monitoring Trump and relevant contemporary events

Thu 4 Jun, 2020 10:38 am
@bobsal u1553115,
bobsal u1553115 wrote:

Gee. You even disagree with statements you've made about how stacked the system is.

You just love to argue! Hows the weather in Moscow today?

You don't discuss. You twist things by making superficial assumptions in order to accuse.

Why can't you just describe what you're talking about and allow me to explain my POV instead of accusing me of hypocrisy?
Thu 4 Jun, 2020 10:44 am
@bobsal u1553115,
bobsal u1553115 wrote:

Secretary of the Army tweets to remind troops they defend the Constitution & peaceful protesters
Tweet with video:


Every Soldier and Department of the Army Civilian swears an oath to support and defend the Constitution. That includes the right of the people peaceably to assemble and to petition the government for a redress of grievances. @USArmy

Is anyone still breaking windows and setting fires and looting? Probably not, but who is going to track down those responsible and bring them to justice to deter future abuses of peaceable assembly?

Also, it should be noted that the Supreme Court just ruled in favor of suppressing the right to assembly at churches in favor of COVID19 rules, so everyone who demonstrated, even if they didn't riot, could be in violation of pandemic-security rules, and they are no longer protected by the constitution due to the Supreme Court's ruling.

So who is going to enforce all that and how exactly? Is Biden going to come up with a plan for tracking down everyone who violated pandemic security and punish them or do Democrats only care about suppressing peaceful assembly when it's a church gathering?
Thu 4 Jun, 2020 10:50 am
Theres a big difference and, as youve seen, the demonstrations have been getting "back onto a peace -train". Today it was discovered that the reported "Anti-fa" spokesfolks had actually been a bunch of Michigan Militia ("Ignite the right") . The same guys who were carrying tiki torches and beating up (and killing 2) on counter demonstrators in Charlottesville va.

Those suspected of mayhem and damages (as well as the accused murderer cop) should all be arrested and charged. Vandalism is a crime and, if over a certain amount , could be a felony .
Lets not try to "Hie culpability" by saying "see youre doing it too"

WE (collectively speaking) DIDNT START THE FIRE, Cops did. They need to apy for the crimes of murrder and , at lest "depraved indifference" for the 3 cops that jut stood around and kept otheres away from the scene, even though people were screming that the cop was "killing Floyd"

Our police need to be chosen from folks who arent slightly in alignment with many bad cops the country over.
Thu 4 Jun, 2020 10:58 am
farmerman wrote:

Theres a big difference and, as youve seen, the demonstrations have been getting "back onto a peace -train".

So if I get angry at you and throw a burning bottle of fuel through your window to set your house on fire and then I 'get back onto a peace train' the next day, then it's all good and we're even? Nothing to investigate or arrest because I gave you a hug afterward?

Today it was discovered that the reported "Anti-fa" spokesfolks had actually been a bunch of Michigan Militia ("Ignite the right") . The same guys who were carrying tiki torches and beating up (and killing 2) on counter demonstrators in Charlottesville va.

This is why they need to investigate the violence/destruction/looting and arrest and charge people. Assuming the truth will come out that way and not just another layer of scapegoating, it will be interesting to find out exactly who did what and why.
bobsal u1553115
Thu 4 Jun, 2020 10:58 am
And how, pray tell, do I keep you from making your points? I answer superficially to superficially made opinions.

I actually wish you'd make a point. It would be refreshing.
0 Replies
bobsal u1553115
Thu 4 Jun, 2020 11:05 am
Again, property rights supersede the important issues with you. That's an odd take for someone who wants the baby to not be tempted by Marxism and Communism.

That's why we lost in Viet Nam. We were offering bullets and the ballot and the Marxists were offering bread and land reform.

PLEASE don't turn that baby into the Viet Cong!!!
Thu 4 Jun, 2020 11:11 am

So if I get angry at you and throw a burning bottle of fuel through your window to set your house on fire and then I 'get back onto a peace train' the next day, then it's all good and we're even?

Where did I say that??point it to me.
ll crimes need accountbility , if just for the insurance claims and the law.
Youre , once again , off the track of reality.MOST of the riot are being invstigated and I hope, will be resolved by arrests.
Arresting criminal cops is just as important. Theres no arguments that can justify what happened to several folks just this last week. Youre trying to justify it because you damn well know its roosting with Trump and hes got no proven ability YET to show the nation and the world , how to ALWAYS act presidential and HOW TO BE a great leader. He aint got it, hes a lying clown who cares for nothing but himself.
Thu 4 Jun, 2020 11:17 am
Theres no arguments that can justify what happened to several folks just this last week.

