monitoring Trump and relevant contemporary events

Tue 19 May, 2020 08:27 pm
Team Biden Panics As Leaked Ukraine Phone Calls May Require Appointment of a Special Counsel

Imagine that a leak. Karma?
Today some tapes were leaked by a Ukraine Member of Parliament named Andrii Derkach. Here are the tapes, in YouTube form, and here are key parts via Robby Starbuck on Twitter

Oh, oh!
Part 6 of Biden, Kerry, Poroshenko calls leaked by Ukrainian MP Andrii Derkach. In this call Poroshenko details the quid pro quo explicitly. Earlier in the calls he says there’s no evidence of Shokin being corrupt but they demanded his resignation anyways for Biden.

More made up crimes that were announced like the undisputed truth. Not anymore.
0 Replies
bobsal u1553115
Tue 19 May, 2020 08:54 pm
Its a BLOG, not a news source. These are the kind of people you support????
Lies and more lies!

RedState is an American conservative political blog.


Prior to 2017, it organized "RedState gatherings", a summer convention for conservative activists and grassroots political activism which featured many prominent public figures in conservative politics.[2] RedState is owned by the Salem Media Group, a conservative media company.[3]


RedState was founded in 2004 as a 527 group by conservative bloggers Joshua Treviño,[4] Ben Domenech,[5] and Mike Krempasky.

In March 2006, co-founder Domenech was hired as a blogger by the Washington Post Online, but was criticised for alleged plagiarism in some of his prior writings during college. At the end of his first week, Domenech resigned, eventually admitting to plagiarism.[6] He took a leave of absence from RedState at the time, to which he returned in July 2006. Erick Erickson, who had joined RedState in 2006, became the editor-in-chief and CEO.

On November 16, 2006, former congressman Tom DeLay posted a diary.[7] Several other members of the House of Representatives and the Senate are regular diarists at RedState.

On December 20, 2006, RedState announced its sale to Eagle Publishing, Inc.,[8] effective January 2, 2007. Erickson remained Editor-in-Chief.

On July 12, 2008, RedState launched a new version of its site, called RS3, introducing new features such as the ability to organize contributor and user diaries by state; action centers allowing users to take action related to emerging political issues; links to share posts via other networking sites such as Facebook, Digg, and MySpace; and easier searching between related content on the Internet.

On August 13, 2011, Texas Governor Rick Perry announced his candidacy for President of the United States at RedState's 2011 RedState Gathering.[9] The Austin American-Statesman reported that this was due to the growing influence of the site and Erickson.[10]

RedState has also created numerous offshoot blogs on specific political topics, including a site opposed to then Senate Judiciary Committee ranking member Arlen Specter and a site supporting the judicial nominees of President George W. Bush.
Salem Media Group

In January 2014, Eagle Publishing was acquired by Salem Media Group.[11] In October 2015, Erickson announced he would be leaving the site by the end of the year to focus on his radio show.[12] Erickson and Leon Wolf were succeeded by former RedState contributors Caleb Howe and Jay Caruso as Managing Editor and Assistant Managing Editor respectively.

During the 2016 presidential election, some writers on the blog endorsed Democratic candidate Hillary Clinton for President over Donald Trump.[13] This generated substantial criticism from some conservative organizations. Some commentators such as Ann Coulter, Sean Hannity, and Laura Ingraham argued that the site had abandoned conservatism.[14][15][16]

The website has also been criticized by Donald Trump while he was a candidate.[17]
Notable incidents

In 2007, RedState banned new contributors who were posting in support of libertarian Ron Paul. The announcement on the blog read, "Effective immediately, new users may *not* shill for Ron Paul in any way shape, form or fashion."[18]

In June 2011, Politico reported that an account executive from Eagle Publishing sent an email advertising a "RedState Endorsement Program Featuring Erick Erickson", including "Erick's Video Endorsement (subject to final approval by Erick)".[19] Erickson said that neither he "nor his boss at Eagle" had seen the email before it went out and that "[his] endorsements are not for sale".[20]

