Quote:They know Biden won with fraud. Every honest person does.
That's a statement by a person seeing only what he wants to see, and nothing else.
So far, I have seen evidence of irregularities, but little to no evidence of fraud (which differs substantially from irregularities). The people presenting the irregularities almost always leave out information necessary to (self-honest people) making informed decisions regarding whether or not fraud existed, while claiming it as evidence of fraud. This itself is not honest. If they claimed it as a possible indicator of fraud, that would be honest.
And your courts keep throwing out the 'evidence', saying it doesn't amount to evidence of fraud...which given the incredibly high percentage of fraud allegations being thrown out, says that the people making the claims aren't being honest.
Perhaps there will be evidence somewhere (in an election that large, I wouldn't be surprised by minor attempts on both sides to sway the tallies)
But most of the evidence of dishonesty - relates to the fraud claimants themselves.
From what I understand Trump has done some very good things for the US economically speaking , while also creating greater divides within the US / polarising people within the US. Of course that is heard third hand.