monitoring Trump and relevant contemporary events

Wed 1 Mar, 2017 08:32 am
Olivier5 wrote:

And what about free speech, then?

Try yelling fire in a crowded theater. Are you trying to be stupid?
Wed 1 Mar, 2017 08:43 am
oralloy wrote:

madamyes1999 wrote:
Anybody else out there watch the address?

I had it on in the background but was mostly surfing the web looking at guns.

0 Replies
Wed 1 Mar, 2017 09:18 am
Soldier Jane
Twitter TL reaction to Ryan Owens moment:

Press: how powerful and moving

Veteran friends: this is gross and uncomfortable

A couple more tweets below along the same lines. I note the father of Ryan Owens was not there. I believe he has already expressed his views.
Wed 1 Mar, 2017 09:20 am
It's a good thing that Trump is creating so many new jobs, because he's also eliminating quite a few.

Leaving out the post office, there are about 2 million "civil servants" working for the U.S. Government.

About half of those should be contemplating "re-tooling" by learning construction trades like welding and concrete finishing so they can apply for jobs on the pipelines or the border wall.

Any day now, they will hear it from Trump: "You're fired."

Their parasitic days of leeching on the American taxpayers are gunna be over, and they'll have to get a real job, eh?
0 Replies
Wed 1 Mar, 2017 09:34 am
Typical LEFTIST bigotry...As a true lover of America, I would never never call for the death of a President...Even Obama...only scum would do that. You should be banned from this forum...If it were a fairly run forum.

Prob ably illegal...
Wed 1 Mar, 2017 09:38 am
Then and now image... (reverting to their traditional colors)

0 Replies
Wed 1 Mar, 2017 09:41 am
Trump stuns media detractors with 'extraordinary' speech

CNN commentator and massive Trump opponent Van Jones was moved. “He became president of the United States in that moment. Period,” said a somber and serious Jones. “That was one of the most extraordinary moments you have ever seen in American politics. Period,” he added.

Longtime critic New York Times White House correspondent Glenn Thrush gave the speech reluctant credit: “‏For any other president this would be a boring, laundry list speech. For Trump - amazing, responsible, detailed, uniting, presidential!”

'Time Washington bureau chief Michael Scherer gave it similar praise. “This speech is the best sign yet that Donald Trump can learn how to use the power of his office.”

That was a common reaction for most outlets not called The Washington Post.
Wed 1 Mar, 2017 09:50 am
layman wrote:


That was a common reaction for most outlets not called The Washington Post.

So, ya might ask, what did Wapo have to say?:

Post editorial writer Jackson Diehl called the immigration section a “xenophobic rant." National political reporter Robert Costa continued the negative theme. “That's what makes the speech somewhat jarring. A bleak, populist Bannon vision laced with elements of Ivanka-ism on social policy.”

Staff writer Joe Heim showed his colors (black, white and red) and linked Trump to the Nazis, commenting about a science-fiction program where the Nazis won WWII: “I didn't even know the Man in the High Castle was on cable.”

Who is doing the "ranting" here, I ask ya.

Wed 1 Mar, 2017 09:55 am
I like hearing all you Trumpies. The opresident made 2 calls for trying to ork for everyone, yet with diatribes and hate filled crap from you guys, apparently youre not listening in.

Youre parroting ysterdy's Limbaugh.
0 Replies
Wed 1 Mar, 2017 09:58 am
I believe President Trump gave a well-crafted SOU speech to the assembled Congress last Night. He very effectively communicated a sense of self-confident purpose in fulfilling his campaign promises; charactistic flexibility in crafting plans and assimilating recommendations from his strong deputies and Republican allies in Congress; and a promise of real outreach to the Democrat minority. It was all very "Presidential", to use the phrase, and he certainly left his imprint in that role on both the Public mind and the assembled Members of the Congress.

Meanwhile the Democrats in the House Chamber, sitting sullen, quiet, as if to emphasize their small numbers and continuing inability to accept the reality of the political defeat they have suffered, appeared to be lost in denial and anger, and bereft of a constructive approach to their new situation. The female members of the Democrat delegation, all sitting together and dressed in suffragette white , looked rather sophomoric and silly.

This aspect of the whole scene was a bit evocative of elements of this thread, dedicated as it is to a ventillation of the rage and vindictiveness of doctrinaire "true believers" in the cant of group identities and values; government management of peoples lives; and a complusive demand to be judged on the supposed nobility of their aims, as opposed to the rather sordid and chaotic results they usually obtain. From his perch in British Columbia, Blathan issues daily reading instructions and materials (on the internal affairs of a neighboring country which appears to obsess him) to the odd menagerie of claques who attend his every word ( a collection of daffy crones, Mr Magoos, and thin-lipped, bitter and angry harpys ) .

I'm a lover of cheeses of nearly every type. I delight in the variety of tastes they offer, and combinations of them with sweet and savory relishes of various types, other foods , coffee and wine. It's taken me a while to fully appreciate Layman's creation and embellishment of his term "cheese-eater" . However, I have come to truly value the relatively gentle light-hearted mockery, irony and humor it entails. The contrast it presents with the dour, judgmental, vitriolic, and often fantastic imaginings and dark fantasies of his ill-humored critics could not be more stark. There's an important lesson here. Life is endlessly complex and often appears unfair. Our human natures are filled with contradictions and, as well the potential for achievement. Despite that our lives are (or should be) a joyful adventure in which we learn the limits of our own wisdom and understanding; tolerance of others and the ability to love things (and people) outside ourselves.

