monitoring Trump and relevant contemporary events

Sat 4 Mar, 2017 09:07 am
Trump is again employing two of his three most popular and well honed tools

Walter Hinteler
Sat 4 Mar, 2017 09:15 am
Not many countries have a conspiracy-theory president: America first!
Sat 4 Mar, 2017 09:32 am
farmerman wrote:

Trump is again employing two of his three most popular and well honed tools


And what do you call the Democrat's self examination after nationwide defeats in the Federal elections for the Congress and Presidency and in State legislatures and governorships? Looks a lot like denial to me.

The current frenzy over AG Sessions' demanded resignation following a (largely semantical) error in responding to a rather convoluted question from Senator Al Franken in his confirmation hearing is frankly laughable when juxtaposed with the collective DEmocrat denial of any wrongdoing in a clearly preplanned "accidental" meeting of AG Lynch and Bill Clinton as their respective aircraft were "accidently" parked next to each other in a very remote hangar in the Phoeniz airport, just days before the publication of the results of an FBI investigation of his wife's Conduct in office, and the many documented deceptions she made during the investigation. AG Lynch didn't even recuse herself from the decision, though she used the hapless FBI Director as her shill. The brazen distraction, deception and hypocrisy there dwarfs anything related to the group meetings Sessions attended as part of Senate Committee function with a large group of Ambassadors.
Sat 4 Mar, 2017 09:35 am
@Walter Hinteler,
Walter Hinteler wrote:

Not many countries have a conspiracy-theory president: America first!

Oh Walter, we have many predecessors in that area. You are forgetful of history.
Sat 4 Mar, 2017 10:13 am
And what do you call the Democrat's self examination after nationwide defeats in the Federal elections for the Congress and Presidency and in State legislatures and governorships? Looks a lot like denial to me.

I haven't seen any of these Democrats denying that they were defeated. Wound licking, self-reflection, and searching for explanation aren't examples of "denial". In any case, we're talking about one specific individual here, Mr. Trump, not all the people who could be classed as "the Democrats".
in a clearly preplanned "accidental" meeting of AG Lynch and Bill Clinton

Was evidence ever presented that this meeting was actually planned in advance? Seems that wouldn't be difficult to ascertain. As lawyers, and as political figures, don't you think they might have simply gotten in touch over the phone if they were really planning something ethically questionable? Not arguing their case, just wondering...
Sat 4 Mar, 2017 10:18 am
The good news is that the 7'th floor (feral section) of our state department just got shitcanned and shut down...
0 Replies
Sat 4 Mar, 2017 10:42 am
A member of the press was tipped off of the meeting at the Phoenix airport by an evidently disgruntled FBI agent after being directed in advance of the meeting to provide security for the event, which he did - FBI agents provided security around Lynch's aircraft, where the meeting occurred, and prevented the reporter from entering. AG Lynch was on a planned flight, on a government aircraft from Washington to Aspen CO to attend a meeting. Clinton was on a private aircraft ostensibly on a Flight from and event in LA back to NY. Take a look at a map: Phoenix is a long way from both great circle routes. Finally the meeting took place as the two aircraft were parked together in a hanger in a remote section of the rather large airfield. These things don't happen by chance. I have long experience in aviation and saw this very quickly, though the details weren'tinvestigated or reported at great length by the largely sympathetic press.

"Denial" was being used in the context of a well-known hierarchy or sequence of the psychological stages for accepting bad news - it is Denial, anger, guilt and barganing . My use of the term was correct.
Walter Hinteler
Sat 4 Mar, 2017 10:44 am
georgeob1 wrote:
Walter Hinteler wrote:

Not many countries have a conspiracy-theory president: America first!

Oh Walter, we have many predecessors in that area. You are forgetful of history.
Sometimes, I black out contemporary history - but I referred to the current situation and thus used presence in my snetence.
Sat 4 Mar, 2017 10:52 am
A member of the press was tipped off of the meeting at the Phoenix airport by an evidently disgruntled FBI agent after being directed in advance of the meeting to provide security for the event, which he did - FBI agents provided security around Lynch's aircraft, where the meeting occurred, and prevented the reporter from entering.

Okay, thanks. And yeah, it looks fishy. But at some point we have to stop trying to balance everything by asserting moral equivalence. Trump's regime is definitely off to a rocky start.
My use of the term was correct.

