blatham wrote:
Quote:blatham, I believe the early days were Nixon.
As most historians recognize, it's no simple matter to carbon date any precise beginning to what we see now. Perhaps the Powell Memo, perhaps Goldwater, perhaps McCarthy, perhaps the New Awakening, perhaps the Civil War or even the Revolution. And there are threads that go back to European culture as well. But in terms of what Krugman is speaking of, I think he gets it right.
American conservatives have been WRONG on damn near every serious political crisis America has ever faced, Bernie.
American conservatives deplored talk of independence from Great Britain...and considered George III to be our liege lord. They considered our founding fathers to be traitors.
At the time of the American Civil War...American conservatives were the ones advocating for "states rights" (meaning the ability to own slaves). They were Democrats then.
At some point (mostly around the time that Democrats began advocating for civil rights) American conservatives shifted alliance from the Democratic Party to the Republican Party.
The Republican Party should be serving our nation as the loyal opposition. It has steadily...and unrelentingly...veered off into a sort of fascism.
It sucks. I hope they get their **** together now that The Abomination is out of office, but I suspect not.