monitoring Trump and relevant contemporary events

Tue 15 Dec, 2020 12:24 pm
Yessiree, GATESTONE INSTITUTE called the "Big Mama of Anti-Muslim HAte"

These guys are famous for Fact-free and fraudulent opinion papers.

Im sur Ill pay attention to your search.

GATESTONE HAS BEEN DEEMED A "FAR RIGHT THINK TANK " (with many erroneous views an untrue reports)
Tue 15 Dec, 2020 12:24 pm
WI Supreme Court Rules State Did Not Have Authority to Abandon Voter ID Rules Due to COVID

Just the News reports that court filings show nearly 200,000 voters declared themselves permanently confined for the state’s primary in the spring, and even more people did for the general election. “The ruling opens the doors for Republicans to potentially challenge those votes if it can be shown the voters weren’t sick or elderly as required by the law.”

If those votes are thrown out guess who the winner is?
0 Replies
Tue 15 Dec, 2020 12:26 pm
farmerman wrote:

Yessiree, GATESTONE INSTITUTE called the "Big Mama of Anti-Muslim HAte"

These guys are famous for Fact-free and fraudulent opinion papers.

Im sur Ill pay attention to your search.

GATESTONE HAS BEEN DEEMED A "FAR RIGHT THINK TANK " (with many erroneous views an untrue reports)

So what the NYT and the WP are tabloids. Do not attack the source, attack the facts in it. I'll wait. Start debunking the facts in the article.
Walter Hinteler
Tue 15 Dec, 2020 12:27 pm
In addition to Trump mulling a self-pardon, he’s also considering family members and Rudy Giuliani – but Barr’s words may come back to haunt him

William Barr's exit is bad news for Trump's hopes of a 11th-hour pardoning spree

On Monday, Donald Trump announced the exit of William Barr from the justice department. Finally, the president had succeeded in imposing his will upon someone, anyone, after weeks of repeated failures. On the very day that marked the 300,000th American death to Covid-19 and the electoral college’s ratification of Joe Biden’s victory, Trump had again hounded his attorney general from office. Jeff Sessions is no longer a club of one.

Yet Barr also won’t be there if and when the president delivers his final round of pardons, a likely relief to the president’s legal spear carrier but also a reason for Trump to fret: Barr knows a thing or two about eleventh-hour pardons. Mike Flynn is only the latest.

As attorney general to George HW Bush, Barr successfully urged the late president to grant a passel of pardons in the aftermath of the Iran-Contra scandal and Bush’s 1992 loss to Bill Clinton. Indeed, in Barr’s telling he was a driving force nearly three decades ago, running roughshod over justice department “naysayers”.

Specifically, Barr fought for the pardon of Caspar Weinberger, Ronald Reagan’s defense secretary who was under indictment, and five others, including Elliot Abrams. In time, Abrams would join the administration of George W Bush and eventually serve as Trump’s special representative for Iran and then Venezuela.

In a 2001 interview, the law-and-order Barr framed things this way: “The big ones obviously were the Iran Contra ones. I certainly did not oppose any of them. I favored the broadest.”

As for limiting Bush’s pardons to just Weinberger who was facing perjury charges, Barr was having none of that. He explained, “There were some people arguing just for Weinberger, and I said, ‘No, in for a penny, in for a pound.’”

At the time, Abrams had already pleaded guilty to withholding information from Congress, but Barr was having none of that. Rather, Barr “felt” that Abrams “had been very unjustly treated”. As expected, Lawrence Walsh, the then-independent counsel, saw things differently, saying: “The Iran-Contra coverup ... has now been completed.”

Years later, Barr would distort the findings of the Mueller report, earning the ire of Mueller, his one-time friend and of Reggie Walton, a George W Bush appointee to the federal bench. In a 23-page opinion, Walton “seriously” questioned whether Barr “made a calculated attempt to influence public discourse about the Mueller Report in favor of President Trump despite certain findings in the redacted version of the Mueller Report to the contrary”.

To be sure, that was not the last time that Barr would draw fire from the courts. In the aftermath of the justice department’s tortured efforts to drop the government’s case against Flynn and Trump’s pardon, another federal judge, Emmet Sullivan, hammered Barr’s leadership. Like Walton, Sullivan too was distressed by the government’s capacity for contortion to placate Trump.

Even as he dismissed the charges against Flynn, Sullivan opined: “In view of the government’s previous argument in this case that Mr Flynn’s false statements were ‘absolutely material’ because his false statements ‘went to the heart’ of the FBI’s investigation, the government’s about-face, without explanation, raises concerns about the regularity of its decision-making process.”

As Barr departs Main Justice, he has extracted price for his rushed retirement. Against the backdrop of Trump’s baseless claims of electoral fraud and theft, Barr jabbed his boss in the eye. His resignation letter declared that “it is incumbent on all levels of government, and all agencies acting within their purview, to do all we can to assure the integrity of elections and promote public confidence in their outcome”.

