monitoring Trump and relevant contemporary events

Thu 2 Mar, 2017 03:01 pm
hightor wrote:

Would this be an issue Had Hillary won?

Are you f-ing kidding?

It would be a bigger issue, stoked by talk radio, all the power and money in the RNC,

I don't think you understood. Would Trump or his team be under the current scrutiny of allegedly being assisted by the Russians if the Clintonista regime had won?
Thu 2 Mar, 2017 03:02 pm
The credulity of the Democrat apoloigists here is truly remarkable.

Yeah. That's Jennifer Rubin alright.

There's a reason I continually quote Republicans who aren't locked into the rightwing media universe like yourself and the other folks here like yourself, george. As bad as things have gotten, some hope for the rational still remains.
0 Replies
Thu 2 Mar, 2017 03:05 pm
izzythepush wrote:

Looking glass thinking, up is down and black is white. People who respect other cultures and dislike racists are bigots in new Trump speak.

Yes, yes they respect radical Islamists but not those on the right who disagree with heir ideology...And yes Virginia that makes those leftists, bigots.
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Thu 2 Mar, 2017 03:05 pm
It would be a bigger issue, stoked by talk radio, all the power and money in the RNC, and the right wing spearchuckers on this message board.

The magnitude of that response really is difficult to imagine, even for me.
Thu 2 Mar, 2017 03:08 pm
blatham wrote:

It would be a bigger issue, stoked by talk radio, all the power and money in the RNC, and the right wing spearchuckers on this message board.

The magnitude of that response really is difficult to imagine, even for me.

Stop pussyfooting around blather, do you condemn him for using the term spearchucker or not?
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Thu 2 Mar, 2017 03:09 pm
I don't think you understood. Would Trump or his team be under the current scrutiny of allegedly being assisted by the Russians if the Clintonista regime had won?

Not as acutely, no, because the consequences to the nation would not be as severe and dangerous. But of course it would be investigated because of the nature of and motivations of the Russian activities regarding the election.
Thu 2 Mar, 2017 03:09 pm
blatham wrote:

It would be a bigger issue, stoked by talk radio, all the power and money in the RNC, and the right wing spearchuckers on this message board.

The magnitude of that response really is difficult to imagine, even for me.

I had no idea what spearchuckers even meant (had to look it up); I'm hoping that hightor doesn't either.

That being said, you can't easily be offended by this post but not be offended by layman and gungasnakes crap (hell, gungasnake has probably said this or the equivalent dozens of times)
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Thu 2 Mar, 2017 03:10 pm
Sessions is on TV right now. Press conference
Thu 2 Mar, 2017 03:16 pm
edgarblythe wrote:

Sessions is on TV right now. Press conference

And has presented himself as a proper Attorney General should...not like Loretta the lacky.
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Thu 2 Mar, 2017 03:16 pm
That's potent, Izzy. Is it a Brit artist's drawing?
Thu 2 Mar, 2017 03:17 pm
President Trump’s hilariously candid revelation that “nobody knew that health care could be so complicated” may be remembered as the most succinct summary of the Republicans’ dilemma as they try to fulfill their endlessly repeated promise to repeal and replace the Affordable Care Act. And now that things are about to get specific, what had been a dangerous situation for them is about to turn into a nightmare.

Republicans are set to enter a new phase, in which actual bills are written, debated and possibly even voted on. It’s going to be the equivalent of sticking their heads up out the foxhole so that the other side has something to fix their sights on. If they thought this issue was hard before, they haven’t seen anything yet.

Let’s start with House Speaker Paul Ryan (R-Wis.), who apparently has a plan, one that’s going to go over so well that he’s terrified that anyone might get a look at it:
Waldman's metaphor is a good one. The reason Ryan et al have not previously been forthcoming with details/specifics including fully transparent and honest math was (and continues to be) to avoid showing anyone real-world consequences. Leaving these things invisible or ambiguous allowed them to make negative claims about the ACA without being called to task for similar (or worse) prospects in their plans (which they didn't really have anyway, certainly not fleshed out).