In August 2015, Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump was disinvited from the annual RedState gathering following controversial statements he made about American journalist Megyn Kelly; Kelly was invited to the gathering instead.[2] RedState was then one of the main centers of conservative opposition to Trump's campaign for the Presidency, with most of its writers and editors vocally opposing Trump.[21][22]

In March 2018, a RedState contributor posted a story questioning whether David Hogg, a 17-year-old survivor in the Parkland school shooting, was actually in the school during the time of the shooting.[23] RedState backtracked later and the writer of the story apologized.[23] RedState added an "update" to the story, but did not provide a "correction".[23] RedState's update also blamed the story on confusing reports by other news organizations.[23] The false RedState story was shared widely by prominent conservatives, including Erick Erickson.[23]

That same month, a RedState contributor wrote an article criticizing Tammy Duckworth's defense of an undocumented immigrant Army veteran who was deported.[24] The RedState article said that Tammy Duckworth "really doesn't have a leg to stand on"; Duckworth is a veteran who lost both her legs in Iraq in 2004.[24] RedState's Assistant Editor, Andrea Ruth, who is also a double amputee, revised the statement.

In April 2018, there were mass firings of staff at RedState, including the managing editor, Caleb Howe.[3] CNN reported that multiple sources claimed that those who were fired were targeted for removal because they were insufficiently supportive of President Trump.[3]

In January 2019, three senior contributors for RedState resigned, after they noticed that articles for RedState critical about President Trump were not promoted via social media. In an article for TheBulwark.com, Kimberly Ross and Andrea Ruth stated that "it’s hard not to note the irony that Salem Media, a company that targets “audiences interested in Christian and family-themed content and conservative values,” threw its full support behind Donald Trump, a thrice-married lying philanderer who utilized bankruptcy laws and debt to con tenants and contractors out of their money. Salem now promotes anyone who is pro-Trump, even if those people gleefully flout Christian principles." [25]

In June 2019, RedState published an article that promoted murder of Seth Rich conspiracy theories. RedState deleted it on the same day.[26]

In October 2019, RedState published nude photographs of California politician Katie Hill and alleged that she engaged in two extramarital affairs (with a member of her campaign staff and a member of her US House staff).[27][28] Hill admitted an affair with the campaign staffer, but denied involvement with the House staffer,[29] and the latter allegation became the subject of a House Ethics Committee inquiry.[30] Hill announced her resignation from Congress,[31] describing herself as a victim of revenge porn and calling for the person who distributed nude photographs of her to be punished.[28] Nancy Pelosi, Speaker of the House, said Hill had made "some errors in judgment that made her continued service as a Member untenable."[32]
0 Replies
bobsal u1553115
Tue 19 May, 2020 08:56 pm


Has this Media Source failed a fact check?LET US KNOW HERE.
Redstate - Right BiasedRIGHT BIAS

These media sources are moderately to strongly biased toward conservative causes through story selection and/or political affiliation. They may utilize strong loaded words (wording that attempts to influence an audience by using appeal to emotion or stereotypes), publish misleading reports and omit reporting of information that may damage conservative causes. Some sources in this category may be untrustworthy. See all Right Bias sources.

Overall, we rate RedState borderline Questionable and strongly Right Biased, based on story selection that always favors the right and use of emotionally loaded (sensationalized) headlines. We also rate them Mixed for factual reporting due to poor sourcing of information and a few failed fact checks.

Factual Reporting: MIXED
Country: USA
World Press Freedom Rank: USA 45/180


Founded in 2004, RedState is a conservative news and opinion website. Until 2015, conservative radio and TV commentator Erick Erickson was editor-in-chief. The website does not have an about page and does not list a current editor.

