monitoring Trump and relevant contemporary events

cicerone imposter
Fri 3 Mar, 2017 01:04 pm
I knew Pence was a hypocrite when he claimed he was a Christian, and yet supported Trump's ban on Muslims.

0 Replies
Fri 3 Mar, 2017 01:24 pm
Let me sum this up for you....

izzythepush wrote:

Some bullshit from england.

Here's some bullshit for you to read because you're a libtard*

*libtard is their word. Id never say that.

Bullshit introduction

Although Mr Pence did use his AOL account for messages about state security and discussions of FBI correspondence, there currently are no allegations he dealt with highly classified information. Mrs Clinton had at least some top secret information on her server.

A whole bunch of bullshit piled high and deep.

Indiana law does not prohibit the use of a private email account.

Conclusionary bullshit


Notice the 2 bold statements and how they demonstrate why Pence is indeed NOT a hypocrite.
Fri 3 Mar, 2017 01:35 pm
Let me sum this up for you. You are incapable of addressing the issues raised by the BBC article so you ridicule it. That's what fascists do.

First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win.

We're at number two, all you have to do now is fight and lose. And you will lose, there's no doubt about that.
0 Replies
Fri 3 Mar, 2017 01:44 pm
This was just in the news in Nettavisen, Norway and in a Danish Paper
There are nomineted 318 people to receice the Nobel Peace prize this year.
1 (one)single American has nominated Trump now two years in a row. Of course Trump has zero chance to get the prize. Just the idea of him getting it.
It would have been a perfect 1st of April joke.
Fri 3 Mar, 2017 01:51 pm
He has won an award.

To the candidate who says he's all about winning, PolitiFact designates the many campaign misstatements of Donald Trump as our 2015 Lie of the Year. When it comes to inaccurate statements, the Donald was on fire

0 Replies
Fri 3 Mar, 2017 02:00 pm
More like a typo.

Since "f" and "l" are nowhere near each other on a qwerty keyboard it wouldn't be a typo. And since I've used the term before, intentionally, as far back as post # 6,362,879 even you should see that it is obviously not a typo.
Those who resort to these type a invectives demonstrate imaturity and a room temperature IQ...

Right. I know you'd never refer to anyone as a "snowflake"!
So I keeping with the coinage of new terms, your name hence forth is Mr. 72.

Doesn't bother me at all, kid. You, on the other hand, might be called "Mr. 212" since you're always boiling mad!
Fri 3 Mar, 2017 03:13 pm
@cicerone imposter,
cicerone imposter wrote:

a room temperature IQ

I like that! LOL

Wow...CI...You do have a sense of humor...There's hope for you yet.
0 Replies
Fri 3 Mar, 2017 03:20 pm
Snowflake is neither a racial slur nor a negative term for someone's sexuality... it merely means that you're overly sensitive. Why don't you just admit that you're a racist, bigoted low brow slack jawed mouth breather and we'll call it a day mr. 72.
Fri 3 Mar, 2017 03:30 pm
In my humble opinion...

Westerners and particularly Christians in the US and other Western nations need to get their heads around the reality represented by Vladimir Putin and by Russia with its present government. A whole lot of water has gone over the dam since the cold war and the CCCP.

I believe Putin is the real thing. I've been waiting a long time to hear any politician with the power to do anything about it say something about protecting Christianity and Christians in this world and, so far, Putin is the only taker:


I am not alone in this assessment. Matt Drudge is referring to Putin as the leader of the free world:


Pat Buchanan believes (as I do) that God is on Putin's side:

"What about Ukraine and Crimea?" some ask?? A little bit of history is necessary to answer that one. Starting from late in the first millennium AD, Slavic farmers invited Vikings (Varangian’s) into what you'd now call Russia and set up the Kievan state which adopted Christianity around 988 AD and the territory controlled by the city of Kiev was the dominant power in Russia prior to the Mongol invasion in 1236. In other words, they'd fought Polovyetsi/Cumins and other nomad tribes to a sort of a standstill which appeared to be a workable state of affairs and then they got run over by a military avalanche and an empire (Genghis Khan's) whose military technology was 300 years ahead of the rest of the world.

