monitoring Trump and relevant contemporary events

Wed 15 Feb, 2017 09:00 am
Was Trump's public scene at Mar-a-Lago a security risk?
Wed 15 Feb, 2017 09:01 am
I personally find it funny that the only time we hear about the unsolicited opinion on the mental heath of a President is when that person is from the GOP.
Wed 15 Feb, 2017 09:15 am
I saw an AP release that was critical of the log Trump left in the upstairs toilet of the White House. An anonymous source stated that before being flushed away, the log smelt of brimstone and it was misshaped.

Several CNN news anchors later covered the story and reported that Ben Schreckinger was seen in the sewers attempting to interview the offending turd.
Wed 15 Feb, 2017 09:27 am
Just some of the operative words, the important words found within the FB page.

"Who instructed him to speak on behalf of the citizens of Ukraine to oust its elected president?"
0 Replies
Wed 15 Feb, 2017 09:31 am
Or even better, according to you, they will be the subjects of a 21st century Holocaust.
Wed 15 Feb, 2017 09:32 am
If you have a problem with the issues raised in one's sources, then address those issues.

Don't just trump it.
0 Replies
Wed 15 Feb, 2017 09:34 am
Reagan, Bush/Cheney, Bush, Nixon, ..., it's really not so funny/odd at all.
0 Replies
Wed 15 Feb, 2017 09:36 am
See, now that's better. You've addressed the issues. And in such an intelligent and adult like fashion. Perhaps I was unfair with you in my last post.
0 Replies
Wed 15 Feb, 2017 09:59 am
oralloy wrote:
The US Senate will debate (and hopefully vote for) the repeal of Obama’s anti-gun executive order this morning, probably shortly after 10 AM.

About time. Let's get it repealed.

We're at 56 votes in the Senate for repealing the executive order, with one more senator yet to vote.

So it is repealed as soon as Mr. Trump signs it.

Well done. Very Happy

And shame on the 43 Senators who hate our Constitution.
0 Replies
Wed 15 Feb, 2017 10:23 am
Baldimo wrote:
...the only time we hear about the unsolicited opinion on the mental heath of a President is when that person is from the GOP.

I read a lot of speculation about Bill Clinton's psychopathology — the broken family, missing father, need for adulation, and rapacious "womanizing" were all mentioned as causes or symptoms of his quirky and unwholesome personality. Then we had the "experts" like D'Souza who analyzed Obama's "rage" based on his relationship with his father. I believe Glenn Beck did some speculation along these lines as well, along with accusing Obama of having a deep-seated psychological hatred of white people.

Frankly, I've never seen any president, hell even any boss, who behaves the way Trump does. The charitable explanation might just put it down to inexperience or "style" but his hulking scowling mien, the germophobia, the threats, the inability to express an idea in more than a few repetitive phrases, the angry late night tweets, and the current chaotic state of his cabinet (remember this was the great "businessman" who was going to make the government work) all suggest someone who is out of his element. If some people interpret that as indicative of an underlying mental condition we can only hope that as he goes along he will improve and we'll be able to say with relief that his alleged instability was just a false alarm.

cicerone imposter
Wed 15 Feb, 2017 10:42 am
True. I also believe Trump has many insecurities that will influence his decisions in a negative way.
Wed 15 Feb, 2017 10:52 am
@cicerone imposter,
Not only that it will let America's enemies/rivals/competitors know what buttons to push.
0 Replies
Wed 15 Feb, 2017 10:53 am
camlok wrote:
Or even better, according to you, they will be the subjects of a 21st century Holocaust.

I never said anything of the sort.
0 Replies
Wed 15 Feb, 2017 10:55 am
hightor wrote:
I pretty much agree — except that the Israeli settlement policies were just as instrumental in destroying the viability of a two state solution as the intransigence of the Palestinians. And the USA's coddling of Israel gave it the cover to thumb its nose at the UN and the rest of the world and build on the occupied territories.

Settlements don't prevent a two-state solution based on 1967 borders.

First, if the Palestinians had been willing to agree to such an outcome, the border would have been set and there would be no more settlements.

Second, if there were ever such an agreement in the future, any settlements that find themselves on the Palestinian side of the border will simply be withdrawn.

The UN are a bunch of Neo-Nazi scumbags. It is good that we ensure that Israel can thumb their nose at the UN.

And since the Palestinians refuse to make peace, why shouldn't Israel keep on building on the land? Palestinian refusal to make peace means that Israel gets to keep the land.
Wed 15 Feb, 2017 11:10 am
wasnt aware of Trump Germophobias. Qny other obsessions? Sounds like he may be "on the spectrum".
Wed 15 Feb, 2017 11:13 am

When the US president grabbed Theresa May's hand, insiders blamed a combined fear of stairs and dirty handrails.

It's a theory that plays nicely into the hands of Downing Street: Theresa May provided stability and support for the US president in his time of need.

But is a phobia of stairs or ramps even a thing? And how does someone develop it?

This specific fear is commonly called "bathmophobia".

http://www.bbc.co.uk/newsbeat/article/38802648/donald-trump-is-scared-of-stairs---but-what-is-bathmophobia<br />
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Walter Hinteler
Wed 15 Feb, 2017 11:16 am
oralloy wrote:
The UN are a bunch of Neo-Nazi scumbags. It is good that we ensure that Israel can thumb their nose at the UN.
All the 40,000 staff in the central UN Secretariat in New York, Geneva, Vienna, the five Regional Commissions and many other units around the world? (See list here) Or all the193 UN member states? (including or excluding the United Nations General Assembly observers?)
0 Replies
Wed 15 Feb, 2017 11:19 am
You know what, oralloy? I've pretty much given up on any hope of Mideast peace. There are enough despicable characters on each side — including the USA as an "honest broker". Justifiable sympathy for the Jewish people turned into a dismissal of the legitimate concerns of the Arab population and the situation was allowed to fester until the oil crisis of the 70's when we suddenly realized that the ragheads had us over a barrel of petroleum.

A few half-assed attempts to get the two sides to cooperate were dealt a fatal blow with the assassinations of Sadat and, more critically, Rabin, the radicalization of the PLO, and the political power of the Israeli lobby. The stinking mess over there is an eloquent testimony to the total uselessness of the three Abrahamic faiths when it comes to anything other than carrying on a blood feud. I'd suggest that they can burn in hell except that they'd probably carry us into the conflagration.
cicerone imposter
Wed 15 Feb, 2017 11:33 am
Spot on. I've been to Israel a couple of times, and even spoke to a young Palestinian woman whose family has lived in Israel for many generations. She told us she does not have the freedom to travel anywhere they wish, because of the restrictions imposed upon them by the Israelis. We have seen those armed checkpoints on the roads in Israel. Palestinian cars have green license plates. This is a democracy?
Wed 15 Feb, 2017 12:28 pm
@cicerone imposter,
Yonotan Shapira, a former Captain in the Israeli Air Force, replying to a BBC question; "In your assessment, what is Israel doing in Gaza?"

He says: I can answer you with two words - war crime.


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