monitoring Trump and relevant contemporary events

Sun 19 Mar, 2017 09:06 pm
layman wrote:

Good response, Hi. You spent a lot more time responding to that nonsense than could reasonably be expected of any sane person.

You are one of the few posters here who strike me as fairly open-minded, your obvious biases notwithstanding.

By "open minded," I guess I mean respectful of evidence, as opposed to the mere dogmatic repetition of ideological "truths."

Agreed...A little more palatable that most of the hair on 🔥 looney liberals.
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Sun 19 Mar, 2017 09:08 pm
layman wrote:

Blathy wrote:
People will simply starve to death’: Why Trump’s plan to slash U.N. funding could lead to global calamity
The world is facing its “largest humanitarian crisis” since 1945, according to the United Nations.

I despise these people so much. They just do not give a damn.

Ya know, right across the street from me there's a family with 7 children, and I don't think a single one of them wears anything but clothes either bought at a thrift store, of else handed down to them from an older sibling who has outgrown **** bought at a thrift store.

Right next to them is another family just like them, but they only have 6 kids. Next to them is a family with 8 kids. Next to them....well, it's the same damn story, all up and down the hood, ya know?

One time I got to thinkin that maybe I should give some money to one of those families. So I studied on which family it should be.

But, along about that time, I realized that I was out of cigarettes and short on Thunderbird. So much for that idea, eh?

STOP...STOP I can't take any more...I'm about to set my pants.
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Sun 19 Mar, 2017 09:12 pm
layman wrote:

georgeob1 wrote:

those who flood the thread with pasted opinions and even offer reading assignments to others - all with a consistent bias and viewpoint, are not really engaging in a conversation: they are instead attempting to dominate and indoctrinate others while indulging some pedagogical delusions.

Very astute, George.

pedagogical...Ok I gotta look that one up...Ok got it...100% CORRECT!
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Sun 19 Mar, 2017 09:13 pm
glitterbag wrote:

I'm always puzzled that people don't understand the reason the Founders insisted on a separation of Church and State. They did not elevate the State over the Church nor the Church over the State.

They wanted no part of any attempt to replicate anything akin to the Church of England. That said, they were certainly not the fanatical crusaders against religion that the atheists now try to claim they were, either. The relentless campaign to make atheism the official "religion" of the USA that these cynical, self-righteous atheists conduct is hardly what the founding fathers envisioned.
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Sun 19 Mar, 2017 09:16 pm
@cicerone imposter,
cicerone imposter wrote:

Trump is a racial bigot, liar and con. If you research about him, there's plenty out there to fill several books. That's only if you can handle the truth.

Jeesh...Your getting as bad as Cammie with this one trick pony crap...Give it a break. Everyone knows you harbor an irrational hatred of your President.
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Sun 19 Mar, 2017 09:30 pm
I think we are in no danger at all that any church will threaten or endanger our increasingly secular and, in the sense that it increasingly sees its role in nearly every aspect of our lives, totalitarian state. As you imply, real democracy flourishes only with limited government and an active presence of independent civic organizations independent of it.

De Tocqueville's "Democracy in America" is still a very refreshing and good read. He contrasted the then (1836) failed French Revolution with it's American counterpart, finding the distinguishing and sustaining features here to be limited government and an emphasis on local government; the existence of a well developed and widely held sense of civic morality among the people; a general focus on the freedom of individuals, together with active civic organizations independent of government; and finally a variant of English Common Law that emphasized civil litigation and the consequent development, from the ground up, of a body of case law based not so much on theory as on pragmatic reaction to disputes. He contrasted that with the highly authoritarian and top down French Revolution with its largely theoretical emphasis on the Rights of Man and revolutionary rule. It quickly degenerated to Tyranny under Robespierre and then Napoleon.

I'll let Layman speak for the definition of cheese eater, though he has done fairly well in defining it pragmatically in identifying the members of that world. I am most certainly not one. I'm actually a really nice guy.

Sounds like your encounter with the Medical world is continuing. I hope you are doing well and that it is over soon.

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Sun 19 Mar, 2017 09:58 pm
blatham wrote:
this is the last Mayer bit I'll post here. The piece is so rich folks really need to bookmark it and read. It looks very much like Mercer has a level of influence right now about which I had no proper grasp.

The author was interviewed on Charlie Rose a couple days ago. They made an ordinary rich guy spending his own money to support his political views sound like some horrible conspiracy to subvert democracy.

