monitoring Trump and relevant contemporary events

Thu 2 Mar, 2017 04:36 am
The demoshit party is now widely perceived as a rogue political entity and a criminal enterprise. Not that that represents anything terribly new of course, just that large numbers of people are finally figuring it out in this Internet age with its free flow of information. Smart people have figured it out in the past...





Thu 2 Mar, 2017 04:52 am
demoshit women's KKK rally:

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Thu 2 Mar, 2017 04:55 am
0 Replies
Thu 2 Mar, 2017 04:57 am
1924 Democrat Party convention (KlanBake):

Thu 2 Mar, 2017 05:21 am
Jeff Sessions and the Obunga/Soros coup attempt:

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Thu 2 Mar, 2017 05:40 am
Thu 2 Mar, 2017 05:55 am
Re Sessions meeting with the Russian ambassador, his excuse (so far) is that he was meeting not as a Trump surrogate but as a member of the Senate Armed Services Committee.
The Washington Post contacted all 26 members of the 2016 Senate Armed Services Committee to see whether any lawmakers besides Sessions met with Kislyak in 2016. Of the 20 lawmakers who responded, every senator, including Chairman John McCain (R-Ariz.), said they did not meet with the Russian ambassador last year. The other lawmakers on the panel did not respond as of Wednesday evening.

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Thu 2 Mar, 2017 05:59 am
obungasnark really hit a home run with his Grigsby grave statement!
The demoshit party is now widely perceived as a rogue political entity and a criminal enterprise.

As I had to point out to another low-level right-wing spearchucker on this board a few days ago, the political parties of today represent the ones of the 19th century in name only. I guess obungasnark was too busy copying and pasting to read the rest of the article:
In Nathaniel Grigsby’s world, therefore, the Democratic Party was an entity he associated with the traitorous secession and rebellion of the Confederate states, with the start of a civil war (in which he took part), with the loss of his son and other friends, and with the death of a man who was not just a U.S. president but also a dear childhood friend and relative.
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Thu 2 Mar, 2017 06:14 am
White House eyes plan to cut EPA staff by one-fifth, eliminating key programs
If any policy move by the Trump administration might surprise you, it shouldn't be this.

The Koch operation gathered up a billion dollars in order to influence the last election. Because Trump wasn't their guy, that money mostly went down ticket to Senate and Congressional races (and even to much more local contests). but Pence very definitely is their guy. He was the one they supported in 2012.

If you look at the cabinet postings the Trump team has made, you can roughly divide them between the crowd of generals, the Wall Street boys, and those responsible for internal matters like the EPA. There's no evidence that Trump gave or gives a hoot about the EPA (or that he really knew anything about it). The choice of Pruitt would have come from elsewhere and undoubtedly, that elsewhere was Pence.
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Thu 2 Mar, 2017 06:20 am
On Wednesday afternoon, Post Opinions digital editor James Downie moderated an email discussion on this topic between Post Opinions media blogger Erik Wemple and New York University journalism professor Jay Rosen.

Jay Rosen: It’s easier for power to act upon the press than it is for the press to get its act together and respond to the designs of power. There are many reasons for this. The press corps is a “herd of independent minds.” Its members think of themselves as highly competitive with one another. The institutions and leaders that might be expected to coordinate any push back — like the White House Correspondents' Association — are weak and not designed to prevail in a power struggle. So I am pessimistic that we will see any collective response, even when the case for it is strong.

For me the strongest case is refusing to cooperate when White House “officials” want to brief the press as a group (which means influence the story) without allowing their names to be used. I see no good reason for allowing this. Do you? When reporters go along with it they are advertising how meek and pliable they are. Here I would introduce a distinction that Talking Points Memo’s Josh Marshall employed a few days ago. “The rules of anonymous sourcing,” he wrote, “need to take into account when the sources are not those who need protection from those with power but rather those with power who want protection from their claims being scrutinized.” Bingo.

