, 2017 01:45 pm
Finally, in accordance with the decisions of the Constitutional Court, people have a direct claim on the state for the provision of a minimum living income in the form of social aid.

Hmmm, that's interesting. A "direct claim," eh? Other than by printing it, where does the German government get money? Does the government go out and work for a salary which they then owe to the people who don't work, or something?

If you're guaranteed an income, just because you breathe, why should anyone actually work for an income?
old europe
Mon 20 Mar, 2017 02:00 pm
McGentrix wrote:
What's really interesting is that I am listening to the entire thing and nothing of that article is really true.

What exactly does the article say that is not true, McGentrix?

What IS happening is that they are are not allowed to discuss any investigation whether ongoing or not in an open forum.

That's right. They're merely confirming that there is an investigation - something that has been reported before, but not officially confirmed - both into Russia interfering with the 2016 election, and into the Trump campaign coordinating with Russia to influence the election.

In Comey's words:

I have been authorized by the Department of Justice to confirm that the FBI, as part of our counterintelligence mission, is investigating the Russian government's efforts to interfere in the 2016 presidential election and that includes investigating the nature of any links between individuals associated with the Trump campaign and the Russian government and whether there was any coordination between the campaign and Russia's efforts. As with any counterintelligence investigation, this will also include an assessment of whether any crimes were committed.

Are you taking issue with that?
Mon 20 Mar, 2017 02:01 pm
layman wrote:

Finally, in accordance with the decisions of the Constitutional Court, people have a direct claim on the state for the provision of a minimum living income in the form of social aid.

Hmmm, that's interesting. A "direct claim," eh? Other than by printing it, where does the German government get money? Does the government go out and work for a salary which they then owe to the people who don't work, or something?

If you're guaranteed an income, just because you breathe, why should anyone actually work for an income?

Right? No wonder they have so many immigrants. Could you imagine going from a hellhole like Syria and moving to Germany and having a guaranteed living income and unlimited social aid?
Mon 20 Mar, 2017 02:05 pm
I'm heading there myself, Gent! ****, why haven't I heard about this before?

Here's your choice, Layman: You can either

1. Get paid to work, or
2. Get paid not to work.

That's a tough one, sho nuff, but I think Imma go with number 2, ya know?
0 Replies
Mon 20 Mar, 2017 02:09 pm
@old europe,
Read the article posted above and tell me that it says what you've just stated...

Instead, it uses scare tactics and deceit to make it appear far worse than what is actually happening or being said. That's why it's called "Fake News".
Walter Hinteler
Mon 20 Mar, 2017 02:11 pm
McGentrix wrote:
Right? No wonder they have so many immigrants. Could you imagine going from a hellhole like Syria and moving to Germany and having a guaranteed living income and unlimited social aid?
Asylum seekers get support according to the "Asylbewerberleistungsgesetz" (asylum seekers aid law). (135€/month in coupons or partly or conpletely in "real money", depending on state and/or municilality)

Mon 20 Mar, 2017 02:12 pm
McGentrix wrote:
oralloy wrote:
Debra Law wrote:
This is addressed to layman: How many middle-eastern moms, dads, and kids do you want to bomb, maim, murder, and otherwise cause to suffer grave harm/hardship before your thirst for blood is satiated?

Although not addressed to me, I'd like to answer too.
Let's continue until every single person who expressed satisfaction over the 9/11 attacks has had all of their children killed.

2 extremists trying to out-extreme the other.

How was my post extremist?
Mon 20 Mar, 2017 02:13 pm
@Walter Hinteler,

Is that REALLY a word?

I could probably smoke two or three cigarettes in the time it takes to say that.
0 Replies
Mon 20 Mar, 2017 02:14 pm
MontereyJack wrote:
Rasmussen has a well documented Repub bias.

So do the voters. So it all works out in the end and results in accurate polling.
Mon 20 Mar, 2017 02:16 pm
hightor wrote:
“Russia, if you’re listening, I hope you’re able to find the 30,000 emails that are missing.”


Why oops?
old europe
Mon 20 Mar, 2017 02:21 pm
McGentrix wrote:
Read the article posted above and tell me that it says what you've just stated...

Your exact claim was that "nothing of that article is really true." Now you're moving the goal posts to claim that the article is trying "to make it appear far worse than what is actually happening or being said" - which is obviously an entirely different claim.

Of course, you're unable to cite a single example of what you would consider a lie or an exaggeration, and instead resort to broad generalizations and to smearing it as "fake news."

Apparently, your yardstick for calling something "fake" is not whether something is factually true or not - it's merely whether or not you like or dislike the emphasis that's being put on something that is verifiably true.

If you don't like it, it's "fake."
Mon 20 Mar, 2017 02:27 pm
oralloy wrote:

McGentrix wrote:
oralloy wrote:
Debra Law wrote:
This is addressed to layman: How many middle-eastern moms, dads, and kids do you want to bomb, maim, murder, and otherwise cause to suffer grave harm/hardship before your thirst for blood is satiated?

Although not addressed to me, I'd like to answer too.
Let's continue until every single person who expressed satisfaction over the 9/11 attacks has had all of their children killed.

2 extremists trying to out-extreme the other.

How was my post extremist?

Let's continue until every single person who expressed satisfaction over the 9/11 attacks has had all of their children killed.

is something an extremist would say. Expressing satisfaction for something that's happened to your enemy is no reason to have your entire family wiped out. North Korea does that kind of **** to keep people obedient.

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