In 2019, three senior contributors for RedState resigned, after they noticed that articles critical of President Trump, were not promoted via social media. In an article for The Bulwark.com, titled Why We Are Quitting RedState, Kimberly Ross and Andrea Ruth stated that “it’s hard not to note the irony that Salem Media, a company that targets “audiences interested in Christian and family-themed content and conservative values,” threw its full support behind Donald Trump, a thrice-married lying philanderer who utilized bankruptcy laws and debt to con tenants and contractors out of their money. Salem now promotes anyone who is pro-Trump, even if those people gleefully flout Christian principles.”

Funded by / Ownership

RedState is a part of Townhall Media, which is comprised of 4 other conservative media source: Townhall, Bearing Arms, Hot Air and Twitchy. Townhall Media is owned by Salem Media Group, which owns numerous right leaning Christian based radio stations across the USA. According to Open Secrets Salem Media Group donates 100% to Republicans and right leaning PACS. The website is funded through online advertising.

Analysis / Bias

In review, RedState is a conservative news and opinion website that publishes content with a borderline extreme right wing bias. Nearly every article utilizes strongly emotional wording such as this: The Press Screwed The Pooch Covering The Collusion Hoax So Why Are They Congratulating Themselves. This story is only sourced to tweets and other RedState articles. In another extremely loaded emotional article Dispatches From The Democratic Clown Show- 2020, the author disclaims “This article is intentionally satirical and farcical, but sadly has shreds of truth sprinkled throughout.” As mentioned above, RedState publishes daily propaganda in support of President Trump, with little regard for facts such as this: President Trump: Mueller Report Contains Some Statements That Are ‘Total Bulls**T, Fabricated’. While this may be true or untrue, there is zero proof to back the President’s assertions. In general, all stories favor the right and denigrate the left with extremely loaded emotional language.

A factual search reveals a few failed fact checks by IFCN fact checkers.

Republican candidate for governor Nathan Deal “explicitly voted to fund abortions …” – False
Beto O’Rourke’s campaign asked a Veterans of Foreign Wars post commander if American flags could be taken down ahead of an event. – Unproven
Marjory Stoneman Douglas student David Hogg was caught lying about being on campus during a February 2018 school shooting when he told CBS that he had to get on his bicycle and ride to school. – False

Overall, we rate RedState borderline Questionable and strongly Right Biased, based on story selection that always favors the right and use of emotionally loaded (sensationalized) headlines. We also rate them Mixed for factual reporting due to poor sourcing of information and a few failed fact checks. (7/19/2016) Updated (D. Van Zandt 4/20/2019)

Source: https://www.redstate.com

Tue 19 May, 2020 08:57 pm
@bobsal u1553115,
Factual Reporting: MIXED

The same rating CNN and MSNBC has.
Tue 19 May, 2020 09:10 pm
Twitter time!



Morbidly corrupt...
11:19 AM - May 19, 2020

0 Replies
bobsal u1553115
Tue 19 May, 2020 09:23 pm
Not quite. Look at the arrow on top.

Go ahead post it, make me eat crow.

What about this crap:

In March 2018, a RedState contributor posted a story questioning whether David Hogg, a 17-year-old survivor in the Parkland school shooting, was actually in the school during the time of the shooting.[23] RedState backtracked later and the writer of the story apologized.[23] RedState added an "update" to the story, but did not provide a "correction".[23] RedState's update also blamed the story on confusing reports by other news organizations.[23] The false RedState story was shared widely by prominent conservatives, including Erick Erickson.[23]

That same month, a RedState contributor wrote an article criticizing Tammy Duckworth's defense of an undocumented immigrant Army veteran who was deported.[24] The RedState article said that Tammy Duckworth "really doesn't have a leg to stand on"; Duckworth is a veteran who lost both her legs in Iraq in 2004.[24] RedState's Assistant Editor, Andrea Ruth, who is also a double amputee, revised the statement.

