monitoring Trump and relevant contemporary events

Fri 18 Dec, 2020 07:06 pm
MontereyJack wrote:

I don't need a cure. I'm neither sick nor an idiot

That is your opinion, not mine.
0 Replies
Fri 18 Dec, 2020 07:08 pm
For comparison, the Spanish Flu of 1918 killed an estimated 50 million people or 3% of the global population.

Covid kills .03%. There is quite a difference.
Fri 18 Dec, 2020 07:12 pm
so i watched the first minute and it's nothing but rant. what you guys are trying do is disenfranchise the 80 million americans who voted for biden, seven million more than voted for trump. Fortunately responsible republican (and democratic) election officials and the courts at all levels up to SCOTUS are not letting the diehard trumpies diisenfranchise the majority of the country.They recognize trump's plaints for the lies they are.
Fri 18 Dec, 2020 07:24 pm
You said:
He will survive like 99.7% do.

Which implies that 0.3% die of COVID-19.
Fri 18 Dec, 2020 07:42 pm
You accuse others of falling for the media line. And here you keep doing so, over, and over, and over again.

I do not listen to media that has lied for 4 years about Russia. The media I trust has facts and figures. The media you listen to has "baseless."
0 Replies
Fri 18 Dec, 2020 08:09 pm
Rebelofnj wrote:

You said:
He will survive like 99.7% do.

Which implies that 0.3% die of COVID-19.

Do you know only 6% died from Covid alone? The rest had other issues
Fri 18 Dec, 2020 08:19 pm
I was just listening to Ron Johnson making a statement that he’s resisting the $1200 stimulus and $600 unemployment payments because it could hurt our national debt.

Republicans are going to now all of a sudden switch back into deficit hawks niw that a democrat will be in charge, and that is predictable hypocrisy.

But I have a serious question. Why do republicans fight so hard against things like giving money to people to help them survive?

They can’t be so blind or evil that the needs of millions of their constituents don’t count, can they? They certainly are aware that the amount of money in question isn’t a drop in the bucket compared to the trillions they agree to in tax cuts and other giveaways to the rich., aren’t they? They certainly are aware that a lot of working people have suffered during 2020, and are in genuine need of help - aren’t they?

They have to have seen the food lines and they know the sheer numbers of dead because of Covid, right? They have to be aware that not only would the checks help people survive, but that the money is spent and goes right back into the economy, don’t they?

So why do they fight so hard against regular people getting a little money to help them through? Are they just evil? Is it because their donors tell them to?

Every time Wall Street asks for a boost, our government is right there with billions. When rich people want another tax cut, or someone proposes another increase in defense spending, there’s rarely an argument.

And they never seem to worry about those expenditures harming the national debt.

Unless they are just plain uncaring, unfeeling and evil... I just don’t understand it.

0 Replies
Fri 18 Dec, 2020 08:27 pm
coldjoint wrote:

Rebelofnj wrote:

You said:
He will survive like 99.7% do.

Which implies that 0.3% die of COVID-19.

Do you know only 6% died from Covid alone? The rest had other issues

Say you are in a theatre with 1000 people, and it’s announced that before anyone can leave, 60 of them must die.

From what you say here, your attitude would be like “Oh well it’s only 6%.”

That’s just crazy.

Fri 18 Dec, 2020 08:31 pm
Chris Krebs, who was oblivious to the biggest government hack in history, says the election was secure

Yeah. This is the guy 60 Minutes had on. Turns out he couldn't find his own ass with radar.
Chris Krebs has stated in the past and testified yesterday that there was no voter fraud through “hacking” that occurred during the 2020 election. For complete transparency, I did not watch his testimony nor have a read a transcript. Why would I? This is the same guy who didn’t notice the largest cyber-attack in world history happening against multiple federal agencies for months.

Krebs was fired last month from his position as Director of the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA). The agency is tasked with preventing the exact type of massive cyberattack that has been underway since March, perhaps earlier. But over the last nine months, he and his agency were completely in the dark about the SolarWinds Orion hack that affected multiple government agencies and large businesses, including Microsoft. And it’s actually worse than most people realize. According to CNBC:


0 Replies
Fri 18 Dec, 2020 08:35 pm
snood wrote:

coldjoint wrote:

Rebelofnj wrote:

You said:
He will survive like 99.7% do.

Which implies that 0.3% die of COVID-19.

Do you know only 6% died from Covid alone? The rest had other issues

Say you are in a theatre with 1000 people, and it’s announced that before anyone can leave, 60 of them must die.

From what you say here, your attitude would be like “Oh well it’s only 6%.”

That’s just crazy.

