monitoring Trump and relevant contemporary events

Region Philbis
Wed 30 Sep, 2020 02:09 pm

Trump campaign scrubs Parscale from their website after arrest

In the wake of reports surrounding the police arrest and apparent suicide attempt of former
Trump campaign manager Brad Parscale, the Trump campaign is quietly disappearing Parscale
from its website, the Daily Beast reports.

“Since Tuesday, the campaign has removed a video of Parscale from the homepage of its ‘Army
for Trump’ election monitoring operation,” the Beast’s Lachlan Markay writes. “It also deleted
a page on the main campaign website featuring a video of Parscale and Lara Trump. The video
of their discussion, billed as a Q&A on the state of the campaign, has also been removed from
Wed 30 Sep, 2020 02:20 pm
I inquired if you would prefer war with Russia over normal relations...

You quoted Putin saying he wanted normal relations with the US and that is why he wanted to see Trump win. The implication is that you oppose normal relations with Russia.

I wondered what your feelings about China and normal relations were. I didn't say anything about war with China. You even tried to put what I said in quotes as though I actually said that... Tsk.
How about China? Do you think the US should have normal relations with China?

is hardly "a war between the US and China"
Wed 30 Sep, 2020 03:39 pm
@Region Philbis,

Is that supposed to be news? The man has better things to do than help on a campaign. He needs to get some help. You are just kicking him again while he is down..
0 Replies
Wed 30 Sep, 2020 04:09 pm
Chris Wallace: (41:33)
You have repeatedly criticized the vice president for not specifically calling out Antifa and other left wing extremist groups. But are you willing tonight to condemn white supremacists and militia group and to say that they need to stand down and not add to the violence in a number of these cities as we saw in Kenosha and as we’ve seen in Portland.

President Donald J. Trump: (41:57)
Sure, I’m will to do that.

Pretty sure he meant to say "willing". That is a condemnation. The media is lying about something that is quite important. How can they ever be trusted?
Wed 30 Sep, 2020 04:18 pm
A meme doing the rounds on social media claims that Wallace is a registered democrat, and that his father is on the flight manifest as having been a regular at Epstein's island.
Wed 30 Sep, 2020 05:30 pm
Builder wrote:

A meme doing the rounds on social media claims that Wallace is a registered democrat, and that his father is on the flight manifest as having been a regular at Epstein's island.

I knew he was a Democrat. He isn't responsible for his father's actions.
Wed 30 Sep, 2020 05:47 pm
I knew he was a Democrat.

Seems a bit lop-sided. How was he chosen for the role?
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Wed 30 Sep, 2020 07:51 pm
oralloy wrote:

jcboy wrote:
This was the most disturbing moment of the night. To tell an extremist, racist militia to stand by. Unreal. Disgraceful and disgusting.

Leftist phony outrage is pretty silly.

And predictable.
0 Replies
Thu 1 Oct, 2020 01:27 am
This is why nothing is ever done about banking crimes. It's a big club.

0 Replies
Thu 1 Oct, 2020 02:26 am
The Dangerous Case of Donald Trump

by Bandy  Lee, M. D.

P. 8
There are those who still hold out hope that this President can be prevailed upon to listen to reason and curb his erratic behavior. Our professional experience would it suggest otherwise; witness the numerous submissions we have received for this volume while organizing a Yale conference in April 2017 and entitled "Does Professional Responsibility Include a Duty to Warn?" Collectively with our co-authors, we warned that anyone as mentally unstable as Mr. Trump simply should not be entrusted with the life-and-death powers of the presidency.


P. 12

Authors in this volume have been asked to respect the Goldwater Rule* and not breech it unnecessarily, but I in turn respect their choices whenever their conscience has prompted them to take to professionally and socially radical step to help protect the public. Therefore, it would be accurate to state that, while we respect the rule, we deem it subordinate to the single most important principle that guides our professional conduct: that we hold our responsibility to human life and well-being is Paramount.