Why do these things overwhelmingly happen in Democrat run cities? Why do Democrats hire racists? They share the blame, if not own it.
0 Replies
Thu 4 Jun, 2020 11:18 am
@bobsal u1553115,
bobsal u1553115 wrote:

Again, property rights supersede the important issues with you. That's an odd take for someone who wants the baby to not be tempted by Marxism and Communism.

That's why we lost in Viet Nam. We were offering bullets and the ballot and the Marxists were offering bread and land reform.

PLEASE don't turn that baby into the Viet Cong!!!

When you destroy property, you are destroying people and our shared resources for future generations.

You laborists want more investment to create more jobs rebuilding what gets destroyed, so you support destruction of property; and that is exactly what makes this economy wasteful and discriminatory toward the poor, black and otherwise.

When you preserve and protect property along with protecting money against inflation, and protect morality against crime and liberal drugs/sex culture; you protect law-abiding communities and people of any and all colors.
0 Replies
Thu 4 Jun, 2020 11:19 am
Falsely accusing me of racism is just a crutch because you have no facts or logic.
0 Replies
Thu 4 Jun, 2020 11:20 am
Lying about me won't change the fact that you have nothing intelligent to say.
0 Replies
bobsal u1553115
Thu 4 Jun, 2020 11:23 am
Prosecutors describe racist slur as Ahmaud Arbery lay dying
Source: Associated Press

Russ Bynum, Associated Press Updated 11:42 am CDT, Thursday, June 4, 2020

BRUNSWICK, Ga. (AP) — A state investigator alleged Thursday that a white man was heard saying a racial slur as he stood over Ahmaud Arbery's body, moments after killing him with three shots from a pump-action shotgun.

The lead Georgia Bureau of Investigation agent in the case testified that Travis and Greg McMichael and a third man in another pickup, William “Roddie” Bryan, repeatedly used their trucks to chase down and box in Arbery, who repeatedly reversed directions and even jumped into a ditch in a desperate struggle to escape.

. . .

Dial testified that investigators found a Confederate symbol in Travis’ McMichael’s truck and several more racial slurs in messages on his phone. The U.S. Department of Justice said on May 11 that it is “assessing all the evidence to determine whether federal hate crime charges are appropriate.” Georgia is one of the few states that don’t have a hate crime law.

Travis McMichael, 34, his father Greg McMichael, 64, and Bryan, 50, were charged with murder more than two months after the Arbery was killed, after a series of recusals by local prosecutors and the emergence of Bryan's video of the final encounter led to a state takeover of the case.

Read more: https://www.chron.com/news/article/3-charged-in-slaying-of-Ahmaud-Arbery-face-court-15316040.php
0 Replies
Thu 4 Jun, 2020 11:24 am
@bobsal u1553115,
bobsal u1553115 wrote:
Tamir rice was seven years old

No he wasn't. He was 12.

bobsal u1553115 wrote:
and maybe pointed an obvious toy pistol with an orange pistol in play ground.

Not so obvious. No orange tip. And no maybe about it.

bobsal u1553115 wrote:
The cop that shot him rolled up on him in his cruiser at high speed, rolled his window down and shot him dead in less tha eight seconds.

Police have to make split second decisions like that.

bobsal u1553115 wrote:
Michael Brown did not try to kill anyone.

That is incorrect. He was killed in self defense as he tried to murder a police officer.

bobsal u1553115 wrote:
He wasn't even armed.

That didn't make it OK for him to try to murder a police officer.

bobsal u1553115 wrote:
Eric garner was not resisting arrest for selling single cigarettes,

Yes he was. The video shows him lurching around and nearly putting the cop on his back through a plate glass window.

bobsal u1553115 wrote:
he had no reason to resist - the cops who dogpiled him had arrested him for this before and nothing had ever come out of those arrests.

Maybe not, but the video shows him lurching around and nearly putting the cop on his back through a plate glass window.

bobsal u1553115 wrote:
Watch the video sometime and learn something.

I've seen the video. He lurches around and nearly puts the cop on his back through a plate glass window.

bobsal u1553115 wrote:
Philo "reached for something". What something? Why wasn't that "something ever produced"? Maybe it was his insurance papers?

