monitoring Trump and relevant contemporary events

Tue 21 Jul, 2020 09:21 pm
So every time someone is kill by a person with a black skin without even yet knowing the why and where for of the shooting it say something about blacks in general?

Does such thinking apply to those with white skins noting that most serous killers are white as a piece of typing paper?
Tue 21 Jul, 2020 09:26 pm
Once more people are going to vote one way or the other over a woman killed by a man with a black skin with no information of the reasons for the shooting yet?
Tue 21 Jul, 2020 09:27 pm
You won't say this after seeing the video clip. The killer just charged into the house and then tried to mow down people. All the Asian men and women in the house would have been killed if one of them hadn't fire back with his own gun.

That poor girl from Taiwan got shot even she tried to hide behind the door.

Tue 21 Jul, 2020 09:29 pm
I'm not blaming Biden for the killing. I just felt terrible after seeing the video clip. That's why I decided to share it with you guys. I really think that ALL LIVES MATTER.
0 Replies
Tue 21 Jul, 2020 10:54 pm
goldberg wrote:

You won't say this after seeing the video clip. The killer just charged into the house and then tried to mow down people. All the Asian men and women in the house would have been killed if one of them hadn't fire back with his own gun.

That poor girl from Taiwan got shot even she tried to hide behind the door.

My an once more that had some tie in to the shooter skin color in some way or in some manner?

All the white mass murderers who for example shoot up schools killing large number of children say something about white men in general?

Or the running over of people using vans and cars for that matter?
Wed 22 Jul, 2020 05:55 am
No, see Bill - you’re looking at this all wrong.

The thing to remember is, if the shooter/perpetrator is a white man, you can’t impute or attribute his actions to any larger group he may be a part of. You have to consider each white person’s individual background and specific pathologies. Because, well, they’re white after all for god’s sake.
0 Replies
Wed 22 Jul, 2020 08:57 am
Sorry, I just meant that a lot of the black vote that voted for Hillary during the primary, didn't turn out in great numbers in the south at the general. I can see the American black voters being so disillusioned with the acceptance of Trump and all his obvious racism that they might have thought, what is the use?

I think James Clyburn was successful in stressing the importance of the black vote against Trump with Biden being the most viable one able to beat him.

We need Obama to give one of his rousing speeches ahead of the November vote, for the black vote and all other left or leaning left vote. It might be hard to get rousing in an empty stadium, but he needs to do it.
Wed 22 Jul, 2020 10:09 am
From P. 12 of Mary Trump's book, Too Much and Never Enough:

"None of the Trump siblings emerged unscathed from my grandfather's sociopathy and my grandmother's illnesses, both physical and psychological, but my uncle Donald and my father, Freddy, suffered more than the rest. In order to get a complete picture of Donald, his psychopathologies, and the meaning of his dysfunctional behavior, we need a thorough family history."

Mary Trump, a trained psychologist, just called her grandfather a sociopath and her uncle Donald a psychopath.
Wed 22 Jul, 2020 11:13 am
coluber2001 wrote:

Mary Trump, a trained psychologist, just called her grandfather a sociopath and her uncle Donald a psychopath.

What'sa matter with that?
Wed 22 Jul, 2020 11:25 am
Pretty sure that only a sociopath would run for President.
0 Replies
Wed 22 Jul, 2020 11:45 am
Mary Trump's book, "Too much and never enough".

P. 9
We thought the blatant racism on display during Donald's announcement speech would be a deal-breaker, but we were disabused of that idea when Jerry Falwell, Jr. , and other white evangelicals started endorsing him. Marianne, a devout Catholic since her conversion five decades earlier, was incensed. "What the **** is wrong with them?" she said. "The only time Donald went to church was when the cameras were there. It's mind-boggling. He has no principles. None!"
Wed 22 Jul, 2020 12:19 pm
We thought the blatant racism on display during Donald's announcement speech would be a deal-breaker,

That is because it was not racist, it was factual. Mexico's best is not coming here and there are criminals, gang members, and murderers among them. No American should die from an illegal breaking our laws.

It is not surprising her book is for haters. She is cashing in on the hate the media and dishonest corrupt politicians have infused in so many.
Wed 22 Jul, 2020 12:43 pm
coldjoint wrote:

It is not surprising her book is for haters. She is cashing in on the hate the media and dishonest corrupt politicians have infused in so many.[/color]

Let's highlight this for everyone to see...

"She is cashing in on the hate the media and dishonest corrupt politicians have infused in so many."

I mean sure why not though, free country and all. It's funny though watching so many liberals fall all over themselves paying and endorsing another Trump... lol
Walter Hinteler
Wed 22 Jul, 2020 01:11 pm
McGentrix wrote:
It's funny though watching so many liberals fall all over themselves paying and endorsing another Trump... lol
Well, not everyone supports collective family punishment.
Comments about the chain migration by the "Palatine boors" (Benjamin Franklin in Observations concerning the Increase of Mankind, peopling of Countries, etc.) were published earlier (1755) than the Trump family emigrated (1885 resp 1905).
Region Philbis
Wed 22 Jul, 2020 01:14 pm
@Walter Hinteler,

i'm buying her book because she has the guts to stand up to the family tyrant...
Wed 22 Jul, 2020 01:16 pm
@Region Philbis,
I hear Junior is putting out another book and the RNC is buying it up like mad. I guess that is a more direct way to cash in.
0 Replies
Wed 22 Jul, 2020 01:17 pm
Study his career. Anyone with 2 brain cells to rub together could see he is and has been a crook all his life. It has always been about Donald and **** anyone who gits in his way. I had known he was crooked years before he ran for president. For one thing the fact fox propaganda fake news fronts for him should be a strong clue he is a crook,
Wed 22 Jul, 2020 01:17 pm
@Region Philbis,
i'm buying her book because she has the guts to stand up to the family tyrant...

You are buying her book to justify your hatred. She is laughing all the way to the bank.
0 Replies
Wed 22 Jul, 2020 01:24 pm
Facebook's Neutral "Fact Checkers" Exposed As Ex-CNN Staffers And Democratic Donors

Is anyone surprised? This is election interference.
The National Pulse reached out to Facebook's fact checkers this week after a story they published about Black Lives Matter was flagged as "partly false" by the platform. This led TNP to "do some digging" on who was behind the smear.

What they found was stunning: an organization "staffed almost entirely by Democratic donors, half of whom had worked for CNN in the past."

0 Replies
Wed 22 Jul, 2020 01:40 pm
RABEL222 wrote:

Study his career. Anyone with 2 brain cells to rub together could see he is and has been a crook all his life. It has always been about Donald and **** anyone who gits in his way. I had known he was crooked years before he ran for president. For one thing the fact fox propaganda fake news fronts for him should be a strong clue he is a crook,

I am sure that every wealthy, successful person in America has about the same attitude. Think Bill Gates, Elon Musk, The dead Apple Guy, Jeff Bezos, Warren Buffett, Mark Zuckerberg, Larry Page, Charles Koch, Larry Ellison or ANY of the rest of the list are gave a **** about who got in their way?

Maybe you don't get how Capitalism or the free market works? I am willing to bet you have no idea.

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