monitoring Trump and relevant contemporary events

Thu 4 Jun, 2020 07:53 am
He is just another prima donna like Trump. I can't waste more time on him because there are other better things to do , say, I have plans to find a funny movie to watch.

Have a nice day, dude.
bobsal u1553115
Thu 4 Jun, 2020 08:14 am
Tamir rice was seven years old and maybe pointed an obvious toy pistol with an orange pistol in play ground. The cop that shot him rolled up on him in his cruiser at high speed, rolled his window down and shot him dead in less tha eight seconds. That cop was fired and was found to have been fired from his last cop job for firearm infractions and his supervisor wrote that that the cop was not suited for police work.

Michael Brown did not try to kill anyone. He wasn't even armed.

Eric garner was not resisting arrest for selling single cigarettes, he had no reason to resist - the cops who dogpiled him had arrested him for this before and nothing had ever come out of those arrests. Watch the video sometime and learn something.

Philo "reached for something". What something? Why wasn't that "something ever produced"? Maybe it was his insurance papers?

Tony Robinson tried to kill a police with what? Why wasn't that "what" ever produced?

Ahmaud Arbery did not resist after he was taken from the car. His resit was not wanting to be handcuffed, he didn't hit the cop. Watch all the tapes. At no point in any of the tapes did he resist as the cops sat him down, picked him up walked to a car, walked him back to the as the murdering cop looked for where the security cameras were and moved the 2nd cop car up the road out of range walked him to the driver's side of the car knocked him down and murdered him. Don't believe me. Look at the tapes that document the last 15 minutes of his life from multiple angles with no breaks. I dare you.

Sandra did not commit suicide. That's not even an alternative theory. That's an outright lie. Not even the cops say that. Why do you???

We need to change the laws that allow cops to commit murder by claiming phantom weapons and false claims of fear of death.
bobsal u1553115
Thu 4 Jun, 2020 08:21 am
Sure and Bob's yer uncle.

But cj ain't MY nephew. Not even my bastard nephew.
0 Replies
bobsal u1553115
Thu 4 Jun, 2020 08:25 am
Let alone its unconstitutional and breaks the law.
bobsal u1553115
Thu 4 Jun, 2020 08:28 am
Then you agree: Trump should quit hiding behind the office and be dragged out in chains, good for you regaining some presence of mind!
0 Replies
Thu 4 Jun, 2020 09:10 am
We all make that mistake when we first get here, assuming he’s someone you can reason with.

You’ve cottoned on quicker than most.
0 Replies
Thu 4 Jun, 2020 09:15 am
NPR correspondent says he's waiting to see if any Senior Military Leadership will resign in protest of tRump. He's going to be waiting for awhile. That's not how our military works. Resigning means quitting and quitting Senior Leadership is quitting America. Besides, if tRump is losing his marbles they better stay where they can keep an eye on him.

I'll bet they see tRump as a temporary problem so they need not resort to any permanent solutions. Hope he's fired in November! Razz
bobsal u1553115
Thu 4 Jun, 2020 09:23 am
Hope he's fired in November!

Bet on it.
bobsal u1553115
Thu 4 Jun, 2020 09:24 am
0 Replies
bobsal u1553115
Thu 4 Jun, 2020 09:26 am
0 Replies
bobsal u1553115
Thu 4 Jun, 2020 09:31 am
Thu 4 Jun, 2020 09:33 am
@bobsal u1553115,
I wouldn't bet on anything - as most didn't think trump was going to win in 2016, and you'd have yourselves the first female US president... but trump got elected instead.

So unless trump does something even stupider than what he has already done (which is hard to imagine), then I wouldn't count your chickens just yet...
bobsal u1553115
Thu 4 Jun, 2020 09:41 am
We could only imagine in 2016. Now we KNOW.

I'll bet the farm.
bobsal u1553115
Thu 4 Jun, 2020 10:06 am
NBC: "Disturbing" texts between Oregon police and far-right group prompt investigation

From 2019:
NBC: "Disturbing" texts between Oregon police and far-right group prompt investigation
Texts between Joey Gibson, the leader of the far-right group Patriot Prayer, and Portland police Lt. Jeff Niiya have been criticized by officials in Oregon's largest city.

After public backlash, the mayor of Portland, Oregon, is no longer asking the city's police chief to lead an investigation into friendly text messages between a lieutenant and the leader of a far-right group that some officials say confirm "collusion" — a criticism later mocked by the group's leader.

