Quote:this could maybe indicate a great deal of trouble for him in the very near future?
Three months after recovery, and I'm experiencing the loss of taste sensation, shortness of breath, crazy heart palpitations in the middle of the night. Blood clotting is the problem, alleviated by simple aspirin, and I only take it when my heart racing wakes me up dead of night.
Best advice is, that it will pass, and to avoid fatty foods and dairy products.
Builder wrote:More denial, from the "philanthropist" who wants us all to get his vaccine.
Is he even making a vaccine? The only times I ever hear "Bill Gates" and "vaccine" in the same sentence, the source always seems to be those QAnon people.
@Region Philbis,
Ethics- shmethics!
Conflict- shmonflict!
We’re talking about Trump here....,,,
Wondering, if the US will now react in regard to the poisoning Alexei Navalny, on 20 August 2020. (Nawalny has been treated in Berlin at the end of August after the poison attack on him.)
Today, the Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) considers the use of the outlawed nerve agent Novichok against the Russian opposition politician Alexei Nawalny to be proven.
In a statement on the organisation's website, the OPCW reported that the examination of samples taken from Nawalny confirmed previous laboratory results, including those from Germany and Sweden.
OPCW press release
@Walter Hinteler,
What in your opinion would be an appropriate reaction from the US?
@Walter Hinteler,
Join other nations in doing what?
Well, at first condemn it, like others did. Then ... perhaps sanctions.
@Walter Hinteler,
I would support the US doing that.
The Dangerous Case of Donald Trump
by Bandy Lee, M. D.
by Lance Dodes, M.D.
pp. 82-92
"Crazy like a fox or just crazy?" This question has surrounded Donald Trump since his campaign for president. The question is whether a person who is repetitively inmoral - who cons others, lies, cheats, and manipulates to get what he wants, doesn't care whom he hurts just as long as he is gratifying himself - whether such a person's indifference to the feelings of others for personal gain is just being clever: crazy like a fox. Or are these actions a sign of something much more serious? Could they be expressions of a significant mental derangement?
The answer to that question is emphatically, "Yes." To understand why, it's necessary to understand the psychological condition called "sociopathy," and why sociopathy is such a severe disturbance.
The failure of normal empathy is central to sociopathy, which is marked by an absence of guilt, intentional manipulation, and control or even sadistically harming others for personal power or gratification. People with sociopathic traits have a flaw in the basic nature of human beings. Far from being clever like a fox, they're lacking an essential part of being human. That is why sociopathy is among the most severe mental disturbances.
Yet, we are a culture that admires external success and wealth and power, regardless of how it is achieved. People with sociopathic qualities who are able to achieve high status and power precisely because of their manipulation and cheating are, therefore, sometimes seen as not only psychologically healthy, but superior. This contributes to the confusion: "How crazy can someone be who is successful?" It has even been said that Mr Trump couldn't possibly have serious mental problems because he got to be president.
Indeed, there are generally two life paths for people with severe sociopathy.
But those who are good at manipulation, at appearing charming and caring, as concealing their immoral or illegal behavior, and can bully their way to the top, do not end up as outcasts or in prison. There is a term for these people: "successful sociopaths." They are the ones who most fool others into thinking they are "crazy like a fox." As their power increases, their ability to disguise their mental disturbance may also increase, concealed behind a wall of underlings who do the dirty work, or armies of lawyers who threaten those who are currently seen as the enemy. What is important to understand is that their success is on the outside. They are no different from those who are less skilled at concealing their lack of empathy, even if they require an expert to recognize them. They are still severely emotionally ill.
The sociopath may treat people as though they are great friends, charmingly complimenting them on how wonderful they are, then abruptly turn on them as the enemy. Loyalty is highly praised by sociopaths because it serves their personal ends, but there is no real relationship.
Donald Trump
Donald Trump mocking the disability of a handicapped reporter, unconcern for the safety of protesters at a rally ("Get rid of them!), sexually assaulting women, threatening physical harm to his opponents in the election (alluding to Gun Owners eliminating her), repeatedly verbally attacking a family who lost his son fighting for the country, personally degrading people who criticize him (calling them insulting names, as he did in both the Republican primaries and the general election), a history of cheating people he's hired by not paying them what he owes, creating the now forced-to-disband Trump University, targeting and terrifying minority groups, all provide overwhelming evidence of profound sociopathic traits, which are far more important than trying to assign any specific diagnostic label.
Donald Trump's speech and behavior show that he has severe sociopathic traits the significance of this cannot be overstated. While there have surely been American presidents who could be said to be narcissistic, none have shown sociopathic qualities to the degree seen in Mr Trump. Correspondingly, none have been so definitively and so obviously dangerous.
Mr. Trump sociopathic characteristics are undeniable. They create a profound danger for America's democracy and safety. Overtime these characteristics will only become worse, either because Mr Trump will succeed in gaining more power and more grandiosity with less grasp on reality, or because he will engender more criticism producing more paranoia, more lies, and more enraged destruction
BillW wrote:
From the evasive answers given by the Doctor and these visual proofs of evidence, it fully appears Trump has lung damage. In comparing these bits with the occasional trajectory of the Covid virus, this could maybe indicate a great deal of trouble for him in the very near future?
One thing is clear: Trump was given dexamethasone, which is helpful for severe Covid-19 cases yet perhaps harmful in mild cases. So Trump's condition is likely serious. He needs to be closely monitored in two weeks. He's still in danger of quickly deteriorating.
But there are favorable factors for American people: (1) The White House has a hospital inside, so Trump is safe there. (2) The US system of democracy ensures the security of its power.
oristarA wrote:
BillW wrote:
From the evasive answers given by the Doctor and these visual proofs of evidence, it fully appears Trump has lung damage. In comparing these bits with the occasional trajectory of the Covid virus, this could maybe indicate a great deal of trouble for him in the very near future?
One thing is clear: Trump was given dexamethasone, which is helpful for severe Covid-19 cases yet perhaps harmful in mild cases. So Trump's condition is likely serious. He needs to be closely monitored in two weeks. He's still in danger of quickly deteriorating.
But there are favorable factors for American people: (1) The White House has a hospital inside, so Trump is safe there. (2) The US system of democracy ensures the security of its power.
How, pray tell, is that a favorable factor for American people?