monitoring Trump and relevant contemporary events

Mon 13 Feb, 2017 01:25 pm
Why would you think that "Butch" would be attracted to women?

Why not think that? Ya ever get out, Gent?

Ya see it everyday--some "man" with a slicked-back D.A. haircut, wearing combat boots, a chain for a belt, and a t-shirt with a pack of cigarettes rolled up in the short sleeves, escorting her girlfriend down the street with her hand on her ass.

I aint sayin it makes no sense. I'm just sayin I done seen it, with my own natural eyes.

But, if some guy is just wearin a dress, but is attracted to women, why would you advocate sending his fraud ass into a women's restroom, I wonder?
Mon 13 Feb, 2017 01:28 pm
layman wrote:

Why would you think that "Butch" would be attracted to women?

Why not think that? Ya ever get out, Gent?

Ya see it everyday--some "man" with a slicked-back D.A. haircut, wearing combat boots, a chain for a belt, and a t-shirt with a pack of cigarettes rolled up in the short sleeves, escorting her girlfriend down the street with he hand on her ass.

I aint sayin it makes no sense. I'm just sayin I done seen it, with my own natural eyes.

A bull dyke is not a transsexual. Is that all you think there is to it?
Mon 13 Feb, 2017 01:35 pm
McGentrix wrote:

A bull dyke is not a transsexual. Is that all you think there is to it?

Obama wasn't even talking about transsexuals. He wasn't even talking about transvestites, necessarily, either. He was just talking about what bathroom you "feel more comfortable" in. Me, I would feel more comfortable in a woman's restroom. I don't need no dress or no operation for that, do I?

Wimmins just make me feel more comfortable, can't ya see?
0 Replies
Mon 13 Feb, 2017 01:45 pm
And Baldimo, really? a "mental problem"? Like schizophrenia?


Gender dysphoria is a real mental disorder. Do we allow people to run around the streets and claim to be Queen Elizabeth? Can I claim to be a 6' tall black man and have people treat me as such?
Mon 13 Feb, 2017 01:54 pm
I plan to chase that interview down, but now I need a rest from reading wiki on Russell. What a life!

Also, no, I don't have two books by Russell. I was mixing him up, in my visual memory, with two books by Bernard Berenson. Bad me... two quite different men, though there are some cross connections re who knew whom.

Anyway, now I want to reread those by Berenson.
Mon 13 Feb, 2017 02:08 pm
I'm really curious how you think one would treat this "mental disorder".
Mon 13 Feb, 2017 02:11 pm
When you're delusional, but not psychotic, something like R.E.T. would seem to offer viable treatment, eh?

It seems to be a case of "wishful thinking" having done gone clean over the top, ya know?
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Mon 13 Feb, 2017 02:27 pm
As anyone who has read much about the subject can attest, the discussion about kids with gender dysphoria — that is, discomfort with their body and the feeling that they should have been born the other sex, or that they are the other sex — can get extremely heated and tricky....a fair proportion of the children change the clinical presentation and feel more like straightforward lesbian and gay kids,” said Barrett. “They don’t seek social role change any more...


The way I take it, they're saying that's it's not really a question of gender confusion over the long haul. Rather than a girl saying she thinks she is, or wants to be, a "man," she will later just say "I'm a lesbian." At that point she won't want to change sexes, or think she "is a man."
Mon 13 Feb, 2017 02:36 pm
Who's that white guy with the BLM movement who got a lot of press recently by claiming to be black, and then getting exposed?

What's up with him? Was he merely "confused?" Or was he just a fraud?
0 Replies
Mon 13 Feb, 2017 03:02 pm
Steve Benen points to an oddness re wall building and costs
A Politico report, citing estimates from Capitol Hill sources, added that some lawmakers believe the price “could be as high as $50 billion when all is said and done.”

For his part, Donald Trump isn’t denying the reports, so much as he’s arguing that his magical negotiating abilities will change the calculus.

“I am reading that the great border WALL will cost more than the government originally thought,” the president tweeted over the weekend, now arbitrarily capitalizing words he considers important, “but I have not gotten involved in the design or negotiations yet.” He added that the price “will come WAY DOWN.”

