Oral's latest mind-numbing statement:
"On the other hand, you are not qualified to converse. That's why you spout childish name-calling all the time. You're not capable of making an intelligent argument."
See, this is the disconnect...... You think you are involved in 'arguments' while the rest of us are involved in conversations. Try to put on your big boy pants and pretend you're talking about some 3D movie, because when you get involved in those things you actually participate like you have an opinion instead of some martinet squawking 'progressives hate facts,,Swak...My IQ is 140 squak...2nd amendment is the only thing that matters Squak Sqauk . Face it, you have about 11 statements in your repertoire....you should just number them and save all that time writing the same thing over and over. Trust me, everyone here that you have ever bored into a coma would appreciate it, hell we might even start to read your stuff if you ever have an original thought and share it. Jesus Christ have mercy.