Russia spent the next 140 years or so under the "Mongol Yoke" before the princes of Moscow managed to win a huge battle over the Golden Horde at Kulikovo in 1380, only to have the white and golden hordes re-unite a couple of years later and plow Russia under foot again where she would have remained for another century or two; nonetheless shortly thereafter, Tamerlane came through and annihilated the Golden Horde. Unlike the situation with Genghis Khan who had utterly competent heirs, Tamerlane's empire began to crumble shortly after his death in the first few years of the 1400s, leaving much of Russia a sort of a shambles and Southern Russia what was called "wild fields". Jews living in what had been the remains of the Khazar kingdom prior to that time finally had enough and started moving to Poland and Germany and for a period of a century or so until Russia started to get organized again, Poland and Lithuania began to look like serious countries on maps. In those days, the Ukraine was part of Poland and one of the biggest if not THE biggest celebration there ever was in the Ukraine was when Russia took it over in the 1700s.

Likewise in the case of Crimea. The city of Moscow featured the most paranoid design for a city in the history of the world, basically a system of concentric rings, each more difficult to break into than the last. That is because up to a very late date, Crimean Tatars, remnants of the Golden Horde, used to ride into the city as far as they could get, capture children and stuff them into baskets on their horses and ride off to sell them so that the word "Slav" morphed into "slave". Bringing those guys to heel added the Crimea to the Russian empire and the fact that any Crimean Tatars remain alive at all strongly indicates that Russians are an unusually tolerant people, less given to holding grudges than most.

Thus both Ukraine and Crimea have been parts of Russia for the past several centuries. The official title of the tsars was "Tsar of all the Russias", meaning primarily 'Great Russia' (Russia), 'White Russia' (Belorus), and 'Little Russia' (Ukraine). That is the heart of the Slavic Orthodox world and Ukraine was the breadbasket of that world. The Ukraine, if run properly, could feed everybody from the Volga to the Atlantic and that in fact was Hitler's plan; the idea was to build a super-gauge train to haul foodstuffs from Ukraine to Europe and get Western Europe pretty much out of heavy farming altogether.

Hitler's super train

The bread-basket of the Slavic/Orthodox world... Did anybody REALLY expect Vladimir Putin to sit there and watch Barrack Obama, George Soros, Monsanto, and Victoria Nuland just walk off that?? If nothing else, no rational person should have anticipated Putin watching that jolly crew walk off with the Russian-speaking Eastern part of Ukraine or Crimea but, apparently, that was the plan.

The plan was meant to exploit certain characteristics of the Ukrainian psyche which involve the last 100 or so years of its history. There has never been much love lost between the different groups which inhabit Ukraine. Ukrainian lore often speaks of ridding the place of the "Yid and the Yak" (the Jew and the Pole); Nobody ever loved the rich peasant farmer class (Kulaks); and then you have the question of Communism and Nazism...

Communists instituted a policy ("разкулачивание") of exterminating the Kulak class and then a general artificial famine which Ukrainians call "Holodomor" which killed some very large number of people, possibly as many as 12 million:


Many if not most of the original Russian communists were Jewish and particularly in Ukraine and despite the fact that the ordinary Jew neither knew anything nor gave a rat's ass about communism, people tended to blame Jews for the worst evils of the commie system. It thus doesn't come as much of a surprise that, several years later, most Ukrainians sided with the Nazis in WW-II and that activities against Jews in Ukraine were particularly horrible:


Thus it was in 1942. Nonetheless a whole lot of water has gone over the dam since 1942 and you'd think they'd have gotten over it and in fact most of them have. For the purposes of Obama, Soros, Nuland, and our state department neotards however, ninety percent Nazism is not required. It only took a couple of hundred snipers to overthrow the elected government in Kiev and whatever the Bandera and Azov groups might amount to numerically, Team Soros/Obama views it as enough. Many on the left are referring to these groups as Nazis and they no doubt view themselves as later-day Nazis:


As the images show however, calling these clowns Nazis is basically an insult to Nazis. Huns and Vandals is more like it, or possibly some sort of an LA street gang. At least, that's what they look like...