In April 2018, there were mass firings of staff at RedState, including the managing editor, Caleb Howe.[3] CNN reported that multiple sources claimed that those who were fired were targeted for removal because they were insufficiently supportive of President Trump.[3]

In January 2019, three senior contributors for RedState resigned, after they noticed that articles for RedState critical about President Trump were not promoted via social media. In an article for TheBulwark.com, Kimberly Ross and Andrea Ruth stated that "it’s hard not to note the irony that Salem Media, a company that targets “audiences interested in Christian and family-themed content and conservative values,” threw its full support behind Donald Trump, a thrice-married lying philanderer who utilized bankruptcy laws and debt to con tenants and contractors out of their money. Salem now promotes anyone who is pro-Trump, even if those people gleefully flout Christian principles." [25]

In June 2019, RedState published an article that promoted murder of Seth Rich conspiracy theories. RedState deleted it on the same day.[26]

In October 2019, RedState published nude photographs of California politician Katie Hill and alleged that she engaged in two extramarital affairs (with a member of her campaign staff and a member of her US House staff).[27][28] Hill admitted an affair with the campaign staffer, but denied involvement with the House staffer,[29] and the latter allegation became the subject of a House Ethics Committee inquiry.[30] Hill announced her resignation from Congress,[31] describing herself as a victim of revenge porn and calling for the person who distributed nude photographs of her to be punished.[28] Nancy Pelosi, Speaker of the House, said Hill had made "some errors in judgment that made her continued service as a Member untenable."[32]
bobsal u1553115
Tue 19 May, 2020 09:25 pm
Speaking of transcripts:

Susan Rice calls for Flynn-Kislyak transcripts to be released

Source: The Hill

BY TAL AXELROD - 05/19/20 08:57 PM EDT

Former Obama administration national security adviser Susan Rice has called for the Trump administration to release transcripts of phone calls between Michael Flynn, her successor under President Trump, and then-Russian Ambassador to the U.S. Sergey Kislyak.

Rice, through a spokeswoman, renewed her call for the transcripts to be publicly released after acting Director of National Intelligence Richard Grenell declassified an email Rice sent to herself documenting a meeting in January 2017 about Flynn's contacts with Kislyak.

“In the interest of transparency, Ambassador Rice again calls upon the Director of National Intelligence to release the unredacted transcripts of all Kislyak-Flynn calls,” spokeswoman Erin Pelton said in a statement on behalf of Rice. “The American people deserve the full transcripts so they can judge for themselves Michael Flynn’s conduct.”

. . .

Flynn's interactions with Kislyak were the focus of the email Rice sent to herself on Inauguration Day in January 2017, the contents of which were fully declassified Tuesday.

Read more: https://thehill.com/policy/national-security/498658-susan-rice-renews-call-for-flynn-kislyak-transcripts-to-be-released
0 Replies
Tue 19 May, 2020 09:36 pm
@bobsal u1553115,
Not quite. Look at the arrow on top.

I don't care about the arrow. I care about facts and they report factually as much as your sources do. The end.

Forget about the question in the Covid 19 thread? Shocked
bobsal u1553115
Tue 19 May, 2020 09:41 pm
I keep forgetting, its all about you and what you accept.
Tue 19 May, 2020 09:44 pm
@bobsal u1553115,
I keep forgetting, its all about you and what you accept.

How so?
0 Replies
Wed 20 May, 2020 08:23 am
Ukrainian leader releases leaked Biden calls

A Ukrainian lawmaker who met with Rudolph W. Giuliani late last year released recordings of private phone calls between former vice president Joe Biden and former Ukrainian president Petro Poroshenko in a new broadside against the presumptive Democratic nominee for U.S. president that has raised questions about foreign interference in the 2020 election.

Andriy Derkach, an independent member of Ukraine’s parliament who previously aligned with a pro-Russian faction, said at a news conference in Kyiv on Tuesday that he had received the tapes — which consist of edited fragments of phone conversations Biden and Poroshenko had while still in office — from “investigative journalists.” He alleged they were made by Poroshenko.