*The Goldwater rule is Section 7 in the American Psychiatric Association's (APA) Principles of Medical Ethics, which states that it is unethical for psychiatrists to give a professional opinion about public figures whom they have not examined in person, and from whom they have not obtained consent to discuss their mental health in public statements. It is named after former US Senator and 1964 presidential candidate Barry Goldwater.

P. 14
Assessing dangerousness requires a different standard from diagnosing so as to formulate a course of treatment. Dangerousness is about the situation, not the individual; it is more about the effects and the degree of impairment then on the specific cause of illness and it does not require a full examination but takes into account whatever information is available. Also, it requires that the qualified professional err on the side of safety, and it may entail breaking other, ordinary binding rules to favorite action.
Thu 1 Oct, 2020 02:29 am
Take the time to assess the situation accurately, and inform us all of the extent of prez Trump's "loose cannon" actions, and how they've negatively affected Americans.

Thu 1 Oct, 2020 03:19 am
well, there's the news headline today that while kim jong un stroked trump;s massive narcissism with "love letters", he continued to build his nuclear capabilities.
Thu 1 Oct, 2020 03:24 am
Was that your local rag in bumfuck Idaho?

Links or it never happened.
Thu 1 Oct, 2020 03:55 am
I often wonder if North Korea’s ruler’s ruthless autocracy is a result of being called Kim, like in Johnny Cash’s Boy Called Sue. Maybe if he was called Jim Jong Un he wouldn’t need so many nuclear weapons, if any.
0 Replies
Thu 1 Oct, 2020 04:06 am
no, dimbulb, it was WaPo
The Washington Post
As Kim wooed Trump with ‘love letters,’ he kept building his nuclear capability, intelligence shows
Joby Warrick, Simon Denyer 9 hrs ago
Trump's latest punt on White supremacy shows a debate rebound will be…
Black voters 'frustrated' by Trump debate comments
The Washington Post logoAs Kim wooed Trump with ‘love letters,’ he kept building his nuclear capability, intelligence shows

Ad 00:05 - up next "Trump received ‘beautiful’ letter from Kim Jong Un"
Trump received ‘beautiful’ letter from Kim Jong Un
Ad 00:06 - up next "Trump downplays North Korean missile test"
Trump downplays North Korean missile test
In a secret letter to President Trump in December 2018, North Korean leader Kim Jong Un likened the two leaders’ budding friendship to a Hollywood romance. Future meetings with “Your Excellency,” Kim wrote to Trump, would be “reminiscent of a scene from a fantasy film.”

Yet even as he penned the words, Kim was busy creating an illusion of a different kind. At six of the country’s missile bases, trucks hauled rock from underground construction sites as workers dug a maze of new tunnels and bunkers, allowing North Korea to move weapons around like peas in a shell game. Southeast of the capital, meanwhile, new buildings sprouted across an industrial complex that was processing uranium for as many as 15 new bombs, according to current and former U.S. and South Korean officials, as well as a report by a United Nations panel of experts.

The new work reflects a continuation of a pattern observed by analysts since the first summit between Trump and Kim in 2018. While North Korea has refrained from carrying out provocative tests of its most advanced weapon systems, it never stopped working on them, U.S. intelligence officials said. Indeed, new evidence suggests that Kim took advantage of the lull by improving his ability to hide his most powerful weapons and shield them from future attacks.

The pause in testing has produced benefits for both leaders, despite the lack of tangible progress toward the stated goal of the United States in any accord: a denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula in exchange for ending crippling economic sanctions against the North. Kim’s show of restraint has allowed Trump to claim a partial foreign policy success, even as administration officials acknowledge that North Korea has not eliminated a single bomb or dismantled any of its missile factories.

[Trump’s North Korean gamble fails to pay off]
For Kim’s part, the easing of tensions has opened new routes for circumventing sanctions while his factories quietly churn out more nuclear warheads and bigger missiles to carry them, current and former U.S. intelligence analysts and nuclear experts say.