None of us has a perfect grasp on the truth, and, with that in mind, disagreement should always be accompanied by irony and the tacit acknowledgment that there could be much more to the problem at hand than any of the various disputants understands or acknowledges. These things are. sadly, rarely seen here. However the epithet "cheese eater" brings it all to mind. Thanks to Layman for that.

Wed 1 Mar, 2017 09:59 am
Plenty of people here are calling for violence. When any of you guys call for bombing Iran or wherever, you call for hundreds of thousands of deaths. I haven't seen you object to those posts. So what in hell is your problem with mine? Is your president some sort of special snowflake who would deserve more respect and care than the average Iranian?
Wed 1 Mar, 2017 10:08 am
revelette1 wrote:

Soldier Jane
Twitter TL reaction to Ryan Owens moment:

Press: how powerful and moving

Veteran friends: this is gross and uncomfortable

A couple more tweets below along the same lines. I note the father of Ryan Owens was not there. I believe he has already expressed his views.

Why was Ryan's widow there??
The fact that she was there and participated is very telling enough.

Who knows the mind and heart of a man more than his wife, his life partner, his bed partner, even more than his own father?

She was in all likelihood there simply because he would want her there. And anyone else who has a comment about her appearance or her allowance to use Ryan's name should just shut the **** up and let the woman to deal with her grief as she sees fit.

And I was a veteran was moved to tears by the strength, patriotism, and pride in her husband's service, feelings I have no doubt shared by that brave service member who valiantly gave his life in service to his country.
0 Replies
Wed 1 Mar, 2017 10:09 am
Our human natures are filled with contradictions and, as well the potential for achievement. Despite that our lives are (or should be) a joyful adventure in which we learn the limits of our own wisdom and understanding; tolerance of others and the ability to love things (and people) outside ourselves.

Few things are as fascinating, humorous, and just plain entertaining as observing human nature, eh, George?

It's kinda what makes life fun.
Wed 1 Mar, 2017 10:11 am
Olivier5 wrote:

Plenty of people here are calling for violence. When any of you guys call for bombing Iran or wherever, you call for hundreds of thousands of deaths. I haven't seen you object to those posts. So what in hell is your problem with mine? Is your president some sort of special snowflake who would deserve more respect and care than the average Iranian?

If I was gunna call for anyone's death, Ollie, not sayin I would (not sayin I wouldn't, either), then it would be some damn Frog, that's for sure.

I hear the Frogs want Obama to be the French President, eh? Did you start that movement?
Wed 1 Mar, 2017 10:14 am
Olivier5 wrote:

Plenty of people here are calling for violence. When any of you guys call for bombing Iran or wherever, you call for hundreds of thousands of deaths. I haven't seen you object to those posts. So what in hell is your problem with mine? Is your president some sort of special snowflake who would deserve more respect and care than the average Iranian?

Anyone who calls for the assassination of an American president because they disagree with his ideology is a piece of human garbage and should be dealt with swiftly... but surely no one here who controls this forum will have the wherewithal to do so. You're safe to continue your verbal diarrhea.
Wed 1 Mar, 2017 10:14 am
You routinely call for murder, and nobody cares. When I do it, John the special snowflake melts down in anger. What gives?
0 Replies
Wed 1 Mar, 2017 10:15 am
You mus be reading posts from some other universe George. Cheese eaters here have worn the intended epithet like a badge of honor.

Blatham provides as much witty personal content as he does post from the press.
However, nobody here writes like ELmore Leonard. Many try to sound like faculty, others try to sound like Delta blacks, and others just try to vent.

You and blatham sound pretty much the same, with the exception that you hqve almost as many typos as I.

I really think blatham is about as close to a professional newswriter as we have.Most of the Trumpies dont like him cause hes good at his craft. (Obviously hes gotten you pissed)

WHY wont Trump go to the correspondents dinner??
Wed 1 Mar, 2017 10:20 am
Let me repeat their last bit there... That’s true as far as it goes Why did they feel the need to continue from there I have no idea.

Probably because it only paints a partial picture. They inherited a "poor economy" compared to that of the '90s but it was a growing economy compared to the situation in early 2009. Our shitty 2% growth would be the envy of many other developed nations.

Okay, let's quibble. When someone engages in political speech, as opposed to a scientific explanation or a philosophical discourse, it isn't held to the same standards of accuracy and proof. I accept that. But I would think that you could accept that such claims invite further scrutiny. If a politician wishes to avoid risk of looking inaccurate or dishonest after having been fact-checked he either needs to provide a hell of a lot more context in which to frame his assertions or else he needs to restrict himself to making more generalized statements about his intentions and beliefs. It's good to dispute "facts" because it focuses attention on the veracity of the statements and, more importantly, on the setting in which they must be interpreted.
Wed 1 Mar, 2017 10:21 am
farmerman wrote:

You mus be reading posts from some other universe George. Cheese eaters here have worn the intended epithet like a badge of honor.

Honor among cheese eaters???
0 Replies
Wed 1 Mar, 2017 10:21 am
layman wrote:

Few things are as fascinating, humorous, and just plain entertaining as observing human nature, eh, George?

It's kinda what makes life fun.

It is indeed. Learning to occasionally laugh at ourselves is a necessary precursor to sanity, just as is a sense of irony to happiness.
0 Replies

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