Setanta wrote:Really, you are pathetically delusional.
Funny how you are incapable of pointing out any untrue statements in my posts.
Setanta wrote:You were wrong,
Says the person who can't point out anything that I am wrong about.
Setanta wrote:and you only supported Joint because he partakes of the same conservative hatefulness as you do.
Conservatives are anything but hateful. It's the progressives who enjoy violating people's civil liberties.
Setanta wrote:Polk was not an alcoholic--so you're wrong.
Since I've never said anything about Polk to begin with, I can hardly be wrong about him.
Setanta wrote:Not that I expect you to ever admit that truth.
I'm not very interested in learning about Polk, so I do not expect to be making any statements about him.
At the moment I'm more interested in seeing if the courts prevent Michigan progressives from cheating on our 2020 ballot proposals, but that's a different thread. And in any case there won't be any news on that front until the courts make their rulings. But let's hope they stop them from cheating just like the Supreme Court stopped Al Gore from cheating in 2000.