Possibly. But it is used so often by Trump's defenders that it just seems like one of those clever talking points made up by some Rove-like media wizard — "We'll say they're in denial! Make 'em look like sore losers!"
Sat 4 Mar, 2017 11:17 am
I generally agree. However I don't see much equivalence, moral or otherwise, between the Lynch/Clinton event and the insubstantial **** being thrown at Sessions - who actually did, with somewhat bemused candor, recuse himself from the campaign issue - something Lynch refused to do, and about which the, ever adabtable Senator Schumer famously said "It doesn't matter" (referring to the airport meeting). The hypocrisy here is stark.

I do believe the Democrats are in a serious bout of denial, and I assure you I take no pleasure in seeing it. We need two political parties seriously engaging each other on issues and working together in governance to create tolerable syntheses of opposing views, and limit the fanatics who inhabit both parties.

We lost that when Obama was elected, and I fear may not recover it soon. Lots of fault to go around, but right now the Democrats are focused on revenge and fault finding, and not on their real responsibilities. Indeed instead of focusing on their real responsibilities in our democratic government they are focusing all their efforts on an effort to undermine our elected government: they're not entirely alone in this stuff, however they appear to be taking it much farther than anything, I at least, have seen before.

There is. in all of this. an underlying idealogical struggle - one interestingly also evident in Europe today. There's not much that is truly new about it - we have seen various versions of it before, particularly in the last century. It is between those who (often sincerely) believe that perfection can be achieved by the proper organization and governance of human behavior (and who usually end up producing only poverty and tyranny) and those who, seeing the imperfections and contradictions in human nature, prefer freedom more.
Sat 4 Mar, 2017 11:32 am
hightor wrote:

Was evidence ever presented that this meeting was actually planned in advance? Seems that wouldn't be difficult to ascertain. As lawyers, and as political figures, don't you think they might have simply gotten in touch over the phone if they were really planning something ethically questionable? Not arguing their case, just wondering...

The one reporter there asserted he was informed of the meeting about five hours before it occurred by an FBI agent in the Phoenix field office who had been tasked to arrange security for it. He was the only reporter there and he reported that FBI agents, present in the hangar, prevented him from boarding Lynch's aircraft where the two were meeting. He also reported the fact that the two aircraft were parked adjacent to each other, apparently in the same hangar. Based on my experience, that tells us a lot about the pre arrangements

Neither party to the meeting (Lynch & Clinton) ever offered any details about the event. ( Although I do recall that, in response to a spontaneous question from another reporter about what was discussed, she said "persoal things and our grandchildren", or words to that effect.
0 Replies
Sat 4 Mar, 2017 11:36 am
@Walter Hinteler,
Walter Hinteler wrote:

georgeob1 wrote:
Walter Hinteler wrote:

Not many countries have a conspiracy-theory president: America first!

Oh Walter, we have many predecessors in that area. You are forgetful of history.
Sometimes, I black out contemporary history - but I referred to the current situation and thus used presence in my snetence.

The word "presence" did not occur in your sentence.

Ever the nit picker - even in your lame excuses.
0 Replies
Sat 4 Mar, 2017 12:02 pm
It is between those who (often sincerely) believe that perfection can be achieved by the proper organization and governance of human behavior (and who usually end up producing only poverty and tyranny) and those who, seeing the imperfections and contradictions in human nature, prefer freedom more.

Yes, this is pretty much the dynamic at work. But we've never achieved anything remotely utopian and I don't believe that the more level-headed adherents of either point of view would claim that their vision has ever been realized. I do believe there are practical problems, due primarily to the complications of scale, which will continue to thwart the successful implementation of either social design. Seven and a half billion people, over 200 independent countries, all striving to exploit whatever resources they control, traditional sources of food and water threatened by climate change, and the unrelenting growth of poverty; what reason is there to believe that long festering problems of this magnitude can actually be solved by the application of some long-championed nostrum more applicable to tribal existence — whether it's "freedom and liberty" or "equality for all"?
Sat 4 Mar, 2017 12:22 pm
@Walter Hinteler,
President Trump accuses his White House predecessor of ‘wire tapping’ his office in Trump Tower last year

Apparently Trump managed to get his tweet phone back from mom and dad.
0 Replies
Sat 4 Mar, 2017 12:26 pm
The Russian government perpetrates myriad human rights abuses, including torture, restricting participation in the electoral process, politically motivated arrests, the occupation of Ukraine and discrimination against LGBTI people, according to a new human rights report from the State Department.