But now they can't play that sort of deceit any longer, at least not so easily.
0 Replies
Thu 2 Mar, 2017 03:17 pm
blatham wrote:

I don't think you understood. Would Trump or his team be under the current scrutiny of allegedly being assisted by the Russians if the Clintonista regime had won?

Not as acutely, no, because the consequences to the nation would not be as severe and dangerous. But of course it would be investigated because of the nature of and motivations of the Russian activities regarding the election.

I doubt it would have even been brought up as this is most likely one of things where there is no "there", there and we all really know what the definition of "is", is.

Continues to be much ado about nothing.
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Thu 2 Mar, 2017 03:23 pm
giujohn wrote:
Only a bigoted LEFTIST piece of **** would think to get away with calling those on the right niggers.



I'd always interpreted the term to refer to low ranking soldiers, henchmen, and hired guns — the guys who do the dirty work. It was also a nickname on MASH. Apparently it actually means something derogatory with a racist slant so I'll have to desist. I guess I could call you guys "atlatls" instead.
Thu 2 Mar, 2017 03:23 pm
Looks like they've twigged that Sessions had to do this. Duh.

So now two things:
1) Does this really change anything in how the D of J will proceed? Is this just a cosmetic fix?

2) If you were operating under the notion that good reportorial work has no positive effects on this (or any) administration - that reporters and responsible citizens are powerless - Flynn and now Sessions tells you that's not so.

But there is a **** of a lot of work to do yet.

Edit: I suppose there's a lingering issue. Did Sessions lie under oath? No small thing, that.
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Thu 2 Mar, 2017 03:28 pm
Emily Flitter‏Verified account @FlitterOnFraud 11m11 minutes ago
Sessions is now giving a blow by blow description of a conversation w/Russian ambassador he originally said he didn't remember.

Lessons in how to instill trust that you've been telling the truth all along and will do so in future.

Not that I despise this crowd, or anything.
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Thu 2 Mar, 2017 03:34 pm
Revelette, would you mind citing your sources?

I don't want to open links without knowing the source since I am interested in honoring paywalls (since I understand why newspapers do that), and I don't like to use up a paywall link that I might prefer to use later in the month.

Initials as sources are fine with me (NYT, WP, etc.)
Thu 2 Mar, 2017 03:35 pm
Golly. Who would imagine these peckerheads would behave thusly
Republican Rep. David Young ignited loud cheers from hundreds at an Iowa meeting last week when he said, "Donald Trump should release his taxes," calling the move a "no brainer."

Given the first chance to force the GOP president's hand, Young passed.

The two-term, Des Moines-area lawmaker returned to Washington and sided with the Republican majority late Monday to block a Democratic attempt to force Trump to release his tax returns to Congress.

I mean, it is so unlike them. And he wasn't the only one. Matt Gaetz of Florida and Rodney Frelinghuysen of NJ did the same.
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Thu 2 Mar, 2017 03:40 pm
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Thu 2 Mar, 2017 03:42 pm
Congressional Republicans killed a Democratic measure Tuesday to pressure the Trump administration to turn over documents detailing President Donald Trump’s ties to Russia, as well as conflicts of interest stemming from his business empire.

The measure, known as a “resolution of inquiry,” was defeated on an 18-16 party-line vote. The resolution would have requested that the Department of Justice provide Congress with “any document, record, memo, correspondence or other communication” related to “criminal or counterintelligence investigations” involving Trump or his White House staff.
Because truth is so very, very important to these people, you see. I look at the modern GOP and I see the standards and the values of Lincoln and Christ. Don't you all?
Thu 2 Mar, 2017 03:43 pm
I don't think you understood.

No, I didn't.

I think it still would've been an issue — it would be seen in a more internationalist context given the actions of Russian hackers in eastern Europe and in preparation for the French and German elections.

I know the right wants to minimize this unprecedented interference. You suggested earlier that the USA does stuff like this. Show me where we've done cyber attacks at this level. Sure, the CIA worked to overthrow popularly elected governments by creating and arming "freedom fighters" but that was a conventional military approach. We're in a different world now and excusing Putin because he hates Hillary seems, well, almost "unpatriotic".

I recommend this article highly:
Trump, Putin, and the New Cold War


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