The typical American conservative understands the nature of people like Barrack Obama, George Soros, and Victoria Nuland well enough, at least when speaking of events within our own borders. The mental leap required, is to grasp the fact that this reality does not change when you travel 200 nautical miles away from our own shores. In order to believe that Vladimir Putin is anything other than the heroic figure he appears to be, you need to believe that Barrack Obama, the Rothschild family, George Soros, Victoria Nuland, John (the gigolo) Kerry, Hillary Clinton, and every other one of the neotard fools in our state department are all good and competent people, which is ridiculous.


What actually is responsible for the tidal wave of anti-Russian and anti-Putin propaganda and hate which the West is subjected to? The main part of the answer to that involves BRICS, which stands for Brazil, Russia, India, China, South Africa. That amounts to implementing what used to be called the American System of Economics on an international scale. That amounts to pulling half the planet's human population out of the Wall St/London/Rothschild monetary and banking system and debt-based money (i.e. freeing half the population of the planet from a modern form of slavery). You may have noticed that people who have tried doing this on a smaller scale recently, most notably Slobodan Milosevic and Muammar Khadaffi, have made their countries into NATO bombing targets in so doing.

All of that brings up another question, i.e. why does the idea of anybody ever escaping from the Wall St./London frighten the bankers who run the world so badly? The answer to that one is a very long sort of a story and requires some reading; the best overview of the topic is Ellen Brown's "Web of Debt" which can be found on Amazon or at www.webofdebt.com.

The gist of it involves the question of who has the legal authority to create money and put it into circulation. Our present system in which banks create money and governments BORROW money into circulation amounts to a usurpation and imposes a heavy burden on governments and public policy. Major fractions of public expenditures go to interest payments to banks.

A government could as easily create money itself as our constitution actually intended and the reality that would create is what frightens the bankers badly enough for them to perpetrate assassinations and foment wars. Lincoln printed some $450 million in debt-free "greenbacks" in his drive to win the civil war.

Lincoln called these Greenbacks “the greatest blessing the American people have ever had.” A blessing for all, except for the bankers... Lord Goschen, writing in the London Times, decried the idea in no uncertain terms:

"If this mischievous financial policy, which has its origin in North America, shall become endurated down to a fixture, then that Government will furnish its own money without cost. It will pay off debts and be without debt. It will have all the money necessary to carry on its commerce. It will become prosperous without precedent in the history of the world. The brains, and wealth of all countries will go to North America. That country must be destroyed or it will destroy every monarchy on the globe."

That is basically what they fear and, if the idea of a nascent North American nation adopting such a policy frightened them, the idea of the whole heartland of the Eurasian world, Russia, India, China and others adopting such a policy sends them into conniptions. That is what the paranoia and the tidal wave of propaganda are about. That's what all the false flag ops and provocations in places like Syria and Ukraine are about as well:




But what about Putin and Christianity in Russia you might still ask, aren't those guys still basically commies and isn't the new Christian thing some sort of a charade like Potempkin villages? The basic answer to that question is that nobody ever went to the time, trouble, and expense of building 200 new churches in and around Moscow or the gigantic expense of reconstructing that huge Cathedral of Christ the Savior (Храм Христа Спасителья) for any sort of a phony show:



200 New Christian churches being built in an daround Moscow:

The Cathedral of Christ The Savior:

Calls for world leaders to stop the slaughter/persecution of Christians :

The United States is still demographically a Christian nation but you'd never know it from observing our government. All you ever read about our government doing these days is supporting regimes which persecute Christians and Christianity, and then you ask whose side you think God might be on? You think God could ever be on the side of George Soros, Monsanto, and the Obunga state department?? For that matter do you think God would be on the side of "conservatives" who weren't bright enough to see through democrat/NWO/Soros/US_State_Dept propaganda and BS??

