monitoring Trump and relevant contemporary events

Sat 4 Mar, 2017 03:23 am
saab wrote:
Ignorance is forgivable.
Being completely ignorant and calling it knowledge shows that person is an idiot.

Referring to someone as ignorant because they post facts that you find inconvenient is an indication of a disconnect with reality.

Many liberals have a disconnect with reality.
0 Replies
Sat 4 Mar, 2017 03:30 am
oralloy wrote:

glitterbag wrote:
It's responses like the one above that makes me want to claim Oral isn't an American. It's wince worthy regarding the state of our educational system.

Says the person who can't point out any facts that I am wrong about.

sorry oral, that would take up too many hours of my valuable time, plus i enjoy your natural state.
Sat 4 Mar, 2017 03:33 am
p.s. so does everyone else
0 Replies
Sat 4 Mar, 2017 03:51 am
glitterbag wrote:
sorry oral, that would take up too many hours of my valuable time, plus i enjoy your natural state.

Make up as many whiny excuses as you like. The reality is that you can't point out a single fact that I'm wrong about, and everyone knows it.
0 Replies
Sat 4 Mar, 2017 03:57 am
Snowflake is neither a racial slur nor a negative term for someone's sexuality... it merely means that you're overly sensitive.

Flaggot is neither a racial slur nor a negative term for someone's sexuality — it means that your misguided sense of nationalism and knee jerk pseudo-patriotism makes you a figure of fun! Seems you're the sensitive one! Mr. 212 calls me a "racist, bigoted low brow slack jawed mouth breather" — you might possibly want to take some anger management sessions with a skilled therapist.
0 Replies
Sat 4 Mar, 2017 03:58 am
Please give the names of the people behind the Nobel Peace Prize and please also give facts about their political views. Also point out the same for the people who choose these people.
Walter Hinteler
Sat 4 Mar, 2017 04:17 am
McGentrix wrote:
Was that a popular expression in Germany after June 10, 1940?
I didn't live then - you might know better.
But since I was responding to the remark about the people behind the prize - could well be so, because the Nazis tried to "convince" Carl von Ossietzky not to accept the prize. That was in 1965/1936 though.
0 Replies
Walter Hinteler
Sat 4 Mar, 2017 04:33 am
As an aside:
I've done a few seminars together with a German journalist, Randi Crott. She wrote an interesting book about her parents: "ERZÄHL ES NIEMANDEM! Die Liebe meiner Eltern ("DON’T TELL ANYONE! The Story of my Parent’s Love)
It was only when she was grown up, Randi Crott, the daughter of a German and a Norwegian, learned that she had Jewish roots on her father's side and that her family members were killed in concentration camps. During the period of the Nazi regime, her father was able to conceal his origin and escape his persecution through his service in the armed forces. As a German occupation soldier he met his later wife in Norway in 1942. In 2009, after the death of her father Helmut Crott, who never wanted to talk about the past, Randi Crott, together with her mother Lillian, began to research and record the history of her family.
Easter 1942: the 18-year-old Norwegian girl Lillian and the German soldier Helmut fall in love in Northern Norway. It is a forbidden love because the Germans are hated and the populace is suffering under the occupation. Lillian is also appalled about the crimes of the National Socialists and the Wehrmacht; she must find out from Helmut where he stands. He reveals to her that he is himself Jewish and that he had experienced many horrors and is now very fearful for his Jewish mother. He concealed himself in the Wehrmacht and, hiding his true identity, he lives in fear of being discovered. She must never tell anyone about what he has told her.
Sat 4 Mar, 2017 04:52 am
saab wrote:
Please give the names of the people behind the Nobel Peace Prize and please also give facts about their political views. Also point out the same for the people who choose these people.

