monitoring Trump and relevant contemporary events

Sat 18 Mar, 2017 01:35 pm
I think that you might want to do a wee bit of research on that one, hightor.

I suggest you do some research yourself, Mr. Know-it-all. It's common knowledge.
Prohibition lasted from 1919 to 1933. One of the stumbling blocks advocates of Prohibition faced before 1913 was that the federal government was heavily dependent on taxes on alcohol. The passage of the income tax constitutional amendment that year allowed government the luxury of banning alcohol without reducing tax revenue.

Sat 18 Mar, 2017 01:35 pm
What's ignorant about it? Trump merely says: "the United States must be paid more for the powerful, and very expensive, defense it provides to Germany!"

He's gunna start making them leeching suckers pay for services provided, that's all.

If they don't like it, they can kiss Trump's ass.

As his critic himself notes: "All NATO countries, including Germany, have committed to spend 2% of GDP on defense by 2024. So far 5 of 28 NATO countries do."

Guess who aint one of the 5, eh? The Krauts, that's who.
cicerone imposter
Sat 18 Mar, 2017 01:39 pm
I'm more concerned about our current president; a liar, scammer, con and narcissist. GW Bush is spilled milk; it's the past.
Sat 18 Mar, 2017 01:44 pm
well, "un-American".

Of course you would agree with that, george, but let me point out that those problems, and all the decades of hand wringing and bitching and moaning are decidedly "American".

There is nothing "un-American" about it. It is nonsensical. The problem is made in America, argued in America, always has been and always will be.

Your "more perfect union" is a joke, always has been and, unless there are some real, substantial changes, it always will be a joke.

You "citizens", supposedly an important, integral part of this "more perfect union" can't even stop your governments from murdering innocents and illegally invading sovereign nations.
0 Replies
Sat 18 Mar, 2017 01:48 pm
@cicerone imposter,
GW Bush is spilled milk; it's the past.

War crimes have no end, until the war criminals die. For dog sakes, Cicerone, they are prosecuting men in their 90s for war crimes.

Why would you think it a good thing to protect all the USA war criminals?
0 Replies
Debra Law
Sat 18 Mar, 2017 01:48 pm
blatham wrote:

Both the Republican and Democratic Parties are bought. The Democrats pretend to care ... that's the only difference. When the Democrats were in power and could have passed universal healthcare for all of us ... they sold us out to health insurance companies, (among other nefarious things the Dems have done). We must resist the corruption and reform our government.

I think this is too undiscerning of differences - differences which are acutely apparent with a Trump/Pence administration in place and with control of both houses in GOP hands. The policies we are seeing advanced now (gutting the EPA, attacks on social welfare programs, attempts to destroy the ACA, further attacks on voting rights, etc) would not have been forwarded under a Dem administration.

That said, the role of money in elections and the broad use of gerrymandering really need to be curtailed because we know the consequences of both to a functioning democracy.

Ah, but we don't have a Dem administration ... according to Pelosi, because it wasn't the Dem's turn to be in power ...

But really, why don't we have a Dem administration? Because it appears the Dems orchestrated a loss .... they chose Hillary to be the nominee knowing that we HATED her! For crying out loud, Donald Trump (the orange narcissistic lying racist womanizing asshole with the vocabulary and mentality of tantrum-prone 2 year old) was more popular than Hillary Clinton. Furthermore, Obama betrayed progressive values with his war-mongering and stupid "affordable" healthcare act, among many other things. The Dems lost their supporters for substantial reasons.

The Dems and the Repubs serve the same masters (the rich bastards who love profits and tons of taxpayer & government-borrowed money shoved down blackholes through endless war--they don't care about the grave harm they cause to people and our planet) .... neither party serves the people.

You can't convince me that Dems are somehow better than Repubs.
0 Replies
Sat 18 Mar, 2017 01:49 pm
From the failing NY Slimes:

Mr. Trump may have been referring to the fact that Germany, like most NATO countries, falls short of the alliance’s guideline that each member should allocate 2 percent of its gross domestic product to military spending, but that money is not intended to be paid to NATO or to the United States. [NATO's] direct funding is calculated through a formula and paid by each of the 28 nations that are members.

American presidents have long pressed for their NATO partners to commit more financing and other resources, but Mr. Trump and Jim Mattis, the defense secretary, have gone a step further, suggesting that the United States might reduce its contribution if other countries do not increase theirs.

At the White House on Friday, Ms. Merkel said that Germany would meet its previously stated goal of increasing its military spending to 2 percent of its G.D.P. by 2024.

Mr. Trump said on Friday that he had thanked Ms. Merkel for that commitment, but hinted that he was impatient over whether Germany and other countries would “pay what they owe."

Sat 18 Mar, 2017 01:49 pm
Just checking to see that you are listening. Smile Hi, georgeob1.

I stand corrected.
0 Replies
Debra Law
Sat 18 Mar, 2017 01:51 pm
camlok wrote:

layman wrote:
I don't see Debbie complaining about the atrocities of ISIS, ya know?