All of that is aside from the fact that Putin almost singlehandedly stopped the idiot greentards and Malthusians from shutting down all of the world's economies in 04 with the Russian hacker attack on the East Anglia CU email database which gave rise to "Climategate" (www.climategate.com). Other than for that, all of the idiots comparing Putin with Hitler would likely be rubbing sticks together to make fire.

The rulers of Russia have taken a hard look at the ongoing suicide of the West and determined that Russia is not going to participate. The bankers who run the West hope to prevent the calamity which they are facing by bail-ins and austerity programs and that, combined with the Malthusian and greentard policies of our governments figure to produce a world of major grief for the West over the coming decades.

Those people can ill afford the alternative example of a prosperous and happy version of reality in the BRIC nations for everybody on the planet to see on television and the internet. In fact the universe is not actually a zero-sum game and there is no need for Westerners to suffer from any of this. The United States has a standing invitation to JOIN with the BRICS movement rather than standing alongside Wall St. and London bank offices and fighting it. The only people who would be worse off from our doing that would be bankers.
0 Replies
Fri 3 Mar, 2017 03:34 pm
The record as it stands:


Vladimir Putin is clearly the best ruler Russia has ever had since Tsar Peter.

Bork Obunga was the worst ruler any group of ten or more apes, hominids, or humans has ever had since the day of Alley Oop.

Donald Trump is worlds and universes better than that but, again, better than Bork is asking for terrifyingly little. Whether DT can save the situation is going to hang on how quickly and how thoroughly the power of the democrat party, the deep state, and the libtards in academia can bwe broken
0 Replies
Fri 3 Mar, 2017 03:36 pm
Bork Obunga was the worst ruler any group of ten or more apes, hominids, or humans has ever had since the day of Alley Oop.

cicerone imposter
Fri 3 Mar, 2017 03:52 pm
Trump's disapproval rating is an all time high.
Check out Gallup for his daily rating.

Donald Trump Polls: President Maintains Average Approval Rating of 43.7 Percent
heavy.com · 1 day ago
But on Gallup, 43 percent of Americans approve of the job Donald Trump is doing, while 51 percent disapprove.
Fri 3 Mar, 2017 04:36 pm
@cicerone imposter,
I propose that "Trump Disapproval Rating" be renamed: "Liberal Temper Tantrum Severity Index".
0 Replies
Fri 3 Mar, 2017 04:37 pm
hightor wrote:
Probably they'll do what all the right wing flaggots did after Obama beat Romney — analyze what went wrong and begin to rebuild their political movement.

The Democrats will need to rebuild at some point, but at the moment they are still being stomped on.

The Democrats should think about starting the rebuilding process sometime in the mid 2030s.
0 Replies
cicerone imposter
Fri 3 Mar, 2017 04:56 pm
There are sick people in this world when they support a racial bigot, scammer, and misogynist.



Fri 3 Mar, 2017 05:22 pm
saab wrote:
This was just in the news in Nettavisen, Norway and in a Danish Paper
There are nomineted 318 people to receice the Nobel Peace prize this year.
1 (one)single American has nominated Trump now two years in a row. Of course Trump has zero chance to get the prize. Just the idea of him getting it.
It would have been a perfect 1st of April joke.

The Nobel Peace Prize could have been a way to recognize leading peacemakers.

Instead it is merely a way for Liberals to throw one more tantrum about people who disagree with them.

What a shame.
cicerone imposter
Fri 3 Mar, 2017 05:26 pm

It's about: Repblicans bigotry is the new normal.
0 Replies
Fri 3 Mar, 2017 05:47 pm
@cicerone imposter,
cicerone imposter wrote:

There are sick people in this world when they support a racial bigot, scammer, and misogynist.

Bigotry and petty narrow minds come in several forms, Cicerone. There is yours for instance.
cicerone imposter
Fri 3 Mar, 2017 06:03 pm
Please explain to me how and why.
Are you a fan and supporter of Trump?




Please explain to me about my "narrow mind."

Are you a racial bigot, george?
cicerone imposter
Fri 3 Mar, 2017 06:31 pm
@cicerone imposter,
Come on, George. Explain to me about my narrow mind.

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