Journalists on the White House beat should not be collaborating with people in power who want protection from their claims being scrutinized. Let’s start with boycotting those situations and see what happens.
More Here
Thu 2 Mar, 2017 06:45 am
gungasnake wrote:


I really hate that woman, but the story is false. She stood in honor of the dead soldier.
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Thu 2 Mar, 2017 06:49 am
Today's big winner in our "Way to go, Trump and Bannon, you ******* douchebags" award
China has launched a Donald Trump-style attack on foreign media, branding claims that a leading human rights lawyer was tortured by government agents “fake news”.
the Guardian
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Thu 2 Mar, 2017 07:04 am
Having go back 93 years to find something negative about the Democrats!!
It must be a very decent and good party - and there are no fake news spreader and liers.
Thu 2 Mar, 2017 07:07 am
Here's a typical example of how Republicans refuse, almost always, to admit that their president and their party act in countless ways to promote racism and bigotry for electoral gains and power.
House Speaker Paul Ryan (R-WI) said in a statement on Wednesday that Srinivas Kuchibhotla, the Indian man killed in a Kansas shooting currently under investigation as a hate crime, was "senselessly murdered."
This is, one presumes, a contrast with all the "sensible murders" that are perpetrated?

It was an act of racism. The man who did it told a bartender that he'd just murdered a couple of "Iranians".
0 Replies
Thu 2 Mar, 2017 07:10 am
Get used to this.
Trump address Twitter numbers appear to be boosted by 'bots'
0 Replies
Thu 2 Mar, 2017 07:23 am
Jay Rosen: It’s easier for power to act upon the press than it is for the press to get its act together and respond to the designs of power...The institutions and leaders that might be expected to coordinate any push back — like the White House Correspondents' Association — are weak and not designed to prevail in a power struggle. So I am pessimistic that we will see any collective response, even when the case for it is strong.

That's right, cheese-eaters.

It's like Muhammad Ali versus a crippled pygmy.

The media aint got no chance against Trump.

This war is gunna result in the mother of all beatdowns.

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Thu 2 Mar, 2017 07:32 am
Scholars, nazis and other cool dudes at the top of the Trump WH
In an NPR interview the morning after Mr. Trump’s latest attempt to pivot to something resembling presidential, national security advisor Seb Gorka declined to affirm that Islam is a religion, saying the administration didn’t want to get involved in “theological debates.”

Gorka, of course, has a long history of fringe right-wing views on this and other matters. Max Boot—no liberal himself—once described Gorka as an “anti-Muslim extremist.” Other foreign policy specialists have described him as an Islamophobe. Gorka was a member of the Order of Vitéz, a Nazi-linked Hungarian group, and proudly displayed medals from the group at Trump’s inauguration.

Most relevant, though, despite disavowals of animus toward Islam, Gorka has described it more in terms of a totalitarian ideology than a complex, diverse, global religion. That assessment echoes a common view among right-wing nationalists, including administration figures like former National Security Advisor Michael Flynn and senior political advisor Steve Bannon.
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Thu 2 Mar, 2017 07:33 am
Obamas land $65M joint book deal; largest payment ever for presidential memoir

Former President Barack Obama has inked a $65 million deal for his memoir, a joint agreement that also will include a book written by former first lady Michelle Obama.

Let's see here...Trump gave up his easy life as a billionaire, and spent $65 million of his own money, in order to serve the Amercian people without pay (he refuses to take his salary).

Obama, the Acorn hustler, plans exploit the office he was elected to for $65 million now, and God only knows how much later.

The motivations don't quite seem the same, eh?
0 Replies
Thu 2 Mar, 2017 07:44 am
So, Trump's speech the other night drew 43 million viewers which is only 10 million short of Obama's first speech to Congress. [urlhttp://www.adweek.com/tvnewser/trumps-address-to-congress-watched-by-43-4-million/322565]adweek[/url]
So what can we conclude from this?

One thing and one thing only. Donald Trump is so beloved by Americans that more people watched his fantastic speech than has ever been seen before in the history of speeches by any president ever. Incredibly huge audience. Unprecedented. Believe me.

Also that the few Americans who did not watch it were paid by Obama to not watch it.
Thu 2 Mar, 2017 07:48 am
Why are Republicans treating their Obamacare repeal plan like classified information, but for Republicans only?Nothing screams confidence in one’s ideas like hiding those ideas in a basement and sharing them only with fellow travelers, but that’s how House GOP leaders intend to begin the rollout of their Affordable Care Act repeal bill.
I am not going to be playing hide and seek with these guys. They're really good at that game. They've been hiding this plan for nearly eight years now
and nobody, not even themselves, have been able to find it.

And from Jon Chait
Yesterday, House Speaker Paul Ryan boasted that his party would follow a deliberate, transparent process to repeal and replace Obamacare. “This is how the legislative process is supposed to be designed,” he told the Today show. “We’re not hatching some bill in a backroom and plopping it on the American people’s front door.” Today, House Republicans made it known that they will release their plan tomorrow and that it will only be made available to House Republicans.

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