Derkach has past links to Russian intelligence. He attended the Dzerzhinsky Higher School of the KGB in Moscow. His father served as a KGB officer for decades before becoming head of independent Ukraine’s intelligence service in the late 1990s. His father was fired from that post amid a scandal over a
Ukrainian journalist who was kidnapped and murdered.

The recordings played at the news conference Tuesday shed relatively little new light on Biden’s actions in Ukraine, which were at the center of President Trump’s impeachment last year. They show that Biden, as he has previously said publicly, linked loan guarantees for Ukraine to the ouster of the country’s prosecutor general in 2015. But Derkach used the new clips to make an array of accusations not proven by the tapes.

Donald Trump Jr., the president’s son, posted one of the recordings on Twitter hours later and implied impropriety by Biden. “Yikes!!!! This is not a ‘perfect conversation,’ ” Trump Jr. wrote.

The events have echoes of the 2016 presidential election, when Russian operatives hacked and released emails from the campaign manager of Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton and officials at the Democratic National Committee, in what U.S. intelligence agencies later concluded was a Moscow-directed operation designed to boost Trump.

Trump’s allies, including Giuliani, have argued that Ukraine intervened in that election on Clinton’s behalf, in part by targeting Trump’s campaign chairman, Paul Manafort. The country’s anti-corruption bureau released entries from a black ledger that allegedly showed $12 million in cash payments from its Russia-leaning political party to Manafort during the years in which he worked as a political consultant in Ukraine. Manafort said the document was falsified, but the revelations prompted him to resign from the Trump campaign in the summer of 2016.

Nearly four years later, Trump’s eldest son is blasting leaked information of unknown provenance from a Ukrainian lawmaker about his father’s rival in the 2020 election. Trump Jr.’s tweet linked to a YouTube page with a recording that was also packaged with English subtitles.
Giuliani, who serves as Trump’s personal attorney, met Derkach during a trip to Kyiv in December.

Giuliani did not answer questions sent by text message asking whether he knew about the recordings before their release or worked with Derkach to ensure they became public, instead saying attention should be focused on what he claimed was the Biden family’s sale of his vice-presidential office.

“Just the tip of iceberg,” he wrote in a text.

The tapes released in Kyiv offered no evidence to back Giuliani’s long-standing accusation that Biden pushed for the prosecutor general’s ouster to help his son. At the time, Hunter Biden was earning between $50,000 and $100,000 a month on the board of the Ukrainian gas company Burisma, whose owner, a former government minister, was under investigation in Ukraine. Still, the tapes gave Trump’s allies a chance to recycle that allegation closer to the 2020 election.

The Biden campaign viewed the release of the tapes as a continuation of a long-standing Russian effort to hurt the former vice president, pointing to the role that RT, the Russian state-controlled news network, played in promoting the tapes and Derkach’s ties to Russian interests.
“They heavily edited this, and it’s still a nothingburger that landed with a thud,” Biden spokesman Andrew Bates said.

As with Trump’s efforts regarding Ukraine last year, which included pressuring Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky to investigate Biden and his son, Biden’s circle reiterated how consistent the conversations on the tapes were with official U.S. and European policy at the time and with what Biden and Poroshenko have both said publicly since.

The release of the tape fragments by Derkach is a Russian provocation designed to tarnish Ukraine and drag the country artificially into the U.S. presidential campaign, Poroshenko’s political party, European Solidarity, said in a statement to Channel 5, the Ukrainian television network he owns. The party said it was an attempt to ruin the support Ukraine enjoys in the United States.

The clips released in Kyiv consisted of conversations that Biden had as vice president with Poroshenko, primarily about domestic Ukrainian political issues. At the time, Biden was the face of U.S. policy toward Ukraine, demanding as a matter of policy that the government make reforms to end corruption if it wanted to continue to receive billions of dollars in Western aid and loan guarantees.

