monitoring Trump and relevant contemporary events

Wed 15 Mar, 2017 03:02 am
Girl Guides of Canada has cancelled all trips to the United States until further notice because it fears problems at the border.

The announcement comes days before President Donald Trump's new US travel ban comes into effect on Thursday.

In a statement, the group said the "ability of all our members to equally enter this country is currently uncertain".

The suspension includes short trips and all travel through US airports.

The group has also scrapped a planned summer camping trip to California in favour of an alternate destination.

Some Canadian schools have also cancelled trips to the US in the wake of the travel ban, including the Greater Essex County District School Board in south-western Ontario.

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Wed 15 Mar, 2017 03:08 am
Girl Guides???

You see this boys and girls this called deflection...It's like fake news light. Not to be confused with a Molson Light Beer.
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Wed 15 Mar, 2017 03:10 am
It would be simply amazing if [Trump0] were able to [promote and pass single payer]. I would seriously consider him in 2020 if he could manage something like this.

I wouldn't go nearly that far myself but I'd have to alter my opinion of the man.

You would think he'd have a clue that, as things are, he's very likely to go down in history as the most ridiculous doofus who's ever sat in the white house (and equally likely, the most corrupt). This is one way he could alter that. But even if he chose to (and who among his advisers would agree?) the initiative would rip apart the modern party so the pressures on him to not do so would be intense. I don't think he has either the foresight nor the fortitude nor the balls to do it.
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Wed 15 Mar, 2017 03:23 am
Lash wrote:

Didn't she break the law by revealing a person's tax returns without permission?

Uh, yeah, she did it seems:

The Times will likely assert a First Amendment defense... However, there is one provision in federal law that will make this difficult for the newspaper.

Federal law does make it illegal for “any person” to publish an unauthorized tax return:

It shall be unlawful for any person to whom any return or return information (as defined in section 6103(b)) is disclosed in a manner unauthorized by this title thereafter willfully to print or publish in any manner not provided by law any such return or return information. Any violation of this paragraph shall be a felony punishable by a fine in any amount not exceeding $5,000, or imprisonment of not more than 5 years, or both, together with the costs of prosecution


Wed 15 Mar, 2017 03:28 am
I don't offer any help, but I appreciate the stuff you bring to the forum.

Thank you. I'm unbothered by the complaints that arise. If my political ideas matched that of the complainers, their tune would not be as it is.
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Wed 15 Mar, 2017 03:32 am
Good luck on the test results, glitterbag. I'm rather imprudent in this area because I have a similarity to Donald Trump and the ancient Greeks in holding that self-knowledge is likely to be bad news. I'm interested in hearing your idea.
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Wed 15 Mar, 2017 03:33 am
Can you say Corporatocracy?

I can. I have to pronounce the syllables slowly but can manage to do it most of the time.
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Wed 15 Mar, 2017 03:36 am
layman wrote:

Lash wrote:

Didn't she break the law by revealing a person's tax returns without permission?

Uh, yeah, she did it seems:

The Times will likely assert a First Amendment defense... However, there is one provision in federal law that will make this difficult for the newspaper.

Federal law does make it illegal for “any person” to publish an unauthorized tax return:

It shall be unlawful for any person to whom any return or return information (as defined in section 6103(b)) is disclosed in a manner unauthorized by this title thereafter willfully to print or publish in any manner not provided by law any such return or return information. Any violation of this paragraph shall be a felony punishable by a fine in any amount not exceeding $5,000, or imprisonment of not more than 5 years, or both, together with the costs of prosecution


Personally, I find that NBC's attempt to interfere with a presidential election equally illegal. It's a corporate jihad against Trump by an agency pretending to broadcast news.
Wed 15 Mar, 2017 03:36 am
Similarly, from Wapo, who would LOVE to publish Trump's tax returns:

“If someone were to release the returns right now, they might be able to change the outcome of the election,” said Joseph Thorndike, a tax historian and director of the nonpartisan Tax History Project at the Tax Analysts organization. “It’s a very tempting prospect.”

What prevents a curious IRS employee from taking a peek or passing Trump’s return to a reporter? One big obstacle is that leaking confidential tax records is against the law, punishable by a $5,000 fine, up to five years in jail or both.

“The IRS and our employees take our role to protect confidential tax information very seriously,” chief agency spokesman Matthew Leas said, “and we have high standards and tight controls in place for this sensitive data.”

Q. Would a news organization that received the returns get in trouble?

A. Federal law prohibits “any person” from printing, publishing or soliciting tax-return information without the taxpayer’s authorization.

