monitoring Trump and relevant contemporary events

Mon 13 Mar, 2017 02:15 pm
Fictional balloons waiting to be popped equals accepting that 9-11 wasn't an inside job, it was Islamic terrorists, 19 of them to be exact... Don't worry, one day you will accept the truth.
Mon 13 Mar, 2017 02:27 pm
There will be lots more on this but the CBO report just came down and apparently says 14 million would lose coverage under House repeal plan in 2018 then another 10 million more in ten years (if I get this right).

So 24 million total. Nearly the population of Canada.

And, I gather, the projections are for "substantial" hikes in premiums for older people.
Mon 13 Mar, 2017 02:37 pm
"You're going to end up with great healthcare for a fraction of the price. And that's going to take place immediately." Donald Trump 2/19/16
Mon 13 Mar, 2017 02:39 pm
or when we get around to it

or never

don't hold your breath

and if you do, definitely don't go to the hospital
Mon 13 Mar, 2017 02:40 pm
"The new plan is good. It's going to be inexpensive. It's going to be much better for the people at the bottom." Donald Trump. 2/18/16
Mon 13 Mar, 2017 02:42 pm
There's no liberty quite so thorough as being dead.
Walter Hinteler
Mon 13 Mar, 2017 02:44 pm
Baldimo wrote:
I understand how US health insurance works, it seems you and Izzy don't.
Neither Izzy wrote anything in his post I responded to about "how US health insurance works" nor did I.
Mon 13 Mar, 2017 02:46 pm
Baldimo wrote:

Fictional balloons waiting to be popped equals accepting that 9-11 wasn't an inside job, it was Islamic terrorists, 19 of them to be exact... Don't worry, one day you will accept the truth.

I so wish this were the final word on the subject. Since it won't be, at least we have a dedicated thread for all the oddball speculations - not that everybody uses it.
Mon 13 Mar, 2017 03:00 pm
@Walter Hinteler,
It's a weird mind set. We see health care as a right, like education. Making people pay for it sets them against each other. It's not a good thing.

That's the difference between Socialism and Fascism, Socialism tries to mitigate against selfish behaviour by trying to make society more equitable whilst Fascism actually celebrates selfishness and actively exploits it. The only people doing well out of this are the fat cat Wall Street insurers. We cut those people out of the picture, and instead of paying them profits the money goes into health care provision.

Sure seems like his comment was about health insurance and how it should work in the US...

You only seem to worry about people using communism correctly but no mention of Izzy's BS fascism claim? I'm disappointed Walter.
Mon 13 Mar, 2017 03:16 pm
You only seem to worry about people using communism correctly

Yeah, Walter, stop holding Baldimo to such high standards! He's American, what do you want?

but no mention of Izzy's BS fascism claim?

Lash has a whole thread on it.
Mon 13 Mar, 2017 03:20 pm
Yeah, Walter, stop holding Baldimo to such high standards! He's American, what do you want?

When you take the power from the hands of the individual and place it in the hands of the govt, that is communism. The US was never meant to work as a socialist or communist govt. Leave the power in the hands of the people, don't take it away and put it in the hands of politicians.
Mon 13 Mar, 2017 03:22 pm
@Walter Hinteler,
I don't need to pay health insurance, I pay taxes. That's enough, I'm not a bloody idiot.
0 Replies
Mon 13 Mar, 2017 03:24 pm
An estimated 14 million more people would lose insurance coverage in 2018 under the new Republican healthcare plan, according to a budget analysis.

The Congressional Budget Office (CBO), a group of budget analysts and economists, released its assessment on the long-awaited Republican bill.

The group said the number of uninsured would jump to 24 million by 2026.

0 Replies
Mon 13 Mar, 2017 03:26 pm
@Walter Hinteler,
His comprehension is the result of an education system which also gave him lousy spelling and poor grammar.
Mon 13 Mar, 2017 03:27 pm
not that everybody uses it.

You and all the other cowards don't use it at all, Roger. I thought debate was the very lifeblood of America and every American. I thought that a flagship newspaper like the NYT would address the issues, however tough, head on.

The NYT is a lot like you folks in that it raised very important questions about 911, crucial questions, "the deepest mystery of all" and then they fled from those same issues. Is that the mark of a newspaper of any caliber?
0 Replies
Mon 13 Mar, 2017 03:37 pm
His comprehension is the result of an education system which also gave him lousy spelling and poor grammar.

Another weak and ineffective argument by Izzy.
Mon 13 Mar, 2017 03:38 pm
When you take the power from the hands of the individual and place it in the hands of the govt, that is communism.

Oh please, Baldimo, think, don't just repeat your grade three civics propaganda.

You have the NSA recording our present conversation, people feeling your junk at the airport, you all came through the US education system, the most indoctrinating system on the planet, the US government tells you when to think and when to ****, it lies its ass off, the US has more Reichstags than Hitler had troops, murdering its own to get you to support its wars. It has laws that protect the rich/Wall Street and screw you over, royally.

M-W: a political philosophy, movement, or regime (as that of the Fascisti) that exalts nation and often race above the individual and that stands for a centralized autocratic government headed by a dictatorial leader, severe economic and social regimentation, and forcible suppression of opposition

Currently, Muslims or people from any country the US wants to invade are your current boogeymen.

Mon 13 Mar, 2017 03:40 pm
Another weak and ineffective argument by Izzy.

He gets that way sometimes, but you ought not to point fingers for you and him share that "quality" big time.

I gave you a thumbs up for effort.
0 Replies
cicerone imposter
Mon 13 Mar, 2017 03:44 pm
Anyone who believes Donald Trump needs their head examined.
0 Replies
Mon 13 Mar, 2017 03:44 pm
Your country invades other nations in a manner that makes the German fascists look like the UN handing out cookies.
0 Replies

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