“North Korea hasn’t stopped building nuclear weapons or ­developing missile systems; they’ve just stopped displaying them,” said Jeffrey Lewis, director of the East Asia Nonproliferation Program at the Center for ­Nonproliferation Studies in Monterey, Calif. “They stopped doing the things that made bad news cycles for Trump.”

The result, two years after the start of Trump’s unconventional peace overture, is a North Korea that U.S. officials say is better armed, with a growing nuclear arsenal scattered across a network of bunkers newly hardened against a potential U.S. airstrike. Kim, meanwhile, has gained an advantage that has eluded other North Korean leaders: a personal friendship with a U.S. president — one in which Trump describes Kim admiringly and shows off what he has called “love letters” exchanged between the two leaders. The contents of dozens of letters were revealed last month by journalist Bob Woodward in his book “Rage.”

Some experts see signs that Kim is losing patience with diplomacy and may be preparing to revert to more-aggressive behavior, including possible tests or displays of new weapons. But many analysts believe that such provocations are not likely to occur until after Nov. 3, because of Kim’s apparent wish to avoid undermining Trump’s reelection chances.

“In theory, an ‘October surprise’ — some form of provocation — could be in play, but this is not a normal election year,” Sue Mi Terry, a former senior analyst on North Korea for the CIA, said at a North Korea policy forum last week. “From Kim Jong Un’s perspective, he still prefers to deal with Trump.”

Token gestures
By any objective measure, the risk of imminent hostilities with North Korea has receded since Trump’s controversial decision to pursue personal diplomacy with Kim. In the early months of the Trump presidency, North Korea conducted its sixth nuclear test, detonating a powerful new weapon believed by experts to be a hydrogen bomb. It also successfully launched two new types of intercontinental ballistic missiles, one of which was judged capable of reaching cities on the U.S. East Coast.

Diplomacy between Washington and Pyongyang, meanwhile, devolved into name-calling. Trump publicly derided the North Korean leader as “Rocket Man,” while the U.S. president was mocked in official North Korean communiques as a “dotard.” In recorded interviews for Woodward’s book, Trump acknowledged that the two countries narrowly avoided war in 2017, inching closer to the edge than Americans knew at the time.

[Woodward: Trump says U.S. came close to war with North Korea in 2017]
Trump’s announcement that he would meet unconditionally with a North Korean leader — something previous presidents, Republican and Democrat, had declined to do — was greeted skeptically by many arms control experts. It was clear that the highly theatrical 2018 Singapore summit was mostly symbolic, as the talks failed to produce a substantive agreement, or even a shared understanding of what a “denuclearization” of the Korean Peninsula actually meant.

Still, many critics of the summit would later credit Trump’s team for its willingness to try something different.

“We had never tested whether the negotiation hypothesis — the idea that talking to the leader directly about denuclearization — could work,” said Victor Cha, director of Asian affairs at the White House National Security Council during the George W. Bush administration. “We had never tried that.”

Even though disarmament talks quickly stalled, the lessening of tensions was a significant and undeniable achievement. The “strategic patience” doctrine adopted by the Obama administration over the previous eight years had proved unsuccessful in slowing North Korea’s pursuit of nuclear weapons and advanced missiles, noted John Delury, an associate professor at Yonsei University in Seoul.

“The logic behind engaging Kim Jong Un was sound and remains sound,” Delury said. “Trump was able to get certain things done.”

Yet despite two additional summits the following year, talks on eliminating North Korea’s nuclear arsenal produced little more than token gestures. Trump basked in the media spotlight when he crossed the Korean demilitarized zone to shake hands with Kim, but the author of “The Art of the Deal” could not persuade Kim to open his weapon bunkers for inspection, or to part with his nuclear weapons, estimated by U.S. intelligence officials at between 40 and 60. Those officials concluded that Kim never intended to give up his arsenal, which the dictator views as the ultimate guarantor of his regime’s survival.

