monitoring Trump and relevant contemporary events

Wed 15 Feb, 2017 12:52 pm
I think you are overlooking a few significant events in the history of the region. Just before the outbreak of WWI Britain, France and Russia negotaited sevewral agreements on their planned joint efforts to take down the Ottoman Empire in the event of War. In this context the British and Frnch signed an agreement dicvviding up the spoils of the Ottoman Empirte they had not yet taken (petroleum resources were indeed a key factor in the agreement). France was to get what is now Syria, Lebanon and northern Iraq (the then Mosul province); while Britain was to get all the rtest including Egypt, Palestine and the rest of Iraq. A few months later the British signed (1) a separate agreement with European Zionists, including the financier Lord Rothschild, promising the creation of "a homeland for Jews" in Palestine, and (2) an agreement with the Arab Hashemite family (then leaders of Mecca and Medina, but being pushed out by Ibn Saud) promising them leadership of Palestine and what was to become Iraq in return for their aid in an Arab rtebellion against the Ottomans. The British got their loans from the Rothschilds and their rebellion from the Arabs, but promptly betrayed all parties after the War. Rebellion, civil war and religious strife followed in the Middle East just as it had previously done in Ireland as a result of similar policy and betrayals.
Wed 15 Feb, 2017 01:02 pm
hightor wrote:
the ragheads

This phrase pretty much shits all over what seemed to be quite a well thought out and reasoned post.
Finn dAbuzz
Wed 15 Feb, 2017 01:03 pm
Very Happy
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Finn dAbuzz
Wed 15 Feb, 2017 01:05 pm
hightor wrote:

Baldimo wrote:
...the only time we hear about the unsolicited opinion on the mental heath of a President is when that person is from the GOP.

I read a lot of speculation about Bill Clinton's psychopathology — the broken family, missing father, need for adulation, and rapacious "womanizing" were all mentioned as causes or symptoms of his quirky and unwholesome personality. Then we had the "experts" like D'Souza who analyzed Obama's "rage" based on his relationship with his father. I believe Glenn Beck did some speculation along these lines as well, along with accusing Obama of having a deep-seated psychological hatred of white people.

Frankly, I've never seen any president, hell even any boss, who behaves the way Trump does. The charitable explanation might just put it down to inexperience or "style" but his hulking scowling mien, the germophobia, the threats, the inability to express an idea in more than a few repetitive phrases, the angry late night tweets, and the current chaotic state of his cabinet (remember this was the great "businessman" who was going to make the government work) all suggest someone who is out of his element. If some people interpret that as indicative of an underlying mental condition we can only hope that as he goes along he will improve and we'll be able to say with relief that his alleged instability was just a false alarm.

Do you think normal people achieve the most powerful position on earth?
0 Replies
Finn dAbuzz
Wed 15 Feb, 2017 01:08 pm
Me too because one side of the equation won't go so far as recognize the other has a right to exist and should not be exterminated.

There's nothing that can be done until that changes.

Either the Palestinians, insanely and stupidly think it is a bargaining chip, or they can't bring themselves to give it up.
Finn dAbuzz
Wed 15 Feb, 2017 01:13 pm
@old europe,
old europe wrote:

Finn dAbuzz wrote:
"Weeks ago"


Weeks before Trump publicly stated that he had no clue that Flynn had been lying.

You understand why that is a problem, don't you?


Every president in my adult life has done this sort of thing. Is it great? No, but it's typical, so unless you were online criticizing Obama, and Clinton for it...spare me the high dudgeon.
old europe
Wed 15 Feb, 2017 01:15 pm
Yeah, just $200,000 now buys anyone a front row seat to see the President deal with an international incident...


... or pose with the guy carrying the nuclear football ...


... or give you access to the chief White House strategist and senior counselor ...

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Finn dAbuzz
Wed 15 Feb, 2017 01:15 pm
@old europe,
Oh gosh, you're right.

You have absolute proof that Flynn violated the Logan Act, Trump not only knew it but encouraged it!

Let's string them both up!
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Wed 15 Feb, 2017 01:16 pm
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Wed 15 Feb, 2017 01:16 pm
Sorry, izzythepush — I thought the irony would be obvious. I was referencing the dismissive way the West treated the Arabs until they suddenly emerged as the world energy kingpins. I'll put terms like that in "quotes" from now on.
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old europe
Wed 15 Feb, 2017 01:17 pm
@Finn dAbuzz,
Finn dAbuzz wrote:

old europe wrote:
You understand why that is a problem, don't you?


I'm not surprised.