What a stupid analogy, we live in a real world. People get old, people get sick, and people die. The human race has lived with those facts just fine until this kind of nonsense. Malevolent nonsense.
0 Replies
Fri 18 Dec, 2020 08:46 pm

Georgia Poll Workers Who Raised Election Concerns Terminated

Wow! Vidman was a hero. And that jerk got transferred not fired. So honesty is no longer looked at as a virtue. it is something to be punished for. Sick bastards behind this have no right to be in positions of power.
Poll workers in Georgia who raised concerns about election irregularities were informed this week that their contracts are not being renewed, according to letters obtained by Epoch Media Group.

Fri 18 Dec, 2020 09:49 pm
So once agan doing due diligence on your "news", knowing how skewed it can be by vested interest reporting, I wondered how many extra poll workers are needed to run a presidential election...because it is very obvious that many people get hired just for the election count (and so don't get their contracts renewed afterwards)


The numbers are staggering. Maryland announced in late July that it was short nearly 14,000 Election Day workers -- prompting Republican Gov. Larry Hogan to consolidate precincts into voting centers, in part to reduce the number of people needed.

It would be interesting news, the workers whose contracts were not renewed, if they had been full time for years up to the election. That information I can't find in the article - which would have greatly strengthened the issue...but once again...they fail to report on the important information (as the rest can be skewed to meet an agenda)
Fri 18 Dec, 2020 10:18 pm
“In my 20 years’ of experience of handling ballots,” she said, “I observed that the markings for the candidates on these ballots were unusually uniform, perhaps even with a ballot-marking device.”

She worked elections for 20 years. She was full time every election.
Fri 18 Dec, 2020 10:39 pm
coldjoint wrote:

glitterbag wrote:

News shock folks, today South Carolina Representative Joe 'You Lie' Wilson removed his mocking post about nervous Nellie democrats scared of the Hoax Covid virus just hours after learning he was Covid positive. Whoopsi, don't you hate when that happens?

Poor bastard.

He will survive like 99.7% do.

Are you still here? I thought you might be somewhere else setting fire to kittens or something.
0 Replies
Fri 18 Dec, 2020 10:43 pm
snood wrote:

coldjoint wrote:

Rebelofnj wrote:

You said:
He will survive like 99.7% do.

Which implies that 0.3% die of COVID-19.

Do you know only 6% died from Covid alone? The rest had other issues

Say you are in a theatre with 1000 people, and it’s announced that before anyone can leave, 60 of them must die.

From what you say here, your attitude would be like “Oh well it’s only 6%.”

That’s just crazy.

Now you are just being redundant. Of course it's crazy and so is that unfortunate "boy who cried wolf" sap.
Fri 18 Dec, 2020 10:48 pm
I think you are seeing her devising her "Final Solution"....... It's back to clearing the world anyway possible of the old, lame and non white!
Fri 18 Dec, 2020 10:59 pm
BillW wrote:

I think you are seeing her devising her "Final Solution"....... It's back to clearing the world anyway possible of the old, lame and non white!

I never suggested or said anything like that. You are lying. Produce one post that connects me to any of those lies. All my posts are at my profile page.

Start posting my posts that back up what you say, or just keep trolling, but stop lying.
0 Replies
Fri 18 Dec, 2020 11:03 pm
MontereyJack wrote:

so i watched the first minute and it's nothing but rant. what you guys are trying do is disenfranchise the 80 million americans who voted for biden, seven million more than voted for trump. Fortunately responsible republican (and democratic) election officials and the courts at all levels up to SCOTUS are not letting the diehard trumpies diisenfranchise the majority of the country.They recognize trump's plaints for the lies they are.

I watched most of it, and then I remembered he's from Missouri. You can take him, Gym Jordan, Marco Rubio, Matt (I adopt 15 year old boys) Gaetz, Louie 'I caught Covid from my mask' Gohmert, John 'I'm a despicable man' Kennedy and so many other liars and sycophants and when you boil it all down all you have is a pile of pathetic losers desperate for the power they will certainly abuse. Absolutely worthless individuals who are lucky their brain stems still power their nervous systems.,
Fri 18 Dec, 2020 11:18 pm
Absolutely worthless individuals who are lucky their brain stems still power their nervous systems.,

Is all that hate a rush for you?
Fri 18 Dec, 2020 11:39 pm
Voter fraud cover-up: Four members of the Maricopa Board of Supervisors MUST be investigated

You can hear the lame excuses and the insults thrown at people who want to know if there was fraud.
ARIZONA: Maricopa County Board of Supervisors member: "I'm not interested in this political theater...I'm not interested in trying to satisfy a small, small group of loud participants..."

It is not a small group and being loud if better than setting things on fire.
"These subpoenas are unrealistic in their timeframes...There are real Constitutional issues with these subpoenas. I look forward to when we can get some clarification from the court..."

What time frames, the election is over. They must know there was fraud. It is silly to think anything else.
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