First off, Russia has not invaded or occupied Ukraine. A real Russian invasion of Ukraine would last less than 24 hours, this is what it would look like:

What you DO have is people in the Donbass areas (Новая Россия) who want no part of the Nazi government which Bork Obunga, Soros, HDK, Victoria Nuland et. al. set up in Kiev when they overthrew the legitimate elected government of Ukraine, and then you have Crimea which has NEVER been part of Ukraine at anytime during which Russia and Ukraine were separate countries. Khrushchev put it under Ukrainian control in 1954 as a bureaucratic measure when everybody was part of the CCCP and it didn't matter; plainly after the breakup of the CCCP it DOES matter. Crimeans voted upwards of 90% to break off with the Kiev Nazis and then to rejoin Russia. Only a sub-cretin could call that Russia occupying anything.

The rest of the accusations you mention come from our rogue state department and are thus worthless, particularly the question of how perverts and weirdos are treated in Russia. In fact the deal the P/W community has in Russia is a good one and decidedly better than any deal they have in any muslim country where they are simply killed out of hand, often by being thrown off buildings. They can (in Russia) practice their P/W **** amongst themselves freely and unmolested with no legal consequences; but they may NOT proselytize or recruit in schools, rape/torture people, or operate pizza parlors at which young children were raped, abused, and sacrificed to pagan gods and goddesses in sadistic rituals.


Tillerson skips release of annual human rights report

Tillerson clearly does not have time in his schedule for bullshit.
0 Replies
Sat 4 Mar, 2017 12:29 pm
@Walter Hinteler,

It is interesting that you have had a few seminars with Randi Crott. I had never heard about the book, but a few weeks ago a friend asked me to read at least the last chapters. I have not read the hole book. My friend was doubtful regarding a few things in the book.
I did some research about the book and there are some weak points regarding why the mother could not leave Norway, why she could not get a letter from UK and a few other things. The book is well written, but did not catch my interest.
0 Replies
Sat 4 Mar, 2017 12:31 pm
If you do not know the name of person, do not know which political party they represent and do not know what they do for living how can you then say they are extreme leftists.???????
Personally I would be deeply ashamed of showing such a extreme stupidity.
Sat 4 Mar, 2017 12:32 pm
But couldn't Trump do this? Come right out and spell out exactly what all the contacts were about?

Likewise with his taxes. Why not call for an independent investigation?

One suspects the overwhelming likelihood that there are facts that, if released, would be highly damaging, perhaps even to the level of forced resignation. But there are other aspects to his character that might come into play as well. He clearly feels the need to project dominance and that might be part of the reason he responds as he does to most anything that challenges him - always play the winner/never admit defeat nor error.

If he were to be forthright and truly honest about all this (and if there's nothing in these matters of significance) such a stance would serve him far better electorally and in terms of respect than what he's been doing. His past and present behaviors are doing him great damage so they really don't make sense outside of some perceived need to hide all sorts of stuff.
Sat 4 Mar, 2017 12:54 pm
What's pathetic is the belief on the part of his supporters that this will all just go away. (Is that called "denial"?) Yeah, like Watergate went away. If there's anything to this story it will seep out eventually. I heard John Dean on NPR comparing DT's White House to Nixon's. He believes that as far as authoritarian tendencies go, Dick was a 7. Donald — a 10.
Sat 4 Mar, 2017 12:58 pm
From the BBC.

There is scant evidence supporting these allegations, but charges like these fit a pattern. Mr Trump is at his sharpest when pushing back against perceived antagonists, such as Republican primary opponents like Jeb Bush, establishment conservatives who resisted his nomination or Hillary Clinton in the election.

Now Mr Trump is returning to his favourite political foil - a necessity given the current Democratic power vacuum in Washington. It could mark the beginning of a massive water-muddying effort in which any forthcoming investigatory revelations are swept up in a growing partisan maelstrom.

Alexey Pushkov, the head of the Foreign Affairs Committee in Russia's State Duma (lower house of parliament), accused Mr Obama of being a "wiretapping maniac", listening in to "Merkel, Hollande and half of Europe".


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