...I’m not even sure why Trump would make such a promise. If, in his mind, Mexico is going to finance the whole project anyway, why would the president even bother trying to reduce the price? Since when does he consider it a priority to save Mexico money?
It's almost as if the things Trump says aren't really very truthful.
Mon 13 Feb, 2017 03:22 pm
As a landscape designer for a quarter century (also known as landscape architect re qualification), picturing Trump involved in the design makes me giggle.

Or, sob.

I think it was this thread that I inserted an article link, quite a beautiful one photographically, and interesting one re the author asking people's opinions, which varied - people living near the border, if I remember, primarily to the north, for the whole length of land that would be involved. It was in Esquire
magazine, I think June 2016.

My own bias is that the wall concept, much less actual wall construction, is manifestly silly.
Mon 13 Feb, 2017 03:23 pm
One of the things I really like about Russell is the clarity of his writing. Lots of his earlier work is available online. Like "Our Knowledge of the External World" — great book.
Mon 13 Feb, 2017 03:45 pm
In one of the Berenson books, I remember him describing an annihilation on Siena's Campo (my favorite piazza, has long history).
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Mon 13 Feb, 2017 03:56 pm
Thanks, I've kept the link.
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Mon 13 Feb, 2017 03:58 pm
The thing is, gender dysphoria is quite real. Those who insist on dismissing it, or saying that it's just a child who is homosexual are the same sorts who used to claim homosexuality was not real and tossed out treatments ranging from absurd to barbaric. (doctors who told women to just eat salads, doctors who prescribed and administered electric shock)
Mon 13 Feb, 2017 04:03 pm
I somewhat remember when electric shock was in medical fashion, at least in my reading, when younger then than now. I suppose it was a starter concept, but patently horrible.

By now I mix stuff up, but I, young girl, wanted to be a doctor. Dumb of me, since women couldn't go there. There are stats on this. I'm talking early sixties.

I read a lot of med history when I was in my teens, mostly vaporized in memory by now, natch, but I still remember some of it.

Soon after I gave up (life going on), women did get to be doctors and lawyers.
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Mon 13 Feb, 2017 04:06 pm
Gender dysphoria is a legitimate part of many persons. The medical and psychiatric communities blatant irresponsible behavior of calling it a "disorder", is, disgraceful! Then again they yammered on for centuries about homosexuality being a disorder, I suppose until they get their collective heads out of their back ends, people will be forced to suffer.

Your mockery of something so real is repugnant.
Mon 13 Feb, 2017 04:06 pm
The thing is, gender dysphoria is quite real. Those who insist on dismissing it, or saying that it's just a child who is homosexual are the same sorts who used to claim homosexuality was not real and tossed out treatments ranging from absurd to barbaric. (doctors who told women to just eat salads, doctors who prescribed and administered electric shock)

I don't think a lot of people dismiss it, except those who want society to turn a blind eye to a "boy" who isn't really a boy. You treat someone who has a mental disorder as normal and they begin to think there is nothing wrong with them. You have to have something wrong with you to look at your private parts and say "those are my real parts" and request surgery to remove the offending appendage or add one, to make someone normal. Mutilation of ones body is not the proper way to deal with a mental disorder.
0 Replies
Mon 13 Feb, 2017 04:14 pm
It is a disorder. Being attracted to someone of the same gender is one thing, cutting off or adding genitals to a persons body to match their mental image of themselves is irresponsible and disgraceful. I do not equate homosexuality with transsexualism.
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Mon 13 Feb, 2017 04:17 pm
I'm sure Trump is working very hard on this design. He'll draw from earlier such projects - Hadrian's Wall, the Great Wall of China, Pink Floyd, etc. But I suspect the major influence will be Egyptian slash Vegas. Lots of Trump himself in relief and his name prominent every 100 meters or so - in gold. Tourists from all over the world will come to see it (helping to pay for costs). There will be reality TV spinoffs - naked celebrity wall climb, paint-ball immigrant target shoot. It'll be fantastic.

I'll betcha, for inspiration, he's watched Wall-E a bunch of times. But me too. Great film.

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