Genetically, we as humans tend to seek certainty, as certainty (or believing you are certain) lends itself to survival - as certainty leads to quicker decision making, which leads to greater survival chances, which leads to the need passing down into our genes. This sort of thing has been studied in various different ways, for example, how the brain filters out things that disagree with our views while highlighting things that agree with our view, thereby reinforcing our views (regardless of the reality of the situation).
Quite possibly due to the ever increasing complexity of information out there - people are aligning themselves more and more strongly with the ideologies, political parties etc. in order to help them make sense of an ever more incomprehensible the world.
My way of dealing with this genetic 'certainty' need, is to continuing to look internally for principles, and keep testing and refining them, and using them to provide 'certainty'...not of ideas (which can have many valid and invalid aspects), but of, generally,
how I should discern things, where I should go with something, what I should do etc etc. Not everyone is made this way though.