I also like that your entire argument here boils down to "all of this is completely normal."
Wed 15 Feb, 2017 01:18 pm
I think you are overlooking a few significant events in the history of the region.

No doubt. I really wasn't interested in going back further than the founding of the Jewish state. Thanks for providing more background.
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Finn dAbuzz
Wed 15 Feb, 2017 01:19 pm
And the Obama, Bush, Clinton, Bush Sr, and (of course) Carter administrations were utterly competent and jumped on every single problem in a nano second.

Your arguments might hold water is they were equally applied but of course they are not. Left...get's a pass. Right...String 'em up!

Sadly very typically tribal.
0 Replies
Wed 15 Feb, 2017 01:21 pm
Good summary.
0 Replies
Finn dAbuzz
Wed 15 Feb, 2017 01:22 pm
@old europe,
Typical, not necessarily normal.

Selective criticism of it is also very typical.

EDIT: BTW - I guess you don't have proof that Flynn violated the Logan Act, but you're bound and determined to throw the accusation around anyway.

Guess what? That's typical too.

EDIT II: BTW2 - Editing someone's comments because you're too feeble to address them all is also, sadly, typical.
Wed 15 Feb, 2017 01:26 pm
@Finn dAbuzz,
the bigger issue is that there must only be ONE voice dealing with foreign policy. Flynn (end der Herrs Trump and Pence), have violated that . We chew out Senators nd Congressmen who talk counter to the sitting president,(even th GOP was hounding McCain for a relqtively small infraction) Here we have a new REGIME taking counter path even before its in power. You conveniently dimiss that or try to downplay it. Its at least a "misdemeanor
old europe
Wed 15 Feb, 2017 01:32 pm
@Finn dAbuzz,
Finn dAbuzz wrote:
EDIT: BTW - I guess you don't have proof that Flynn violated the Logan Act, but you're bound and determined to throw the accusation around anyway.

I say let's have an investigation. There were 8 committees investigating Benghazi, spending millions of tax payer dollars. Surely we can investigate whether or not Flynn violated the Logan Act, how much the Trump campaign and staff was involved, and what other concessions were made to Russia.

And by the way, you realize that just lying to a federal government official is a criminal offense. Right?
Wed 15 Feb, 2017 01:34 pm
@Finn dAbuzz,
"Me too because one side of the equation won't go so far as recognize the other has a right to exist and should not be exterminated."

How Many Times Must the Palestinians Recognize Israel?

Netanyahu’s new 'Jewish state' mantra negates the fact that Palestinians recognized Israel more than twenty years ago. They’re still waiting for Israel to recognize Palestine.

Many commentators, including this author, have carefully picked apart the myriad problems involved with Israel's new demand that the Palestinians formally recognize it as a "Jewish state." But at least one of its most problematic aspects has been significantly under-examined and underappreciated. The new demand negates, both in effect and intention, the greatest of Palestinian concessions, their 1993 recognition of the State of Israel.

There is an international consensus in favor of a two-state solution, and even Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Foreign Minister Avigdor Lieberman now say they, too, support this goal after long careers opposing it. And in the quarter-century campaign to achieve a conflict-ending two-state agreement through direct talks, there remains a dangerous anomaly. One side, the Palestine Liberation Organization, recognized Israel up front. All other details aside, they have long since performed the sine qua non of a two-state agreement by recognizing Israel. The other side, Israel, has never recognized a Palestinian state or, in any formal, written, or legal sense, even the Palestinian right to a state.

read more: http://www.haaretz.com/opinion/.premium-1.579701
Wed 15 Feb, 2017 01:34 pm
You probably don't agree, but... Don't you think that it is a slightly bigger crime to release a confidential wire tap of the National Security Advisor talking to a Russian Ambassador then for a call asking the Russians to not get bent out of shape by the actions of a failed previous President?

First of all, we are wiretapping the Russian Ambassador's private phone? Secondly, we are recording conversations of American citizens? Third(ly), who had access to it and who leaked that ****? That individual should be strung up by their thumbs and buggy whipped.

I understand political opposition. We play at here all day. But to commit a crime of that magnitude over it?! It's a douchebag move no matter how you look at it or which side you are on.
Wed 15 Feb, 2017 01:36 pm
@Finn dAbuzz,
That's a lie, and a two pronged one. The Palestinians are not the leadership of Hamas. Fatah has long accepted a two state solution. Hamas, which does not recognise Israel, has not called for the extermination of Israelis either.

Btw, Sinn Fein has still not abandoned its commitment to a united Ireland. That is as provocative to the Unionist as Hamas' declaration. Didn't stop the Good Friday Agreement going ahead.

By your logic the troubles should still be going on.
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