Without Barr at his side, Trump now faces a long list of supplicants. In addition to Trump mulling a self-pardon, he also confronts the issue of granting pardons to Javanka, two of his sons, Rudy Giuliani and Ken Paxton, Texas’ attorney general who is under an active FBI investigation. Here too, Barr’s words may come back to haunt the president.

At his 2019 confirmation hearing, Barr testified that the president possessed the power to pardon family members but could also face prosecution if the pardon was tied to a broader effort to obstruct justice. Barr explained that while the president possesses the “power to pardon a family member’’, if it was “connected to some act that violates an obstruction statute, it could be obstruction”.

Come 12:01 pm on 20 January 2021, Trump loses immunity and becomes fair game for prosecutors. Already, Cyrus Vance, Manhattan’s district attorney, is eagerly circling Trump and his business. As for the southern district of New York, they have already labeled Trump an unindicted co-conspirator.
Tue 15 Dec, 2020 12:32 pm
Maybe the source of the anti vax boys associated are based on the Beliefs of Falun Gong eh?

You believe what you want. I dont look up stuff about US politics from anti Muslim groups that frequently publish reports that are mre lies.

NYT has editors whose careers are dependent on facts. Perhaps its the polysyllabic prose in the TIMES you find Daunting. I notice that both you and Ollie have limited vocabularies
Tue 15 Dec, 2020 12:32 pm
"Big Mama of Anti-Muslim HAte"

Telling the truth about Islam is not hate. It is proven by the holy texts of Islam. Gatestone just tells you what Islam actually says. Below is a fine example of what their holy book inspires.

France: Muslim migrant who murdered three in church was carrying copy of Qur’an and screaming ‘Allahu akbar’

Tue 15 Dec, 2020 12:34 pm
@Walter Hinteler,
The BBC’s Anthony Zurcher said pretty much the same thing. Barr left so he could keep quiet and not be forced to justify Trump’s spate of pardonings, and leave with some dignity, (not much, but some.)
0 Replies
Tue 15 Dec, 2020 12:37 pm
Falun Gong

Laughing Laughing Laughing Is Bobsal back?
0 Replies
Tue 15 Dec, 2020 12:38 pm
look at all these Christian Sriminals who kill and rob.
Youre painting a civilization with a broad brush
Tue 15 Dec, 2020 12:38 pm
I notice that both you and Ollie have limited vocabularies

No big deal we talk talk to extremely limited people. You, for example.
0 Replies
Tue 15 Dec, 2020 12:40 pm
farmerman wrote:

look at all these Christian Sriminals who kill and rob.
Youre painting a civilization with a broad brush

Read the Koran and hadith. Islam is supremacist, intolerant, violent and hate filled. Period.
0 Replies
Tue 15 Dec, 2020 01:44 pm
McConnell to GOP senators: Don't object to election results

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell warned Republican senators Tuesday during a private caucus call not to object to the election results on Jan. 6, according to two sources familiar with the matter.

McConnell told his caucus that objecting to the results would force Republicans to take a “terrible vote” because they would need to vote it down and appear against President Donald Trump. Senate Majority Whip John Thune and Sen. Roy Blunt (R-Mo.) also echoed McConnell’s remarks.

McConnell’s warning comes one day after the Electoral College officially voted for Joe Biden to be president-elect. The Kentucky Republican acknowledged for the first time that Biden will be the next president in his floor remarks Tuesday.

Some House Republicans, led by Rep. Mo Brooks (R-Ala.), are still planning to challenge the election results on Jan. 6, the date Congress will officially certify them. If a Republican senator joins the effort, however, it will force both chambers to take a vote on the election. But they have yet to get official buy-in from any GOP senators.

Trump has yet to show any sign that he will concede. Instead, the president on Tuesday continued to reiterate false claims of voter fraud on Twitter.

Tue 15 Dec, 2020 01:53 pm
Rebelofnj wrote:

McConnell to GOP senators: Don't object to election results

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell warned Republican senators Tuesday during a private caucus call not to object to the election results on Jan. 6, according to two sources familiar with the matter.

McConnell told his caucus that objecting to the results would force Republicans to take a “terrible vote” because they would need to vote it down and appear against President Donald Trump. Senate Majority Whip John Thune and Sen. Roy Blunt (R-Mo.) also echoed McConnell’s remarks.

McConnell’s warning comes one day after the Electoral College officially voted for Joe Biden to be president-elect. The Kentucky Republican acknowledged for the first time that Biden will be the next president in his floor remarks Tuesday.

