monitoring Trump and relevant contemporary events

Finn dAbuzz
Wed 15 Feb, 2017 01:36 pm
farmerman wrote:

the bigger issue is that there must only be ONE voice dealing with foreign policy. Flynn (end der Herrs Trump and Pence), have violated that . We chew out Senators nd Congressmen who talk counter to the sitting president,(even th GOP was hounding McCain for a relqtively small infraction) Here we have a new REGIME taking counter path even before its in power. You conveniently dimiss that or try to downplay it. Its at least a "misdemeanor

Flynn may or may not have violated it (Are you plugged into the powers that be and have access to the classified tapes of his phone calls?) I guess all you need is the words of "Former" and "Current" Administration officials --- AKA Obama adorants, to draw your conclusions.

And if the incoming regime, no matter their party, wants to get a running start a week or two before they actually hold power I'm not going to shed a tear for the lame duck.

If the parties were reversed I am as sure as I can be that you would not be outraged.

I didn't realize you were such a Rule of Law Guy. I guess you're with those Trump supporters who want to deport the millions of people who crossed into our country illegally.

It's a misdemeanor? OK --- slap Trump's hand or touche (if that excites you more)
0 Replies
Finn dAbuzz
Wed 15 Feb, 2017 01:42 pm
@old europe,
old europe wrote:

Finn dAbuzz wrote:
EDIT: BTW - I guess you don't have proof that Flynn violated the Logan Act, but you're bound and determined to throw the accusation around anyway.

I say let's have an investigation. There were 8 committees investigating Benghazi, spending millions of tax payer dollars. Surely we can investigate whether or not Flynn violated the Logan Act, how much the Trump campaign and staff was involved, and what other concessions were made to Russia.

And by the way, you realize that just lying to a federal government official is a criminal offense. Right?

That's what you say now that you've been backed into a corner.

Investigate it.

Fine by me.

Just don't jump to conclusions like you clearly did.

As for the offense of lying to a federal official being a criminal offense...Again, were you braying about such a thing when Clinton sent his cabinet members out to defend him against the allegation that he was having an affair with Lewinsky...He lied to them and us that he never had sex with that... person.

Just admit your are a hopelessly tribal partisan and we can all ignore the rest of your outrage.
0 Replies
Finn dAbuzz
Wed 15 Feb, 2017 01:43 pm
camlok wrote:

"Me too because one side of the equation won't go so far as recognize the other has a right to exist and should not be exterminated."

How Many Times Must the Palestinians Recognize Israel?

Netanyahu’s new 'Jewish state' mantra negates the fact that Palestinians recognized Israel more than twenty years ago. They’re still waiting for Israel to recognize Palestine.

Many commentators, including this author, have carefully picked apart the myriad problems involved with Israel's new demand that the Palestinians formally recognize it as a "Jewish state." But at least one of its most problematic aspects has been significantly under-examined and underappreciated. The new demand negates, both in effect and intention, the greatest of Palestinian concessions, their 1993 recognition of the State of Israel.

There is an international consensus in favor of a two-state solution, and even Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Foreign Minister Avigdor Lieberman now say they, too, support this goal after long careers opposing it. And in the quarter-century campaign to achieve a conflict-ending two-state agreement through direct talks, there remains a dangerous anomaly. One side, the Palestine Liberation Organization, recognized Israel up front. All other details aside, they have long since performed the sine qua non of a two-state agreement by recognizing Israel. The other side, Israel, has never recognized a Palestinian state or, in any formal, written, or legal sense, even the Palestinian right to a state.

read more: http://www.haaretz.com/opinion/.premium-1.579701

Good Grief but this is BS.
old europe
Wed 15 Feb, 2017 01:44 pm
Everyone who was outraged by the national security risk posed by Hillary's private email server and demanded to "lock her up" should at least be mildly concerned about the Trump approach to national security:

House committee launches investigation into Donald Trump's security breaches at Mar-a-Lago

The House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform has demanded proof of security protocols and how they are kept in place by 28 February

The House Oversight Committee has launched an investigation into Donald Trump’s alleged security breaches at his Mar-a-Lago estate in Florida.

After it was revealed that the President discussed North Korea’s ballistic missile test over dinner with Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe and other guests in what committee chairman Jason Chaffetz described as a "public space", the committee has asked the President's team to provide proof of his security protocols at his estate and how they were maintained.

In a letter to chief of staff Reince Priebus, the President was also asked to explain why he reviewed White House documents at the dinner table, whether these documents were classified and if the other guests at the dinner had been vetted.

"During this time, according to reports, the President made telephone calls to staff in Washington DC. These reports and social media accounts have suggested White House staff used their own cell phones to provide illumination for reviewing documents," the letter read.

"Separately, one Mar-a-Lago guest posted to his Facebook page a photograph with a man described to be the holder of the "nuclear football".

A member of the private club, Richard DeAgazio, posted an image with a man in Mr Trump’s entourage, who he claimed was responsible for carrying the nuclear football - the briefcase that never leaves the president’s side and which allows him to authorise a nuclear strike.

Wed 15 Feb, 2017 01:45 pm
"The British got their loans from the Rothschilds and their rebellion from the Arabs, but promptly betrayed all parties after the War. Rebellion, civil war and religious strife followed in the Middle East just as it had previously done in Ireland as a result of similar policy and betrayals."

They didn't betray their American partners.