What does it matter?

bobsal u1553115 wrote:
Tony Robinson tried to kill a police with what? Why wasn't that "what" ever produced?

With his bare hands.

bobsal u1553115 wrote:
Ahmaud Arbery did not resist after he was taken from the car. His resit was not wanting to be handcuffed, he didn't hit the cop. Watch all the tapes. At no point in any of the tapes did he resist as the cops sat him down, picked him up walked to a car, walked him back to the as the murdering cop looked for where the security cameras were and moved the 2nd cop car up the road out of range walked him to the driver's side of the car knocked him down and murdered him. Don't believe me. Look at the tapes that document the last 15 minutes of his life from multiple angles with no breaks. I dare you.

What in the world are you talking about???????

bobsal u1553115 wrote:
Sandra did not commit suicide. That's not even an alternative theory. That's an outright lie. Not even the cops say that. Why do you???

Nonsense. Sandra Bland committed suicide.

bobsal u1553115 wrote:
We need to change the laws that allow cops to commit murder by claiming phantom weapons and false claims of fear of death.

Self defense isn't murder.

Mistaken shootings because of an erroneous belief that someone was holding a weapon are not murder either.

When someone tries to kill a police officer, their fears are quite real.
0 Replies
Thu 4 Jun, 2020 11:25 am
@bobsal u1553115,
There's just tooooo ******* many of these murders.

No there is not, these kind of incidents have dropped yearly since the 1970's. The media and others who wish to destroy the system wont tell the public that. I wonder why?

Because you cannot foment hate if you say things are vastly better than they were. Hate is going to bite you people in the ass because no Leftist wants to help the Blacks just use them.
0 Replies
Thu 4 Jun, 2020 11:28 am
@bobsal u1553115,
Taking Presidential control over the National Guard and ordering them to end the looting and burning wouldn't break any law. Neither would it be unconstitutional.
Thu 4 Jun, 2020 11:28 am
farmerman wrote:

Those suspected of mayhem and damages (as well as the accused murderer cop) should all be arrested and charged. Vandalism is a crime and, if over a certain amount , could be a felony .
Lets not try to "Hie culpability" by saying "see youre doing it too"

There's no collective 'we' or 'you.' Criminal acts are individual.

WE (collectively speaking) DIDNT START THE FIRE, Cops did. They need to apy for the crimes of murrder and , at lest "depraved indifference" for the 3 cops that jut stood around and kept otheres away from the scene, even though people were screming that the cop was "killing Floyd"

There are people who are using anything they can to provoke and escalate violence. Marxism tries to take away religion as 'the opium of the people, ' because it wants to provoke violent, destructive class warfare. You hate religion so you are probably a Marxist too.

Our police need to be chosen from folks who arent slightly in alignment with many bad cops the country over.

Marxists/socialists are trying to shift the spotlight away from them because it is on them politically now with the election coming up. Marxism/socialism sews seeds of aggressive rebellion among the people broadly, many of whom go into crime and/or use civil disobedience tactics to provoke people in positions of authority, such as police. Then the result is that some police end up succumbing to the same level of passion as those who provoke them, and when they do, the Marxists/socialists turn it into yet another opportunity to stoke rebellion.

Who is going to stop Marxism/socialism and how?
0 Replies
Thu 4 Jun, 2020 11:28 am
0 Replies
Thu 4 Jun, 2020 11:31 am
The rules in overuling Posse Comitadis and the Insurrection Acts are pretty specific. I dont think Id want to see it happen just to ameliorate this moron president's view of himself
0 Replies
Thu 4 Jun, 2020 11:32 am
@bobsal u1553115,
bobsal u1553115 wrote:
A cop/'excop needlessly without cause was involved in a black man's death.

Hardly without cause. They suspected that he was a burglar.

People have the right to be secure from burglars.
bobsal u1553115
Thu 4 Jun, 2020 11:42 am
T think you're a thief, do you mind if I put you under a gun? After me and my son and a pal chase you around in a truck and a car shouting and waving firearms at you because I have a gut feeling you're a thief? Because that's what the excop said when he made his statement: he had a "gut feeling".

Who's life was being threatened: the unarmed guy in fear after three armed yahoos chased and pointed firearms at him or the yahoo with the shotgun that shot him at less than 10 feet as Arbery tried to run for his life?

Didn't you see the videos taken by the three yahoos????


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