“There was the willingness to engage at the high level, but then it kind of crumbled from there,” Delury said. “Trump’s chaotic and distracted theatrics of politics meant that it didn’t really create a lasting process.”

Miniature nuclear devices
Still, more than a year after the last summit, North Korea’s unilateral freeze on nuclear and ICBM testing remains intact. So does, apparently, the two leaders’ mutual admiration. Trump has told followers at political rallies that he and Kim “fell in love” after their first meeting. Kim’s letters to Trump, as quoted by Woodward in his book, are fawning paeans rendered in language that would make a romantic novelist blush.

“I cannot forget that moment of history when I firmly held Your Excellency’s hand,” Kim wrote in a Dec. 25, 2018, missive. Trump’s reply, three days later: “The only two leaders who can do it are you and me.”

But all along, North Korea — a serial cheater on past nuclear agreements — was hedging its bets. Multiple strands of intelligence collected by U.S., South Korean and Japanese intelligence agencies have confirmed that Kim never missed a step in his march toward creating a credible nuclear deterrent that included powerful warheads and a variety of advanced missiles for delivering them.

[Officials: North Korea concealing key aspects of its weapons program]
Exactly how many new bombs North Korea has built since the Singapore summit is not publicly known, but analysts calculate that the country’s nuclear weapons complex currently generates enough fissile material for up to seven new bombs each year — meaning that Kim’s nuclear stockpile has possibly expanded by about 15 warheads since the two leaders first met.

North Korea’s recent progress on weapon systems is detailed in a report by a U.N.-appointed Panel of Experts that compiles intelligence on North Korea supplied by multiple countries, including the United States and South Korea. A pre-publication draft of the report, obtained by The Washington Post, concludes that North Korea has not only continued to manufacture nuclear bombs but also has “probably developed miniature nuclear devices to fit into the warheads of its ballistic missiles.” Two U.S. officials familiar with the findings said the report’s conclusions are broadly shared by U.S. intelligence agencies.

The report highlights a construction boom at six military bases where North Korea manufactures and tests components for new missiles, describing a “level of activity [that] is constant.” Particularly striking, the report said, is a surge in subterranean building projects, including new bunkers and tunnels that have been dug beneath existing bunkers and storage facilities, the report said.

“An effort is made at some sites to enhance the undetectability and the camouflage of the existing or recently built infrastructures,” the report said.

The U.N. experts also noted the appearance of new or expanded facilities at North Korea’s uranium-processing plants, including a large industrial complex at Pyongsan that refines uranium ore. The improvements could enable Pyongyang to build more nuclear weapons faster.

In addition, the report cited evidence of preparations for a possible future resumption of tests of nuclear bombs and advanced missiles. Satellite images showed new construction underway at Punggye-ri, the mountain test site where North Korea exploded its first nuclear bombs. North Korean officials had destroyed the entrance to the test chamber as a goodwill gesture after the first Trump-Kim summit two years ago. Preparations for a missile test also appeared to be underway at a navy base in Sinpo, a port city on North Korea’s northeast coast and the site of previous tests of submarine-launched ballistic missiles.

Meanwhile, an elaborate North Korean network for smuggling weapon parts continues to operate. According to a separate analysis by South Korean researchers last month, Kim’s government successfully imported at least $30 million worth of banned missile components just in 2018, the year when the ICBM testing freeze went into effect.

“Even amid the flurry of diplomacy in 2018,” said report author Jina Kim of the Korea Institute for Defense Analyses, a think tank affiliated with South Korea’s Defense Ministry, “North Korea never stopped developing military options as a backup.”

Forcing a disarmament deal
Trump administration officials say they are fully aware of Kim’s continued pursuit of nuclear weapons, but they argue that a combination of diplomacy and continued economic pressure will eventually compel North Korea to give up its nuclear arsenal. Some analysts believe that North Korea is waiting out the U.S. presidential election, and that Kim may be willing to strike a bargain after Nov. 3, depending on the outcome.

