monitoring Trump and relevant contemporary events

Sat 18 Mar, 2017 03:13 pm
Why can't you answer a simple question? Are you calling your brothers, your heroic NYC firemen, liars?

I stood around for about an hour one time, smoking cigarettes and drinking Thunderbird, watching a big-ass super-market burn down. I just kept hearing one explosion after another. I asked one of the firemen about it, and he said it was cans of Coke exploding. Same thing with cans of Raid, lighter fluid, and other **** like that.

Go figure, eh?

I mean, like, who knew that **** can explode when it gets piping hot, I ask ya?
Sat 18 Mar, 2017 03:16 pm
You haven't watched the video.

Why would you call these honorable men liars?
Sat 18 Mar, 2017 03:31 pm
Heh, I'll humor myself by playing along for a minute. Tell me, Cammie, just how does anything these firemen say relate to this wack-ass claim?:

your governments murder firemen and other US citizens just to get support for their illegal invasions?
Sat 18 Mar, 2017 04:00 pm
The government body NIST, was assigned to study the reasons for the collapse of WTCs 1, 2 & 7. WTC7 was a separate study. NIST flat out denied that there were any explosions or explosives at WTC on 9-11-2001.

These two firemen, the one fireman's face, and the other, roughly 118 firemen, say, strongly, that that is a lie. That doesn't even begin to cover the reporters, the eye witnesses, the videos of explosions, ... .

NIST said that WTC7 fell because of normal office fires. A two year study done by the Univ of Alaska Fairbanks has concluded that the chance of NIST's study saying that WTC7 fell due to "normal office fires" has a ZERO chance of being true.

Residues of explosives were found in all WTC dust. Exploding pop cans cannot create molten and vaporized steel columns and beams.
Sat 18 Mar, 2017 04:02 pm
That doesn't even address the question, Cammie.

Nice try, cheese-eater.
Sat 18 Mar, 2017 04:07 pm
Are there any things that are being discussed here that are more relevant contemporary events?

Everything that anyone here says has an oh so clear connection to 911.
0 Replies
Sat 18 Mar, 2017 04:09 pm
That doesn't even address the question, Cammie.

Please do explain, layman.
0 Replies
Sat 18 Mar, 2017 04:09 pm
It's evidently a pet fantasy of his. He has more "convincing evidence" of his strange belief that the collision of the airliners "couldn't" have caused the collapse of the WTC towers. It doesn't pass the laugh test, and he isn't worth the time or effort.

An old rule applies here. "Don't get in a fight with a pig. You both get dirty, but the pig likes it>"
Debra Law
Sat 18 Mar, 2017 04:11 pm
Trump Voter Shocked To Find That Her Meals On Wheels Could Be Cut

Linda Preast has used a wheelchair since she had a stroke two years ago and now relies on Meals on Wheels, a service that provides food to millions of people with disabilities and the elderly. The 56-year-old Georgia resident never envisioned when she voted for President Donald Trump that he’d propose slashing funding for the programs.

“Are you surprised?” CBS News correspondent Michelle Miller asked Preast at her home in Jones County Saturday.

“Yeah,” Preast said. “Because he was told ― I was under the influence that he was going to help us."
. . .

“What would you say to him to convince him not to cut this program?” Miller asked Preast.

“What if it was your momma?” Preast said.

Isn't Trump simply following the teachings of Jesus? Didn't Jesus say: "If they are hungry, cut benefits to programs that feed them. If they are sick, deny them healthcare. If they are strangers, deport them...." (from "bible verse" meme found on facebook). Shocked
Sat 18 Mar, 2017 04:14 pm
It's evidently a pet fantasy of his.

george, george! Right after I finish describing Professor Leroy Hulsey's study, of the Uof A Fairbanks, george says it is "a pet fantasy of his".

He has more "convincing evidence" of his strange belief that the collision of the airliners "couldn't" have caused the collapse of the WTC towers. It doesn't pass the laugh test

I haven't even addressed that aspect, georgeob1.

Why don't you address "the collision of the airliners "couldn't" have caused the collapse of WTC7"?
0 Replies
Sat 18 Mar, 2017 04:17 pm
@Debra Law,
That isn't the only phony bill of goods Americans and the world has been sold, Debra.
0 Replies
Sat 18 Mar, 2017 04:34 pm
He has more "convincing evidence" of his strange belief that the collision of the airliners "couldn't" have caused the collapse of the WTC towers.