Officials and activists also voiced concern about the texts and demanded that Mayor Ted Wheeler order an independent investigation — and not one headed by Portland Police Chief Danielle Outlaw as he first suggested. The mayor relented late Friday and said he will be working on how the new inquiry will take shape.

"I will order an independent investigation to review the existence of bias in the actions of the [Portland Police Bureau] leading up to and during demonstrations involving alt-right and anti-fascist protesters," he said in a statement, adding that he has "heard from the people of Portland" and will also work with Outlaw to implement training for police in identifying white supremacy.

Wheeler's concern over the texts, which he called "disturbing," comes after a report Thursday in the Willamette Week that highlights the correspondence between Joey Gibson, the leader of Patriot Prayer, and Portland police Lt. Jeff Niiya, the commander of the department's rapid response team.

The pair shared messages in 2017 and 2018 that were joking at times, but also raise concerns that police give Patriot Prayer and members preferential treatment, even though they have been involved in violent clashes with antifascist protesters.


0 Replies
Thu 4 Jun, 2020 10:08 am
@bobsal u1553115,

Retired top general joins Mattis dissent from Trump, warns of 'beginning of the end' for democracy if troops are used against protests
Dylan Stableford 44 mins ago

Las Vegas casinos reopen to big crowds

Detained US Navy veteran freed by Iran, en route home

Retired top general joins Mattis dissent from Trump, warns of 'beginning of the end' for democracy if troops are used against protests

Retired Marine Gen. John Allen on Wednesday said President Trump’s threats to use the U.S. military on protesters “may well signal the beginning of the end of the American experiment.”

© Provided by Yahoo! News Retired Marine Corps Gen. John Allen and President Trump. (Allison Shelley/Getty Images, Tom Brennan/Reuters)
“The slide of the United States into illiberalism may well have begun on June 1, 2020,” Allen wrote in a scathing essay published online by Foreign Policy magazine. “Remember the date.”

Allen, the former commander of the NATO International Security Assistance Force and U.S. forces in Afghanistan, said Trump’s halting Rose Garden speech in which he declared himself the “president of law and order,” the use of tear gas on protesters outside the White House and the church photo op that followed Monday was a “stunning” moment and potentially a pivotal one.
“Donald Trump expressed only the barest of condolences at the murder of George Floyd, but he also said nothing about the fundamental and underlying reasons for the unrest: systemic racism and inequality, a historic absence of respect, and a denial of justice,” Allen wrote. “Yes, he mentioned George Floyd, but he did not touch on long-standing societal problems at all. He sees the crisis as a black problem — not as something to be addressed by creating the basis and impetus for a move toward social justice, but as an opportunity to use force to portray himself as a ‘law and order’ president.
“... Trump was clear he views those engaged in the unrest and criminal acts in these riots as terrorists, an enemy,” Allen continued. “He said so, ostensibly as justification to deploy the U.S. military to apply federal force — his ‘personal’ force — against the riots.
“... Donald Trump isn’t religious, has no need of religion, and doesn’t care about the devout, except insofar as they serve his political needs,” he added. “He failed to project any of the higher emotions or leadership desperately needed in every quarter of this nation during this dire moment.”

© Provided by Yahoo! News President Trump holds a Bible outside St. John’s Church across from the White House on Monday. (Patrick Semansky/AP)
Allen — who retired from the military in 2013 and is now president of the Brookings Institution — was particularly struck by the juxtaposition of Trump’s claim to be “an ally of peaceful protesters” and the removal of those peaceful protesters to clear the street in front of St. John’s Church.
“Fully equipped riot police and troops violently, and without provocation, set upon the peaceful demonstrators there, manhandling and beating many of them, employing flash-bangs, riot-control agents, and pepper spray throughout,” he wrote. “These demonstrators had done nothing to warrant such an attack. Media who were watching over the scene craned their cameras to try to understand what had happened to justify this violence, until it became clear for all to see. The riot police had waded into these nonviolent American citizens — who were protesting massive social injustice — with the sole purpose of clearing the area around St. John’s Episcopal Church, on the other side of the park, so the self-proclaimed 'ally of peaceful protesters,' Donald Trump, could pose there for a photo-op.”
Allen’s essay echoed a statement issued Wednesday by former Secretary of Defense James Mattis, who said he was “angry and appalled” at the White House’s response to the protests.
“When I joined the military, some 50 years ago, I swore an oath to support and defend the Constitution,” Mattis said in the statement. “Never did I dream that troops taking that same oath would be ordered under any circumstance to violate the Constitutional rights of their fellow citizens — much less to provide a bizarre photo op for the elected commander-in-chief, with military leadership standing alongside.”
Mattis continued: “Donald Trump is the first president in my lifetime who does not try to unite the American people — does not even pretend to try. Instead he tries to divide us. We are witnessing the consequences of three years of this deliberate effort. We are witnessing the consequences of three years without mature leadership.”