Se the post above this last one of yours.

This is addressed to layman: How many middle-eastern moms, dads, and kids do you want to bomb, maim, murder, and otherwise cause to suffer grave harm/hardship before your thirst for blood is satiated?
Sat 18 Mar, 2017 01:53 pm
Hey, layman, how come you haven't discussed about the USA stealing a nation, gassing the islanders' dogs?

The people of the Chagos Islands look a lot like your picture. Would you like it if that had happened to your family?

American TV is full of feel good programs about all manner of animal being saved from vicious people who would do harm to dogs, etc.
Sat 18 Mar, 2017 01:58 pm
@Debra Law,
This is addressed to layman: How many f'ing middle-eastern moms, dads, and kids do you want to bomb, maim, murder, and otherwise cause to suffer grave harm/hardship before your thirst for blood is satiated?

Heh, a question framed by a prototypical cheese-eater, eh?

You got it wrong, Hunnychile. It's ISIS who is beheading middle-eastern moms, dads, and kids (babies, even), not us.
Sat 18 Mar, 2017 01:59 pm
Hey, layman, how come you haven't discussed about the USA stealing a nation, gassing the islanders' dogs?

Why should I? I don't give a rat's ass.

America First, Baby!
Sat 18 Mar, 2017 02:05 pm
American TV is full of feel good programs about all manner of animal being saved from vicious people who would do harm to dogs, etc.

American "feel good" programs are full of ****. Dogs can be vicious critters. I've had occasion to smoke quite a few of them dangerous animals in my day.

Seems like most every time I bust into someone's crib when they aint there, there's some snarling mutt in there trying to give me trouble, ya know?
Sat 18 Mar, 2017 02:09 pm

camlok: Hey, layman, how come you haven't discussed about the USA stealing a nation, gassing the islanders' dogs?

Why should I? I don't give a rat's ass.

America First, Baby!

Well, that certainly eliminates you from the house of truth, honesty and veracity.

Hold the phone here! Are you saying that you also don't care that your governments murder firemen and other US citizens just to get support for their illegal invasions?

Wait, let me go back and include your quote for posterity.
Sat 18 Mar, 2017 02:11 pm
Seems like most every time I bust into someone's crib when they aint there, there's some mutt in there trying to give me trouble, ya know?

I sure know now. Thanks for your "honesty".
0 Replies
Sat 18 Mar, 2017 02:11 pm
Hold the phone here! Are you saying that you also don't care that your governments murder firemen and other US citizens just to get support for their illegal invasions?

With you, it always comes back to your wack-ass 9/11 conspiracy theories, don't it?
Sat 18 Mar, 2017 02:20 pm
That look on her face is EVERYTHING!!!!! Razz

Sat 18 Mar, 2017 02:21 pm
With you, it always comes back to your wack-ass 9/11 conspiracy theories, don't it?

Don't you have any respect for the over 100 New York City firemen who testified to secondary explosionS, many of them that occurred in the WTC lobby after the plane hit.

Here are two of those firemen, one looks like he could be your brother [is he a wacko liar?] describing multiple explosions as they were in WTC1 lobby. Why is the blonde guy's face all bloody? Why is his nose so bruised? Listen to their description and you will understand why.

It's only 1 minute and 50 seconds of your life for you to discover the truth that will set you free.

Firemen Explosion Testimony


Don't you have any respect for the New York City citizens, WTC employees, who testified about the explosions in WTC1 basement floors BEFORE the plane hit WTC1?
Sat 18 Mar, 2017 02:29 pm
I wasn't supposed to tell, but, just for you, Cammie:

When I met Dubya in the basement of one of the WTC towers on 9/11 he thanked me for coming, saying he knew he could count on me.

Then he said: "Looky here, Layman, I've brought a shitload of boxes of C-4 explosives. You take half and go speading them all over the other tower, then get the hell out, fast. They're timed to go off in one hour. I'll do the same in this building."

I said: "Sheeit, Dubya, they're gunna find out we done it, aint they?"

He said: "Hell, naw, my boys have constructed some paper mache airplanes they're gunna fly into these buildings by remote control. Everyone will think that caused it, see?"

I said: "Kay, Dubya, meet you at the bar when we're finished, eh? I expect you to buy the drinks, hear?"
Sat 18 Mar, 2017 02:34 pm
It's ISIS who is beheading middle-eastern moms, dads, and kids (babies, even), not us.

You are hearing a narrative that comes solely from the very people, the USA, who illegally invaded those ME countries and created whatever groups there are now there.

And the "beheading" thing, custom made for US propaganda.

Let's just say beheadings are actually happening as you suggest they are.

Are these beheadings any worse than the beheadings that occurred after US State Department officials provided death lists to the US's newly installed dictator in Indonesia in the middle 1960s? And a carnage ensued that went into the high hundreds of thousands of innocents, Indonesian civilians.

Are these beheadings any worse than the beheadings that occurred in East Timor after the US gave the US's newly installed dictator from Indonesia the go ahead to invade East Timor?
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