I don't buy into goldberg backdoor bigotry on display.
The following is an article which might explain how such an obviously incompetent joker is able to win enough votes to win. Unless all thing are played right.
Trump is in deep trouble, new polls show. But he has one hidden advantage.
Basically he says that most polled in the swing states disapprove of Trump but believe in his business acumen myth. You may wonder how they still they can. Well it is because Trump plays the China card which is why he is saying things like "Kung flu." It takes away the blame for Trump's mishandling of Covid19 and puts the blame on China which lets him off the hook on the economy which is mostly what those folks seem to think is Trump's only saving grace and might be enough to get him re-elected.
After all, who would have thought enough people anywhere would have bought into Trump's con game in 2016? Even though the deficit was getting out of bounds before the Pandemic, for most folks, the economy was doing fine. It's my belief it wouldn't have stayed that way regardless of the Pandemic because of Trump choices in giving tax give-a-ways to big corporations and ignoring everyone else and the failed trade wars. But those are like caveats in overall good news for most people and hard to turn into campaign ads and/or tools.
Both republicans and democrats haven't done much for the marginalized which is how the progressives have been able to gain ground. So we have that to work with as well. All I am saying is, it is a way complicated thing which in my opinion has nothing to do with democrats talking about racial injustice or picking a female black VP and in fact those very things might go a long way in picking up more overall votes to offset the swing states votes. Look at 2018, even the centrist who won in a lot of those state were a lot more progressive than they were in 2016.
It is past time to take on all those who have been marginalized for too long and keep it up it way past the election day and turn it into a winning agenda for the US. When we have more of those who are near poverty or poverty level turn into middle class citizens, it is better all the way around. Someone has to buy all the things the corporations make and serve.
Well, I have ranted long enough, got off on a tangent. But read the article, it explains the problem we democrats have better than I ever could.