monitoring Trump and relevant contemporary events

Wed 15 Mar, 2017 04:50 am
The law does not require him to release them ...

Who said it did?
...and it would do NOTHING to reduce the MSM's corporate jihad to delegitimize his presidency.

You've got it backwards — the media call for him to release his returns is nothing less than an effort to remove questions of impropriety and thereby legitimize Trump's presidency. Think how proud all the flaggots and conservative spear carriers will be when they can strut around proclaiming how squeaky clean the Glorious Leader is. Come on, Trump — time to call their bluff. You know you've got nothing to hide.
Wed 15 Mar, 2017 04:55 am
Are you familiar with these guys? I just looked at some live performances to see if any of the percussion is handmade but their shows are so overwhelmed by visual special effects that I couldn't determine that. In this piece, the conga sound seemed slightly imperfect (which is my preference).
Wed 15 Mar, 2017 04:58 am

Now down in the Gulf east of Mexico Way
There's something gone wrong, so the papers all say
A Mexican oil well is leaking it's goo
They say it's the worse that things have ever come to
Yes it's gallons of sludge, sixty-million and more
It's cruising and oozing towards many a shore
Yes, things have got bad but they will probably get worse
If you can't drink the oil, oh, you might, you might die of thirst
Because it's oil, it's oil
And it's creeping in the sea
Oil, oil
Don't buy it at the station, you can have it now for free
Just come on down to the shoreline where the water used to be
Wed 15 Mar, 2017 05:01 am
i like a lot of their stuff, i think they're pretty much sample driven, they might use some instrumentation in their studio work, but i'm not sure
Wed 15 Mar, 2017 05:04 am
wiki says this about the track

Marshall Bowden of PopMatters said "It Began in Afrika" is "a kind of electronic exotica where the various percussion (both sampled and real), big cat sounds, and travelogue narrator sample combine to create an ersatz aural safari a la Les Baxter. The polyrhythmic percussion flights (timbales and bongos) are like a cross between a Sanatana concert and the Grateful Dead parking lot.
Wed 15 Mar, 2017 05:11 am
That oil spill song got me thinking. Are there any Amrican folks songs written that celebrate the accumulation of wealth and the corporate despoilment of the environment? Or about the european shopping trips by wives of rich coal mine owners'? Maybe some inspiring words (riding on the chords from a banged up old guitar) about using an ax handle to bash in the heads of union organizers? Folks songs. The music of the people I'm sure Trump has a large collection of such people music being a people guy, a populist sort.

In a similar vein, Keillor has a funny piece up on the big pot of money being sent to the Pentagon and he offers up the idea that they ought to pass some of that along to writers and artists. It could serve the Pentagon well, he argues.
It’s no wonder that wealthy New York real estate heirs shopped around for physicians to diagnose heel spurs to exempt them from the draft. For a century, nobody has written a great work of literature celebrating America’s military — “Slaughterhouse-Five”? “Catch-22”? “The Naked and the Dead”? “The Things They Carried”? I don’t think so. Nobody read “For Whom the Bell Tolls” and went down to the recruiting office to sign up.

It was not always thus. Look at what Homer did for the Greeks with his “Iliad.” It’s an action epic, one hero after another, Agamemnon, Odysseus, Achilles, Ajax — no introspective nonconformist in the ranks, wondering, “Why are we brutalizing each other? Why can’t we sit down and talk through our differences?” Because we are us and they are them, and it’s one for all and all for one, so grab your spear and go puncture those Trojans, son.

What we need to make America great again is American literature about greatness. Look at Leo Tolstoy. He could’ve just written “Peace” but he wrote “War.” too, both of them, glorifying General Mikhail Kutuzov, who engineered the defeat of Napoleon. Spending some of that $54 billion on the arts would be an excellent investment. If they need someone to write an epic poem, here I am, my pen is poised.
0 Replies
Wed 15 Mar, 2017 05:12 am
(both sampled and real)

Thank you! That's what my ears suggested.
Wed 15 Mar, 2017 05:12 am
the media call for him to release his returns is nothing less than an effort to remove questions of impropriety and thereby legitimize Trump's presidency.

Oh pluhleezze... No one believes that the corporate jihad will end with the release of his tax records.

0 Replies
Wed 15 Mar, 2017 05:17 am
Dana Milbank makes a point I keep meaning to note but keep forgetting. Who runs the present CBO, you ask.
Confronted with the task of selling this cruel plan to the public, the administration and its allies are doing what they’ve done before: attempting to deny reality. They’re seeking to discredit the CBO, perhaps hoping people won’t recall that Republicans picked the man who runs it: Keith Hall, a conservative former George W. Bush administration economist .
Doesn't really fit into the "Obama holdovers sabotaging everything!" story.

But read the whole piece as Milbank lays out how the GOP has been and continues to sabotage the ACA.
0 Replies
Wed 15 Mar, 2017 05:21 am
Tillerson shuns all but conservative website on Asia tour

A reporter from a conservative-leaning website is the only media representative accompanying Secretary of State Rex Tillerson on his trip to Asia this week.

The website, the Independent Journal Review, said late Tuesday that IJR reporter Erin McPike is the lone journalist traveling with Tillerson on his tour to Japan, South Korea and China. The State Department confirmed the account. The trip is taking place amid escalating tensions with North Korea.
Such information control might be the norm in the corporate world but in national politics it is Pravda methodology.
0 Replies
Wed 15 Mar, 2017 05:24 am
That's rather funny. I just wrote that post thanking djjd62 for clarifying that some of the percussion in a song was performed rather than sampled and...

somebody down voted it.

Now, there's a rational mind at work.
Wed 15 Mar, 2017 05:29 am
Wed 15 Mar, 2017 05:37 am
Some A2Kers vote down all the posts from some particular poster, as a way to get back at him/her. You must have made a new fan.
Wed 15 Mar, 2017 05:43 am
0 Replies
Wed 15 Mar, 2017 05:45 am
some folks are also really anal about digression

but i see digression as a normal way of communicating, i've never sat with anyone and only talked about one topic without some deviation, you always drift and come back
Wed 15 Mar, 2017 05:46 am
Apparently. I've seen this before, of course, but that example was particularly funny in its lack of ability to make discernments. Sheesh.
Wed 15 Mar, 2017 05:48 am
some folks are also really anal about digression

No kiddin'... :-)
0 Replies
Wed 15 Mar, 2017 05:50 am
re Africa...
I saw Ladysmith Black Mambazo in a lovely smallish venue in Vancouver about 20 years ago. One of the most incredible performances I've ever seen and I've seen a lot.
Wed 15 Mar, 2017 05:53 am
At some point I had questions like "How are you?" voted down... It's not about what is posted, it's about WHO posts it. Some folks focus on the social aspect of A2K -- the disputes, the alliances, etc. -- more than on content.
Wed 15 Mar, 2017 05:54 am
Tucked into the GOP bill to repeal the Affordable Care Act is a multi-pronged effort to limit women's access to reproductive health services, including contraception, abortion, and maternity care. The bill bans women from using government tax credits to purchase any private insurance plan that covers abortion, discourages employers from offering insurance that covers abortion, and cuts more than $200 million dollars from Planned Parenthood over 10 years.
Did I mention I really despise these people.
0 Replies

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