Harsh U.S. and U.N. economic sanctions have battered North Korea’s economy. Yet pressure from sanctions has slowly ebbed, in a side effect of the Kim-Trump summits. As tensions in the region eased, both China and Russia curtailed enforcement of the restrictions, allowing North Korea to export more of its coal to foreign markets while bringing in critical supplies of gas and oil.

[How Russia quietly undercuts sanctions on North Korean coal]
North Korea’s economy remains under severe strain, however, because of problems unrelated to the nuclear weapons crisis. After the start of the coronavirus pandemic, Kim closed the border with China, sealing off commerce with the country’s main trading partner. Numerous cities and farming provinces also suffered massive damage because of historic flooding over the summer.

Some experts believe the extreme financial stress could eventually force Kim to agree to a disarmament deal. But others note that North Korean leaders have withstood similar pressures in the past, at times even allowing their citizens to endure starvation in order to procure the weapons they believe will help them stay in power.

In the meantime, analysts say, neither Kim nor Trump is likely to jeopardize their personal relationship. The odd friendship has continued to offer value — a temporary lessening of tensions and a chance to stand together in the international spotlight as statesmen — even as prospects for a nuclear-free North Korea appear to recede further from sight.

“There have been a lot of efforts, but in substance, I see no progress at all,” said Chun Yung-woo, a former South Korea national security adviser who participated in nuclear talks with North Korea in the mid-2000s.

“North Korea is more dangerous. It has more nuclear warheads, or fissile materials with which to produce nuclear weapons,” Chun said. “In that regard, at least, North Korea has more capability to destroy peace on the Korean Peninsula. I wouldn’t describe that as any progress.”

Denyer reported from Tokyo.

a man in a suit standing in front of a building: In this photo provided by the North Korean government, North Korean leader Kim Jong Un and President Trump greet one another on June 30, 2019, over the military demarcation line at the border village of Panmunjom in the Demilitarized Zone.© Korean Central News Agency/Korea News Service/AP In this photo provided by the North Korean government, North Korean leader Kim Jong Un and President Trump greet one another on June 30, 2019, over the military demarcation line at the border village of Panmunjom in the Demilitarized Zone.

0 Replies
Walter Hinteler
Thu 1 Oct, 2020 06:55 am
When Trump defends armed rightwing gangs, his rhetoric has echoes of fascism
Signalling to his base, as he did referring to the Proud Boys on Tuesday, the president is following a playbook from 1930s Germany

You can imagine the men as they prepared for the showdown. For days, the papers had been predicting a “great sensation”. Press photographers besieged the entrance. No one could enter the building where the debate was due to take place without a special permit. In his dark blue suit, one question above all troubled the party leader, and with the help of his advisers, he puzzled how best to answer it. What if he was accused of links to fascist street gangs?

This wasn’t the United States in September 2020. It was Germany in May 1931.

For as the historian Benjamin Hett describes in his book, Crossing Hitler, the summer of 1931 saw Hitler being summonsed to court and accused of being complicit in the work of gangs who had beaten – and killed – their anti-fascist enemies.

Hitler’s response was to play a double game. First of all, he was worried about looking weak in front of his supporters, who had called him a coward and a conformist. So he needed to signal that the gangs still had his support. Second, he tried to pretend that any harm caused by his supporters was necessary since the country faced a much more threatening enemy: the far left.

“The SA men are the first men in the party,” he told his opponent, the private prosecutor Hans Litten. Then, in answer to Kurt Ohnesorge, the judge who moderated the hearing, Hitler said that the “red murderers” of the left were the real problem: “If an SA man really oversteps the boundary of self-defence, you can’t hold a man responsible for that.”

