Quote:Im thinking that, with the ne Congress, the GOP will have sobered up and realized how close to dismantling our Democracy thy came. NOW all those 34% need to be retired by their constituencies when they realize what a traitorous despot Trump actually is.
I'm at a loss to imagine what prior behaviors of the modern GOP leads you to this surmise. Do you see some reason to believe that McConnell will change the strategy he employed when Obama began his presidency?
Quote:The single most important thing we want to achieve is for President Obama to be a one-term president.
Do you have some indication or evidence that he will do anything at all other than obstruct Biden in every way possible - ie, denying judicial appointments, tabling bills that are likely to demonstrate to citizens that liberal policies will make their lives better or block spending that will have the same effect? (I mean, what's he doing right now on stimulus spending?!)
Do you actually think he will do anything at all which is not designed to recapture the White House?
Is it your belief that right wing media will now become sane? That they'll drop the conspiratorial lunacies that enrage their base and keep them financially viable? Do you think the con men and women spread across the party and right wing universe will turn over a new leaf?
How likely do you imagine it is that the religious right will now tip its hat to science, to women's equality, to multiculturalism and and an ethos of inclusion?
And what are the chances, I'd ask, that GOP politicos set aside what they now recognize is the present political reality - that they can have a vile, deceitful, crude, lazy, untutored and criminal national leader on par with or worse than many of the world's worst despots, a leader despised worldwide and yet suffer minimal electoral consequences?
Will they cease suppressing votes? Gerrymandering again? Will they celebrate moderates (there's what, three or four left)? Taking legal actions in attempts to overturn bad election results?