Lord Curzon, the British Foreign Secretary, denied that oil interests influenced policy in Iraq, but the archives show that the British government rushed troops to Mosul in 1918 to gain control of the northern oil fields. Britain and France clashed over Iraq's oil during the Versailles Conference and after, but Britain eventually took the lion's share by turning its military victories into colonial rule. The powerful Iraq Petroleum Company, in which US and French firms held minority positions, acted always in the cartel interests of the Anglo-American companies. To the fury of the Iraqis and the French, it held down production to maximize profits elswhere. The company kept a monopoly of Iraq's oil sector until nationalization in 1972.

0 Replies
Wed 15 Feb, 2017 01:49 pm
@Finn dAbuzz,
Perhaps you can explain why Haaretz, Israel's oldest daily newspaper, founded in 1918, would write BS.
Wed 15 Feb, 2017 01:52 pm
@Finn dAbuzz,
Is the Israeli Air Force Captain who describes his country's action "in two words" - war crime, also BSing?
Wed 15 Feb, 2017 01:55 pm
For my own amusement, I give Trump a new nickname almost daily, as I hate to be repetitive even with myself: that's just boring. I know it is disrespectful to the office to post that I do that, but if there is any respect left, I'll try to keep it going in my own way.

Today's word = slob
Wed 15 Feb, 2017 02:09 pm
For my own amusement, I give Trump a new nickname almost daily...

I'm going to refer to him as 'the Apprentice'.
0 Replies
Wed 15 Feb, 2017 02:14 pm
@old europe,
Don't worry, I am sure some left over Obama scrub will leak them all to the press anyways. Then you will know what the papers were.
old europe
Wed 15 Feb, 2017 02:27 pm
McGentrix wrote:
Don't worry, I am sure some left over Obama scrub will leak them all to the press anyways. Then you will know what the papers were.

It's so adorable how Trump supporters are all of a sudden very, very worried about leaks - while suddenly also being not very concerned about the national security risks posed by haphazard handling of classified information.

Also: why do you need leakers when this information is being posted on facebook?

Also: what's up with this whole pay-to-play scheme, where a $200,000 membership fee - payable to a Trump enterprise - suddenly gives you access to top White House officials, and potentially front line seats to see how the President handles an international incident?
Wed 15 Feb, 2017 02:30 pm
@old europe,
"Also: what's up with this whole pay-to-play scheme, where a $200,000 membership fee - payable to a Trump enterprise - suddenly gives you access to top White House officials, and potentially front line seats to see how the President handles an international incident?"

I haven't heard of anything like that. It seems to be akin to putting a plug in the swamp's drain. Do tell, or provide a link.
cicerone imposter
Wed 15 Feb, 2017 02:59 pm
Trump has made the presidency a commercial enterprise. It's a wonder the republicans are silent. When are they going to have shops in the White House to promote and sell their Trump goodies?
Wed 15 Feb, 2017 03:06 pm
@cicerone imposter,
You mean like renting out the Lincoln Bedroom?
cicerone imposter
Wed 15 Feb, 2017 03:11 pm
Aren't they already doing that? $200,000 membership at Key A Largo will get you a free pass to Lincoln's bed.
Wed 15 Feb, 2017 03:19 pm
@cicerone imposter,
I think you are making things up, it was the Clinton's who sold access to the Lincoln Bedroom.
Wed 15 Feb, 2017 03:23 pm
hightor wrote:
You know what, oralloy? I've pretty much given up on any hope of Mideast peace.

Me too. It's time now for Israel to just take what they want through the use of force.

hightor wrote:
There are enough despicable characters on each side — including the USA as an "honest broker".

We've been an honest broker. And I doubt that any on Israel's side have been all that despicable.

hightor wrote:
Justifiable sympathy for the Jewish people turned into a dismissal of the legitimate concerns of the Arab population and the situation was allowed to fester until the oil crisis of the 70's when we suddenly realized that the ragheads had us over a barrel of petroleum.

Prior to 1967 the Palestinians were not occupied by Israel.

And the events of 1967 were the result of Arab aggression against Israel.

hightor wrote:
A few half-assed attempts to get the two sides to cooperate were dealt a fatal blow with the assassinations of Sadat and, more critically, Rabin, the radicalization of the PLO, and the political power of the Israeli lobby.

Ehud Barak made a fair peace offer to the Palestinians in 2001.

Ariel Sharon tried unilateral withdrawal in the hopes that the Palestinians would become peaceful if left to themselves.

Ehud Olmert made a fair peace offer to the Palestinians somewhere around 2008.

Although Netanyahu declined to release details, it seems likely that he made a fair peace offer to the Palestinians in 2012 (although he may well have made that fair offer only because he was confident that the Palestinians would reject it).
0 Replies
Wed 15 Feb, 2017 03:24 pm
@cicerone imposter,
cicerone imposter wrote:
Spot on. I've been to Israel a couple of times, and even spoke to a young Palestinian woman whose family has lived in Israel for many generations. She told us she does not have the freedom to travel anywhere they wish, because of the restrictions imposed upon them by the Israelis. We have seen those armed checkpoints on the roads in Israel. Palestinian cars have green license plates. This is a democracy?

People who are not citizens Israel do not have an unfettered right to enter Israel.

Sort of like people who are not citizens of the US do not have an unfettered right to enter the US.
0 Replies
Wed 15 Feb, 2017 03:25 pm
camlok wrote:
Yonotan Shapira, a former Captain in the Israeli Air Force, replying to a BBC question; "In your assessment, what is Israel doing in Gaza?"

He says: I can answer you with two words - war crime.


Self-hating Jews are horrible.
Wed 15 Feb, 2017 03:26 pm
camlok wrote:
Is the Israeli Air Force Captain who describes his country's action "in two words" - war crime, also BSing?

0 Replies

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