Liberals just can't stand the idea of Free Speech.
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Sun 19 Mar, 2017 09:59 pm
camlok wrote:
Then go read about the genocide the US/UK committed against the people of the Chagos Islands. The gassing of their pet dogs, the forced expulsion of these peaceful people from their lands.

Oh please. There was no genocide.

And those islands are an important military base that allow us to bomb a lot of third-world trash. So you might as well get used to that military base staying exactly where it is.
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Sun 19 Mar, 2017 10:01 pm
@cicerone imposter,
cicerone imposter wrote:
That speaks well of the Nobel committee. You aren't in it.

The reduction of the Nobel Peace Prize to a Leftist temper tantrum actually does NOT speak well of the Nobel committee.
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Sun 19 Mar, 2017 10:02 pm
@Debra Law,
Debra Law wrote:
This is addressed to layman: How many middle-eastern moms, dads, and kids do you want to bomb, maim, murder, and otherwise cause to suffer grave harm/hardship before your thirst for blood is satiated?

Although not addressed to me, I'd like to answer too.

Let's continue until every single person who expressed satisfaction over the 9/11 attacks has had all of their children killed.
Sun 19 Mar, 2017 10:28 pm
camlok wrote:
Hey, layman, how come you haven't discussed about the USA stealing a nation, gassing the islanders' dogs?

The people of the Chagos Islands look a lot like your picture. Would you like it if that had happened to your family?

American TV is full of feel good programs about all manner of animal being saved from vicious people who would do harm to dogs, etc.

That military base is highly useful in the bombardment of third-world trash. We aren't going to stop using it. Deal with it.
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Sun 19 Mar, 2017 10:29 pm
blatham wrote:
The notion that "private enterprise does everything better" is an ideological certainty for some. I'm not included in that "some". One of the most disturbing things I've ever seen was that video from Iraq, taken out the back of a mercenary SUV where the hired goons were shooting at innocents in a car behind them - for fun.

I'm not aware of that video, but I suspect that you are mischaracterizing it.

I do remember a video that the liberals threw a tantrum over because a pilot expressed satisfaction over a job well done after dropping a laser-guided bomb on a bunch of terrorists.

For some reason liberals always side with terrorists against Americans.
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Sun 19 Mar, 2017 10:30 pm
blatham wrote:
I despise these people so much.

Liberals are filled with hate.
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Sun 19 Mar, 2017 10:31 pm
layman wrote:
Steve Bannon ROCKS!

It is indeed comforting to have a proper visionary advising our President.
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Sun 19 Mar, 2017 10:32 pm
layman wrote:
Why is that? Why is it that cheese-eaters always want to hear opinions, but not facts, about the topics they criticize?

Facts are inconvenient to the liberals and their demented ideology.
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Sun 19 Mar, 2017 11:08 pm
hightor wrote:
So when camlok continually raises a subject that no one else wants to discuss, repeatedly filling pages with attempts to get comments or attract attention, and there's already an active thread to discuss that very topic , suggesting that the discussion be moved is authoritarian??? Do I have that right?

Actually between JTT blabbering about 9/11 and Blatham posting links to commentators and shouting "Look everyone! I think what the smart people think!" I find JTT to be the less tedious one.

At least JTT is honestly expressing his own views.

hightor wrote:
And, good god, please — enough of the armchair psychoanalysis and the authoritarian(!) attempts to restrict the re-posting of articles from well-known media sources and journals of opinion. I like to see how the press covers the events of the day — I only wish conservatives made more effort to submit erudite pieces from a conservative point of view instead of just posting tiresome memes, forwarding fake news, and bitching about links.

Of course I may be in error in supposing that erudite sources of the conservative point of view actually exist.

The problem is, these articles are not being advanced as part of any political discussion. They are being posted so someone can pretend he's an intellectual. The posting of these articles is not leading to any sort of reasonable back and forth conversation or hashing out of ideas, nor is it meant to.

So I vote more JTT and less Blatham. At least JTT is expressing his own viewpoint and is willing to have a conversation about it.
Sun 19 Mar, 2017 11:24 pm
I vote 'No more JTT'. I admit to being thoroughly weary of attempts to communicate by way of videos.
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Sun 19 Mar, 2017 11:31 pm


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Sun 19 Mar, 2017 11:33 pm
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