Some House Republicans, led by Rep. Mo Brooks (R-Ala.), are still planning to challenge the election results on Jan. 6, the date Congress will officially certify them. If a Republican senator joins the effort, however, it will force both chambers to take a vote on the election. But they have yet to get official buy-in from any GOP senators.

Trump has yet to show any sign that he will concede. Instead, the president on Tuesday continued to reiterate false claims of voter fraud on Twitter.


They are not false claims. There is proven fraud in Michigan. McConnell can talk to whoever he wants. Trump is the one that matters and he will fight this fraud until Jan 20th.
Dominion Audit Contains Bad News: Ballot Error Rate Was At Least 85,000 Times Higher Than FEC Allows

That is FRAUD.
Ramsland’s report said that of the 15,676 individual voting events recorded on the Dominion Voting Systems in Antrim County, 10,667 ballots — 68.05 percent — were errors.

The allowable election error rate established by the FEC guidelines is 1 in 500,000 ballots, but Ramsland’s team used 1 in 125,000 or 0.0008 percent, making the requirement less strict to account for vagueness in the law, Ramsland said in a text to The Western Journal.

Tue 15 Dec, 2020 02:00 pm
The BBC said that it will now be easier for other Republican senators to acknowledge Biden without being called traitors by Trump’s fascist base.

Let’s hope they do it sooner rather than later, there’s been enough violence and threats of violence as it is.
Tue 15 Dec, 2020 02:02 pm
By the looks of it, Trump is losing the support of many top Republicans, or at the very least, they now acknowledge that Trump lost and Biden won.

It seems Trump mainly has the support of lower rank Republicans who don't have much pull within their own party, at least compared to McConnell’s heavy pull.

It is likely that McConnell is going to ensure that no Republican senator will object to the election results on 6 January.
Tue 15 Dec, 2020 02:05 pm
izzythepush wrote:

The BBC said that it will now be easier for other Republican senators to acknowledge Biden without being called traitors by Trump’s fascist base.

Let’s hope they do it sooner rather than later, there’s been enough violence and threats of violence as it is.

Trump's base is not fascist. Why don't you tell everyone what you think makes them fascist?
0 Replies
Tue 15 Dec, 2020 02:06 pm
Rebelofnj wrote:

By the looks of it, Trump is losing the support of many top Republicans, or at the very least, they now acknowledge that Trump lost and Biden won.

It seems Trump mainly has the support of lower rank Republicans who don't have much pull within their own party, at least compared to McConnell’s heavy pull.

It is likely that McConnell is going to ensure that no Republican senator will object to the election results on 6 January.

It is likely Rand Paul will not listen, he seldom does to career politicians.
Tue 15 Dec, 2020 02:16 pm
Under rules laid out in the Constitution and the Electoral Count Act of 1887, their challenges must be submitted in writing with a senator’s signature also affixed. No Republican senator has yet stepped forward to say he or she will back such an effort, though a handful of reliable allies of Mr. Trump, including Senators Ron Johnson of Wisconsin and Rand Paul of Kentucky, have signaled they would be open to doing so.

Even if a senator did agree, constitutional scholars say the process is intended to be an arduous one. Once an objection is heard from a member of each house of Congress, senators and representatives will retreat to their chambers on opposite sides of the Capitol for a two-hour debate and then a vote on whether to disqualify a state’s votes. Both the Democratic-controlled House and Republican-controlled Senate would have to agree to toss out a state’s electoral votes

So, it appears that any chance to overturn the election is very, very, very low, as the House will refuse to toss out any results and the Senate, under McConnell’s control, will refuse as well.
Tue 15 Dec, 2020 02:25 pm
Rebelofnj wrote:

Under rules laid out in the Constitution and the Electoral Count Act of 1887, their challenges must be submitted in writing with a senator’s signature also affixed. No Republican senator has yet stepped forward to say he or she will back such an effort, though a handful of reliable allies of Mr. Trump, including Senators Ron Johnson of Wisconsin and Rand Paul of Kentucky, have signaled they would be open to doing so.

Even if a senator did agree, constitutional scholars say the process is intended to be an arduous one. Once an objection is heard from a member of each house of Congress, senators and representatives will retreat to their chambers on opposite sides of the Capitol for a two-hour debate and then a vote on whether to disqualify a state’s votes. Both the Democratic-controlled House and Republican-controlled Senate would have to agree to toss out a state’s electoral votes

So, it appears that any chance to overturn the election is very, very, very low, as the House will refuse to toss out any results and the Senate, under McConnell’s control, will refuse as well.

I think there is a better chance the fraud will be exposed in a way no one can deny. If it takes the EO to do it I say Trump does it. We cannot give our election integrity away to Communists, and that is what Democrats are.
Tue 15 Dec, 2020 02:27 pm
Sorry, how can I put this so it can be understood.


Hope that sorts things out.
0 Replies

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