First Amendment experts note that while the media could be prosecuted for publishing Trump’s tax returns...[First Amendment] would not be sure winners, experts said. And members of the media would need to consider risks to their sources in any investigation of who shared Trump’s tax information.

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Wed 15 Mar, 2017 03:48 am
Guess all the hysterical ******* liberal assholes screaming about some imaginary conspiracy must feel like real ******* dipshits...

Well, no actually. So we've seen a 12 year old tax return. Remember, kid, he doesn't fill out his own returns, he's got clever accountants and tax lawyers to make sure all the i's are dotted, the t's crossed. As you would expect.

I'm hoping that after seeing that the world doesn't end when your taxes returns are made public, Trump will go ahead and release more recent ones, especially since the time of his big business deals in Russia. It's the extent of his international ties which has raised unprecedented questions — no other president has ever had so many possible conflicts of interest and full transparency would do a lot to remove an element of illegitimacy from his presidency. We're talking about the Constitution here, folks.
giujohn wrote:
Guess that radical lesbian bitch Rachel Maddow has finally been shown to be what we have always known her to be...A ******* ****.

This is bad, even for you.
Wed 15 Mar, 2017 03:54 am

Personally, I find that NBC's attempt to interfere with a presidential election equally illegal.

Feckin A Man.
0 Replies
Wed 15 Mar, 2017 03:57 am
The law does not require him to release them and it would do NOTHING to reduce the MSM's corporate jihad to delegitimize his presidency.

As for MADDCOW...I calls em as I sees em.
Wed 15 Mar, 2017 04:10 am
This is bad, even for you.

The bigotry is ugly. Not to mention that Maddow is a Rhodes Scholar with a doctorate in philosophy of politics from Oxford.
0 Replies
Wed 15 Mar, 2017 04:12 am
Excellent editorial from the NYT on King and Trumpism. Highly recommended.
The dots have been piling up. There are so many, they are starting to connect themselves. The picture is of a president waging a toxic campaign of ethnocentrism and xenophobia, creating fear that foreign hordes threaten our existence. That campaign emboldens extremists like Mr. King and taints the entire G.O.P.
Wed 15 Mar, 2017 04:19 am
Draining the Swamp news from all over
Another Goldman Sachs executive is being hired for a senior government role in Washington — this time at the Treasury Department.

James Donovan, a longtime Goldman banking and investment management executive, has been named to be the deputy to the Treasury secretary, Steven Mnuchin.
0 Replies
Wed 15 Mar, 2017 04:22 am
with xenophobia being front and centre in the news lately, i've been thinking

maybe it would be best if we all went back where we came from
Wed 15 Mar, 2017 04:26 am
This I did not know
Ms. Maddow, who is enjoying the biggest viewership of her show’s nine-year run
Stephen Colbert's ratings too are best ever. And subscriptions to the Times and the Post are rising as well.

Trumpism apparently is having the effect of reinvigorating civic engagement. That's a fine thing.
0 Replies
Wed 15 Mar, 2017 04:27 am
Well, we'd crowd up Africa pretty quickly.
Wed 15 Mar, 2017 04:30 am
Wed 15 Mar, 2017 04:43 am
How much damage these bastards are going to cause to the environment and the institutions that protect it from predatory corporate interests are not yet clear. Dems really need to take back the House.
For more than a decade, Sen. James M. Inhofe has raged against the scientific consensus that humans are fueling climate change, calling it “the greatest hoax” ever perpetrated on Americans. The Oklahoma Republican has blasted the Environmental Protection Agency as an “activist organization” that has unfairly burdened everyone from farmers to fossil-fuel companies.

Now the man critics once dismissed as a political outlier has an unprecedented opportunity to shape the nation’s energy and ­environmental policies. And he has helped populate the upper ranks of the agency he has derided with several of his closest confidants.

At least half a dozen former aides to Inhofe — and counting — have been hired into top positions at the EPA and the White House. The chief of staff and deputy chief of staff to EPA Administrator Scott Pruitt, a fellow Oklahoman and longtime friend of Inhofe, spent years working for the senator. Pruitt’s senior advisers on air, climate and legal issues are Inhofe alumni. In addition, two former Inhofe aides have become top domestic and international energy and environmental advisers to President Trump.

As I've said before, one can't understand how this has come about without getting familiar with the history and the scope of the Koch brothers' network. And that means getting and reading Mayer's Dark Money.

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