Quote:I don't agree with you here. Many Republicans were appalled that he got the nomination.
That's true.
Quote:But the Plump experience has taught them that the "fake news" trope can work, and that lies don't matter as long as you have a MAGA crowd out there enamored of the message.
Let me clarify. Note that I made reference to the American right
and the GOP. The shape or nature of the modern right (let's stipulate it as something like the voting base and the RW media entities pushing it and the vast contingent of funders and lobbyists) are not really separate from the party itself because the party has been deeply complicit in the degradation of prior standards and processes of government. That the party has, with notable but relatively few exceptions, fallen in behind Trump seems clear evidence that it was already very badly degraded before Trump's arrival.
The "fake news" trope was not a Trump creation (aside from the phrase itself). This is important - There is a central or overarching premise that talk radio and a few print publications (NY Post, etc) then Fox, then various online startups have been pushing for decades - that all news entities which aren't loudly rightwing are not to be trusted because they are (must be by the logic of this premise) biased for the left and are not to be attended to because of that. This either/or framing automatically discounts the possibility of objective knowledge, expertise, and scientific method as a valid epistemological tool. There is not an hour of Limbaugh or Fox which passes without this premise being dead center in all rhetoric and it is explicitly repeated over and over each hour. You're certainly correct in isolating Trump for the radical use of this sort of claim but its current power or efficacy in his hands only comes about because of the long right wing and GOP history pushing this framing. Eric Alterman's What Liberal Media was published 17 years ago and in it he detailed, even then, the pervasive and long-standing propagandist techniques that had been in use much earlier.
Quote: I also don't for a moment subscribe to your vile and corrupted message--you've got no business smearing politicians just because you don't agree with their political views.
Political views are a separate issue. There are important differences between Fox and The American Conservative magazine, for example. Or between Mitch McConnell and GHW Bush. Hacker and Pierson's Winner Take All Politics and Ornstein and Mann's It's Even Worse Than It Looks are two very good books on how the modern GOP has evolved into a very radical and dangerous outlier in the politics of the US.
Quote: It would be a mistake to take a line like that in the campaign, and I certainly hope Mr. Biden understands that. The electoral battle since 1948 has been for the unaligned middle, and they don't like smear campaigns.
I suspect you're right on this. But that's a concern for the PR function in elections which isn't my concern.