Trump is a failed human being, devoid of any saving grace. And anyone who supports him is richly deserving of disdain.
I am so DONE giving Trump or his people credit for any sinister strategizing- They are on the wrong side of history, they support and cheer on a despicable monster who is motivated only by smarmy self gain.
There is no strategy. There is just desperate willingness to say and do ANYTHING. I refuse to sit in admiration or awe of that. All this “Biden better be careful, or he’ll lose” talk is colossally stupid. That’s like giving the classroom bully credit for terrorizing your mild mannered friend - “boy that bully sure knows his stuff”. NO. The bully just needs his ass beaten and to be exposed as the POS he is.
Americans were mortified to watch him be elected once - caught by surprise by the number of people who were willing to ignore the cluelessness and indecency.
The pundits are still partially attributing that to the ruthless style of campaigning - the same kind of gilding of this stinking lily that you are trying to do.
I’m DONE giving them credit for strategy. I will call their efforts what they are, and I will call Trump and his followers what they are.
You can keep all your sage advice about what the democrats need to beware of. The democrats need to vote. They are out of options besides the ballot. And they KNOW it, whether you believe it or not.