Leslie Robertson, the lead structural engineer on the twin towers, WTCs 1 & 2 was asked by a group of Europeans just days before 911 what he had done to make them safe from terrorists. He replied, I built them to take a hit from a fully loaded 707.
0 Replies
Sat 18 Mar, 2017 04:56 pm
Also speaking of fake news, did anything ever come of Blump's 'Mainstream Media Accountability Surveys'? I assumed it was planned that the results would be used to demonstrate an example of a large percentage of people agreeing with the president's claims. What is he waiting for?
0 Replies
Sat 18 Mar, 2017 05:08 pm
I'm surprised Camlok and Layman don't get on. They've got so much in common, neither is capable of feeling positive emotions, and they both love sucking up to demented despots with ridiculous barnets. Camlok loves the taste of Kim Jong Un's chubby cheeks while Layman can't get enough of Agent Orange's saggy arse.

Other than that it's a perfect match.
Debra Law
Sat 18 Mar, 2017 05:19 pm
The Feds Just Rolled Back a Rule Protecting You From Overzealous Student Debt Collectors

Student-debt collectors just regained permission to kick laggard borrowers when they're down.

The U.S. Education Department late Thursday rescinded an Obama-era rule that prohibited student loan guaranty agencies from collecting jumbo fees from defaulted borrowers who quickly resume paying.


The Obama-era rule on collection fees was linked to a court case that started in 2013, in which a borrower sued United Student Aid Funds (USA Funds) for hitting her with a $4,500 charge from a 16% collection fee. She owed $18,000 at the time her loans went into default, but she responded to USA Funds and agreed to a repayment plans.

The Education Department backed the borrower, writing in an amicus brief that guaranty agencies shouldn’t be able to levy collection fees on borrowers who quickly agree to start repaying their loans.


The notice is the first major move on student loan policy that the Education Department has taken since Betsy DeVos started as secretary. Prior to her confirmation, Democrats raised concerns about her financial ties to Performant Recovery, a company that used to have a contract with the department to collect defaulted loans. DeVos had disclosed in her ethics paperwork that her family's investment group had a small stake in a loan to the debt company.

Nice to know Betsy is getting tough on those darn people who borrowed money to pay for college and have a difficult time repaying the debt. College students aren't entitled to any consideration for the hardships they face when it comes to paying for their college education. Who needs a college educated work force anyway? On the other hand, Betsy's collection company is entitled to high fees for the hard work they do in their collection work. Good work, Betsy. [Sarcasm]

Edited to add link to Performant Recovery:


Sat 18 Mar, 2017 05:19 pm
Same thing with cans of Raid, lighter fluid

WTCs 1, 2 and 7 didn't have cans of those materials in it. Those materials cannot make, as the Black fireman relates, "the whole lobby collapse on us".


The same for WTC7. Listen to Barry Jennings [he is an important guy] describe numerous explosions, the massive damage done to WTC7 long before its controlled demolition.

Barry Jennings Interviews (WABC-TV, 2001 / LTW, 2007)

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Sat 18 Mar, 2017 05:21 pm
I'm not at all surprised at the typically offensive Izzy tactics, Izzy.
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Sat 18 Mar, 2017 05:28 pm
@Debra Law,
There is a common theme here.. I'll give you a hint: it's the opposite of populism
0 Replies
Sat 18 Mar, 2017 05:37 pm
I know I've said this before, but I have to say it again so I won't be mindlessly categorized by people who should know better (i.e., "Oh, my, if you don't like Donald Trump, you must be a liberal Democrat!") I happen to be pro-life, and I have conservative views regarding the family unit. But I'm not a Republican either, and I will never become one because of the presence of evil characters such as Robert Mercer -- who was born too late in the wrong country. In my humble opinion, he would have been quite content to live in Nazi Germany. Indeed, the Republican Party should be renamed the "White People's Party." It's full of white racists and other negative characters. The Koch brothers, by the way, are sons of one of the founders of the John Birch Society. They make someone like Bob Dole, whom I have admired, look like a liberal. I'm afraid they're going to dominate this country for decades because the Democrats lost touch with reality on a number of issues a long time ago. (Hey, if we're lucky, this country might end up with a Klansman or two sitting on the Supreme Court -- courtesy of Trumpism and all the conservatives who have prostituted themselves in order to save their political skin. For example, Senator Cruz comes readily to mind. He seems to have lost his manhood since the Republican convention.) It doesn't do any good to oppose a political leader unless someone is fit to take his place. I would have to violate my conscience to support either party.

Thanks, blatham, for the link although it's a hard read -- "hard" in the sense of being utterly repellent and alarming. In the 1960s and '70s, I thought American white racism was being relegated to the dustbin of history. I was wrong, completely wrong. We're even experiencing a revival of antisemitism! Next to no one learns from history. I give up.
Debra Law
Sat 18 Mar, 2017 05:42 pm
@Debra Law,
Debra Law wrote:

The Feds Just Rolled Back a Rule Protecting You From Overzealous Student Debt Collectors

Student-debt collectors just regained permission to kick laggard borrowers when they're down.