© Provided by Yahoo! News Tear gas floats in the air as a line of police move demonstrators away from St. John's Church across Lafayette Park from the White House on Monday. (AP Photo/Alex Brandon)
Allen warned that Trump’s ongoing threats to send U.S. military troops into states whose governors do not sufficiently “dominate” the protests should be chilling to all Americans.
“There is no precedent in modern U.S. history for a president to wield federal troops in a state or municipality over the objections of the respective governor,” Allen wrote. “Right now, the last thing the country needs — and, frankly, the U.S. military needs — is the appearance of U.S. soldiers carrying out the president’s intent by descending on American citizens. This could wreck the high regard Americans have for their military, and much more.”
In fact, there is such a precedent, as Sen. Tom Cotton, R-Ark., pointed out in a controversial op-ed in the New York Times on Wednesday: the dispatch of federal troops to southern states, including Arkansas, to enforce desegregation orders. “Gov. Orval Faubus, a racist Democrat, mobilized our National Guard in 1957 to obstruct desegregation at Little Rock Central High School. President Eisenhower federalized the Guard and called in the 101st Airborne in response. The failure to do so, he said, ‘would be tantamount to acquiescence in anarchy,’” Cotton wrote.
The difference, of course, is that Faubus and other Southern governors were refusing to enforce the law and the Constitution, as ordered by the federal courts. In the present situation, state authorities are seeking to enforce the peace, and reserving for themselves the right, as the law and Constitution provide, to decide if they need help from the U.S. military.
Allen concluded his essay with a warning, and call to action.
“At nearly the same moment that Americans were being beaten near the White House on behalf of their president, George Floyd’s brother Terrence Floyd visited the site of George’s murder,” Allen wrote. “Overcome with grief and anger, he loudly upbraided the crowd for tarnishing his brother’s memory with violence and looting. And then he told Americans what to do: vote. ‘Educate yourselves,’ he said, ‘there’s a lot of us.’ So, while June 1 could easily be confused with a day of shame and peril if we listen to Donald Trump, if instead we listen to Terrence Floyd, it is a day of hope.”
Read more from Yahoo News:
Gen. Mattis says he’s 'angry and appalled' at Trump's response to protests
Trump plan to deploy troops in cities shocks generals and alarms Democrats in Congress
Religious leaders condemn teargassing protesters to clear street for Trump
Obama to George Floyd protesters: Channel 'justifiable' anger into action
Yahoo News Poll: Most Americans say Trump is a ‘racist’ and want him to stop tweeting
Continue Reading
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Thu 4 Jun, 2020 10:08 am
@bobsal u1553115,
You have fouled up Arbery’s death with Floyd’s. They aren’t interchangeable.
bobsal u1553115
Thu 4 Jun, 2020 10:15 am
Well yes they are interchangable. There's just tooooo ******* many of these murders. Its hard to keep up with it. A cop/'excop needlessly without cause was involved in a black man's death. The excop weaponized his son. How pathetic is that? They and a third man set up an ambush and filmed it. No matter what happens to them, Arbery died for being black in the wrong neighborhood at the hands of an entitled white cop who used his son to do it.
Thu 4 Jun, 2020 10:23 am
@bobsal u1553115,
bobsal u1553115 wrote:


Democrats/socialists always assume that the level of economic development that is causing social problems and environmental/resource unsustainability is ok if it is distributed more equally/fairly.

It is not ok!

It has to be reformed to be just and sustainable. To do that, you need to raise the quality of life in low-income/affordable areas WITHOUT raising prices and the cost of living. To do that, you need to stop crime and allow community morality to prosper. That means more police in poor areas, not less; and it means more policing of drugs and other crimes against morality so that poor people can be liberated from those get-rich-quick sins that feed their children to satan and benefit the economy that disproportionately privileges white people as well.
bobsal u1553115
Thu 4 Jun, 2020 10:25 am
Gee. You even disagree with statements you've made about how stacked the system is.

You just love to argue! Hows the weather in Moscow today?
bobsal u1553115
Thu 4 Jun, 2020 10:28 am
Secretary of the Army tweets to remind troops they defend the Constitution & peaceful protesters
Tweet with video:


Every Soldier and Department of the Army Civilian swears an oath to support and defend the Constitution. That includes the right of the people peaceably to assemble and to petition the government for a redress of grievances. @USArmy

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