Their names I don't know. Their political views: They are Extreme Leftists who hold an overwhelming rage towards anyone who disagrees with Extreme Leftism.
Sat 4 Mar, 2017 05:16 am
President Trump garnered props from many quarters for not acting like a crazy person when he delivered his State of the Union address, but one part of the proceedings sure made my skin crawl: the two minutes of applause for Carryn Owens, widow of William “Ryan” Owens, the Navy SEAL recently killed in action in Yemen.

This culture is so screwed up that we have lost all sense of appropriate behavior and decorum. A situation like that customarily calls for a minute of silence, not a round of applause. Don’t we know that? This is not an award ceremony? Being widowed in such a way is a grave life event, not an accomplishment. Not only have we allowed ourselves to be carried away by emotion, but we don’t even know which emotion to attach to which event anymore. And the one appropriate behavior we seem incapable of is silent solemnity — not surprising in a society beset by the noise of incessant messaging.

Of course the politicos assembled were following the cue of President Trump who clapped the loudest — and right into the podium microphone, too — and wouldn’t let up, until everybody in the chamber appeared to be hostage to his idiotic cheerleading, all in all an interesting demonstration of the madness of crowds.

Speaking of comportment and messaging, what was with those Democratic congresswomen all gotten up in white costumes? The LA Times ventured that the this was the emblematic color for suffragettes back in the day. Maybe the congresswomen haven’t heard, but that battle is over. Many women actually voted in the recent election, some even for these female office-holders. The same paper also suggested they might be emulating the sacred white pants-suit that their fallen heroine, Hillary, wore for the occasion of her demi-apotheosis at the convention last summer. Isn’t dressing alike something generally reserved for junior high school or KKK rallies?
Boos and catcalls rose from the Democratic side of the house chamber when Trump brought up the issue of immigration. Taking a position against the rule-of-law is an argument that the Democratic Party is not likely to win. It seems a cynical ploy to pander to a burgeoning Hispanic voter base, combined with a sentimental crypto-religious belief that any effort to regulate immigration is un-American. In any case, they act like people who are unable to think clearly. Trump can to some degree act independently of congress on the enforcement side of existing law, and apparently he intends to do that. Can his opponents find a position on the issue that is not cynical, sentimental, or hysterical? If not, it may be another factor in the death of the Democratic party.

0 Replies
Walter Hinteler
Sat 4 Mar, 2017 05:23 am
oralloy wrote:
Their names I don't know. Their political views: They are Extreme Leftists who hold an overwhelming rage towards anyone who disagrees with Extreme Leftism.
The members of the Norwegian Nobel Committee represent the political makeup of the Norwegian Parliament.

So you are saying that the parties in the Storting are on the extrem left.
You really should update your education!
Sat 4 Mar, 2017 05:29 am
@Walter Hinteler,
Walter Hinteler wrote:
You really should update your education!

You can't update what isn't there.

oral wrote:
The prize is only awarded in support of liberal extremism.

Some people use oxymorons for poetic effect, others because they've not had much of an education.
0 Replies
Walter Hinteler
Sat 4 Mar, 2017 06:04 am
President Trump accuses his White House predecessor of ‘wire tapping’ his office in Trump Tower last year

Sat 4 Mar, 2017 06:34 am
The GOP is not always going to be playing defense...

0 Replies
Sat 4 Mar, 2017 06:48 am

Donald J. Trump‏ @realDonaldTrump
How low has President Obama gone to tapp my phones during the very sacred election process. This is Nixon/Watergate. Bad (or sick) guy!

I'd bet a good lawyer could make a great case out of the fact that President Obama was tapping my phones in October, just prior to Election!

Is it legal for a sitting President to be "wire tapping" a race for president prior to an election? Turned down by court earlier. A NEW LOW!

Donald J. Trump‏Verifizierter Account @realDonaldTrump 6 Min.Vor 6 Minuten

How low has President Obama gone to tapp my phones during the very sacred election process. This is Nixon/Watergate. Bad (or sick) guy!
2.301 Antworten 1.825 Retweets 4.883 Gefällt mir

Re: President Trump on a twitter rampage
He's accusing President Obama of some serious **** here.