In late 2015, Biden led a coalition of Western nations and U.S. officials who sought the ouster of Ukrainian Prosecutor General Viktor Shokin after a scandal erupted under his watch in which prosecutors were found with bags of diamonds and stashes of cash. Shokin also clashed with two young prosecutors whom Western officials hoped would clean up what has long been a corrupt office.

The vice president publicly pushed for reform of the prosecutor general’s office at the time. Biden later said that he told Poroshenko that Ukraine would not receive $1 billion in loan guarantees unless Shokin was removed and the prosecutor general’s office was reformed. Much of that is recounted on the tapes.

In one clip, Biden congratulates Poroshenko on installing a new prosecutor general.

“It’s going to be critical for him to work quickly to repair the damage that Shokin did,” Biden says. “And I’m a man of my word. And now that the new prosecutor general is in place, we’re ready to move forward to signing that new $1 billion loan guarantee.”

At no point in the clips released Tuesday does Biden mention Burisma or his son. Biden has denied discussing the gas company with his son, and his advisers have emphasized that he was pushing for Shokin’s ouster as a matter of U.S. foreign policy toward Ukraine, which called for anti-corruption reforms.

In one call, Poroshenko reported to Biden that he had met with Shokin and asked for his resignation and that Shokin had, an hour before the call, complied and written a letter resigning from his post. Poroshenko described the move as the “second step of keeping my promises.”
“Great,” Biden replied. “I agree.”

In the recordings, Poroshenko also appeared to seek Biden’s approval before appointing Yuri Lutsenko to replace Shokin, noting that if Biden was opposed to a “politically motivated figure” like Lutsenko taking on the role, he could rethink the move.

Biden replied that he would “huddle” with his team and “talk over what you and I just talked about.” It is unclear whether Biden was referring to Poroshenko’s comments about Lutsenko or other items they discussed on the call.

Wed 20 May, 2020 09:32 am
I read the first paragraph of this story. When I came to the word edited, I dident read ant further because edited can mean important parts can and probably were left out.
bobsal u1553115
Wed 20 May, 2020 10:06 am
It was worth reading.


You can read it from the original source - there's a link to a MS news.
0 Replies
Wed 20 May, 2020 11:00 am

The unmaskings were not normal like the media is telling you.
0 Replies
Walter Hinteler
Wed 20 May, 2020 11:09 am
President Trump threatened to withhold federal funding for Michigan and Nevada if the states moved forward in expanding vote by mail.

Just because I grew up with "vote by mail", I looked up since when and why is possible here in Germany.
In Germany, postal voting was introduced for the 1957 Bundestag elections in order to ensure the "generality of the election".
This is one of the five principles of electoral law in German democracy and means that everyone entitled to vote should have the opportunity to vote as simply as possible. The aim was to make it easier for old, sick and disabled people in particular to participate in the election.

Voters on the electoral roll must receive notification of the election by the 21st day before the election.
The applications for the postal vote are also sent out with this notification of election.
Wed 20 May, 2020 11:27 am
BUSTED: Footage Surfaces from 2017, Rice Says ‘I Know Nothing About’ Surveillance of Trump Campaign

Lying to the public is no big deal if you are Obama or a member of his administration? Is that what the media and people are trying to say and defend? Anyone, please feel free to answer.
Footage from April 2017 surfaced on social media Wednesday showing former National Security Advisor Susan Rice denying she had any knowledge about the Obama administration’s surveillance of the Trump campaign during the 2016 election.

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Walter Hinteler
Wed 20 May, 2020 11:55 am
I would never get the idea to compare a football match - and especially not the world championship - with elections.

The above mentioned (five) principles of electoral law in German democracy are
- Universal suffrage,
- Immediacy of the election,
- freedom of election,
- equality of election,
- confidentiality of the ballot
Transparency and publicity of the election are also added to this.

Voters might have economic interests when electing someone or a party, but such isn't part of our election law.

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