Compare this to Donald Trump signalling to his base. During Tuesday’s presidential debate, he was asked: “Are you willing tonight to condemn white supremacist and militia groups and to say that they need to stand down and not add to the violence?”

He answered, “I would say almost everything I see is from the left wing, not from the right wing.” He continued: “Proud Boys, stand back and stand by.” Then came the justification: “But I’ll tell you what, somebody’s got to do something about antifa and the left. Because this is not a rightwing problem, this is a leftwing problem.”
The 1920s saw a similar disparity of casualties. The most detailed survey of deaths in Weimar Germany, carried out by the German mathematician Emil Julius Gumbel, found 314 murders carried out by the right in 1918-22 and 15 by the left. After 1923, deaths fell almost to zero before resuming again from 1928 with the rise of the Nazis.
Hitler’s followers were responding to the electoral success of the left; they knew that in areas of Berlin the Communist vote was as high as 40%. And, in order to break the opposition to Hitler, they went into those districts and beat and killed antifascists. It was this violence that led to Hitler’s trial.

The main purpose of the Proud Boys, in summer 2020, is the same. That’s why the they were in Portland last weekend, carrying posters denouncing anti-fascists and supporters of Black Lives Matters, and promising to drive the left out of the city.

Trump is lying when he says that the left is responsible for the violence. In blaming the left he is encouraging his armed supporters and inviting further killings.

In many ways Trump is a weak authoritarian. After four years in power, Trump has not gone to war. His opponents are at large and not in jail. But when Trump defends armed gangs, he echoes the worst moments in modern history.
Walter Hinteler
Thu 1 Oct, 2020 07:03 am
@Walter Hinteler,
The judge, mentioned in the above report, Hans Litten. made history with his courageous appearance in that Edenpalast trial.
But Hitler had not forgotten that 8 May 1931 either. It was personal enmity that sealed Litten's fate: on 27 February 1933, the Reichstag burns down. Litten was arrested in the early hours of the following day. A five-year ordeal through prisons and concentration camps began - Sonnenburg, Esterwegen, Lichtenburg, Buchenwald and finally Dachau.
In the night from February 4 to 5, 1938 Hans Litten committed suicide. He was 34 years old.
0 Replies
Thu 1 Oct, 2020 07:12 am
While I can't comment on how things were here before; I don't find it difficult to believe you at all.

Even at the Linux forum I was participating at before this forum, debates were much better than debates at this forum, even political debates. Even trump supporters were more intelligent over there than the trump supporters are here at A2K - and managed to come up with far better arguments than what we see here. People there normally responded based on what you actually said, rather than trying to mind read you, insinuate things, rely on conspiracy theories, childish attempts at wit, silly arguments and similar, even the trolls normally had at least slightly better debating skills than a lot of the people here seem to have.

Generally speaking, people there seemed to have a lot more intelligence than people here at A2K, which seems to be lacking quite badly here at A2K. Even just basic reading comprehension and English skills seem to be badly lacking with at least some here. I've never seen so many typos in one post over at the Linux forum I was talking about before, that I've seen in many posts here. To the point where I've even given up even trying to read some posts here - because they were that incoherent. And you got people from all corners of the world over at the Linux forum I was participating at before A2K (even people where English isn't their native language - but normally they still managed to make at least some sense).

Perhaps technical forums, and/or Linux forums attract more intelligent people? But it's probably an interesting question for another thread I'd think.

Perhaps I should have just stayed at that other forum instead, particularly given I don't know why I even bother participating here most of the time. Perhaps answering the same tired old technical questions time and time again has it's appeal? Well, it's getting much easier to think so with the seemingly never ending bullshit I see here at A2K...
Thu 1 Oct, 2020 07:16 am
The smart Trump supporters tend to be a bit more muted. We do have a few who tend to be quite well to do. I get the impression they don’t particularly like Trump, they may even despise I’m, but he cuts their taxes and that’s all they’re bothered with.

All we’re left with now are the hard core fascists and their lickspittles.
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