Terrible! Just found out that Obama had my "wires tapped" in Trump Tower just before the victory. Nothing found. This is McCarthyism!

Re: President Trump on a twitter rampage
Sounds to me like he's pissed.

AND he wants this news out there - and he knows that unless he puts it out HIMSELF, the MSM never will

There needs to be several investigations. Most going back to Obozo. I would like to see Hoder and gun runner, Hitlery and Benghazi, Hitlery and her server, and Obozo's use of EO's to circumvent the US constitution as a start.

All the so called Americans who put Obama in and are silent now, are, shameful, un-American commie scumbags.

He has Obama going to jail bitches


Normally I view Twitter as a misuse of technology but it appears that DT has found a good use for it.

0 Replies
Sat 4 Mar, 2017 06:58 am
@Finn dAbuzz,
Do you really expect anyone in the White House to want an investigation into this trumped up matter?

I think you're basically correct as you lay out the kabuki dance that normally characterizes these "demands for an investigation". Sometimes the process leads to indictments, other times just embarrassment.

But what is the alternative? Here you have a pattern of suspicious behavior where people at first deny any contact with any Russian. Then there's an admission — accompanied with a denunciation of "leaks" — well, yes, there was contact but it'd been forgotten. Okay. Then we find out there were several contacts made, by several people, several times. The whole thing just looks suspicious.

Why not short circuit the whole process? Big press conference. President steps out, makes a short statement. "The rumors you have heard are true. I had a consensual sexual relationship with an intern, Ms. Lewinsky, and I've had consensual sexual affairs throughout my political career. I apologize to my family, to my supporters, and to the American people and my intention is to seek counseling and treatment for this disorder. I am compiling the money necessary to settle accusations against me from other victims, to be settled out of court. This is decidedly a personal matter and having cleared the air, I expect to be back to the business of running the country tomorrow morning." blah-blah-blah...

But couldn't Trump do this? Come right out and spell out exactly what all the contacts were about? "I am, first and foremost, a deal maker. To make a deal, you must know the parties you will be dealing with and cultivate some sort of personal relationship. I was told by close associates who were familiar with the situation that the Russians were interested in a possible quid pro quo and, given the massive advantages my opponent had, I saw no reason not to open up a dialogue. " blah-blah-blah...

It's the accumulation of incremental tidbits and factoids that gives these scandals real staying power. You'd think by now that politicians and media-savvy moguls of Mr. Trump's stature would recognize the signs and move to head off the impending biopsy. Lay out the full story for everyone to see. Don't let this rip your party apart. Don't undercut your loyal, blind defenders. Just announce exactly what was being discussed and why. Definitely the best policy. You know, unless you really need to hide something.
Sat 4 Mar, 2017 07:05 am
Yeah, full marks for that speech.

What is intrinsically wrong with the US of A and Russia having a fair trade policy?

The opposite may create profit for the war machine, but how long are we willing to give those people a profit motive? They haven't exactly been honest with anyone lately.
Sat 4 Mar, 2017 07:48 am
De-moKKKer-Rats and elements of the deep-state are trying to turn American politics into a game of who can denounce and deny contact with Russians the most vehemently. That is a very stupid business which could lead to a major war. We already have a catastrophic situation in which 57% of our discretionary spending goes towards our military in peace time....
0 Replies
Sat 4 Mar, 2017 07:49 am
What is intrinsically wrong with the US of A and Russia having a fair trade policy?

Nothing, unless you're a de-moKKKer-Rat or a deep-state-connected fat-cat of some sort....
0 Replies
Sat 4 Mar, 2017 08:30 am
State Department Details Human Rights Abuses In Russia

The Russian government perpetrates myriad human rights abuses, including torture, restricting participation in the electoral process, politically motivated arrests, the occupation of Ukraine and discrimination against LGBTI people, according to a new human rights report from the State Department.

(more at the source, which is white house patch.)

Tillerson skips release of annual human rights report


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