The U.S. Education Department late Thursday rescinded an Obama-era rule that prohibited student loan guaranty agencies from collecting jumbo fees from defaulted borrowers who quickly resume paying.


The Obama-era rule on collection fees was linked to a court case that started in 2013, in which a borrower sued United Student Aid Funds (USA Funds) for hitting her with a $4,500 charge from a 16% collection fee. She owed $18,000 at the time her loans went into default, but she responded to USA Funds and agreed to a repayment plans.

The Education Department backed the borrower, writing in an amicus brief that guaranty agencies shouldn’t be able to levy collection fees on borrowers who quickly agree to start repaying their loans.


The notice is the first major move on student loan policy that the Education Department has taken since Betsy DeVos started as secretary. Prior to her confirmation, Democrats raised concerns about her financial ties to Performant Recovery, a company that used to have a contract with the department to collect defaulted loans. DeVos had disclosed in her ethics paperwork that her family's investment group had a small stake in a loan to the debt company.

Nice to know Betsy is getting tough on those darn people who borrowed money to pay for college and have a difficult time repaying the debt. College students aren't entitled to any consideration for the hardships they face when it comes to paying for their college education. Who needs a college educated work force anyway? On the other hand, Betsy's collection company is entitled to high fees for the hard work they do in their collection work. Good work, Betsy. [Sarcasm]

Edited to add link to Performant Recovery:


Here's a link to earlier article about Betsy's ties to Performant (and other companies that do business with the Dept. of Education):

Betsy DeVos Ethics Report Reveals Ties to Student Debt Collection Firm

Student loan debt in America recently topped $1.3 trillion and continues to grow. The average Class of 2016 graduate has $37,172 in student loan debt, up six percent from last year.

This staggering debt is a big problem for students, parents and society as a whole. Student loan payments are surpassing groceries as the biggest monthly expense for many households. The crisis prompted Sen. Bernie Sanders to propose a bold solution, free education at public institutions, while on the campaign trail.

While many economists and policymakers see a looming disaster, Betsy DeVos apparently sees an opportunity to cash in.

In a Office of Government Ethics report that was completed January 20, DeVos agreed to divest from a long list of companies that pose a conflict of interest. On the list, are a number of firms that have found ways to profit off of public education. Among them is LMF WF Portfolio, a company which helped finance a $147 million loan to a debt collection agency that does business with the Department of Education, called Performant Financial Co.

Performant recently lost out on a U.S. Department of Education contract and is appealing the decision with the Government Accountability Office. Performant desperately needs that contract because it represents 24 percent of its business, according to the company's SEC report, and its stock is tanking to $2 a share. If confirmed as Secretary, DeVos would be in a position to influence the awarding of these contracts and would have oversight responsibility for private debt collectors working for the government, explains the Washington Post.

And Performant clearly needs oversight.

Performant racked up 346 complaints with the Better Business Bureau. The company is accused of applying wage garnishments for debt already paid, calling debtors at work, calling family members of debtors at work, and other inappropriate and potentially illegal behavior. One consumer complaint posted online says Performant repeatedly pestered a 90 year old World War II vet for a nonexistent student loan with Wells Fargo.

The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, the financial watchdog agency that Senator Warren helped to create during the financial crisis of 2009, also has numerous complaints against the company registered in its public database.

A student in Massachusetts filed a complaint with the CFPB against Performant for its continued attempts to collect debt that was already paid.

A student in Georgia filed a complaint against Performant for using "obscene/profane/abusive language".

A student in South Carolina filed a complaint with the CFPB because Performant attempted to collect the wrong amount.

A Connecticut student filed a complaint against Performant for "continued attempts to collect debt" that was not theirs.

A student in Illinois filed a complaint against Performant because they did not receive a right to dispute notice.

After receiving a flood of complaints about abusive collection practices (the most common complaint is that consumers are dogged for debt they do not owe), CFPB is considering further regulating the debt collection industry and proposed new rules in 2016.

DeVos has agreed to divest herself from these companies and a list of others profiting from providing education-related services, such as KinderCare Education associated with junk-bond king Michael Milken, but her financial ties to these firms illustrate how motivated she is to monetize a public education system that most Americans consider a public trust. Other education-related firms on the list include, T2 Systems, Varsity News Network, N2Y LLC, Caldwell and Gregory, Inc., Flip Learning and more.

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