This is so instructive.
On Mar 18 coldjoint posted this piece of news:
An effective treatment for #Coronavirus #COVID-19 has been found in a common anti-malarial drug
He quoted a few lines from the story and then added his own comment:
Quote:Science says so. This pandemic is as good as gone. Not that the MSM will tell you that.
So now let's ask ourselves, a month and a half later, why the mainstream media didn't feature this blockbuster of a story?
Hmmm...maybe because it was yet to be proven.
But somehow, in coldjoint's mind, this indicates some sort of fault with the media. If Trump says something, it must be defended, it must be true.
And further, who
did print the story? Well, interestingly enough, it was posted on a well known climate change denial site:
Dr. Roy Spencer wrote:In all my years of data analysis I have never seen such a stark and strong relationship: Countries with malaria basically have no COVID-19 cases (at least not yet).
Additional support for antimalarial drugs for COVID-19 treatment comes from this investigation linked below.
The map says it all: COVID-19 is where Malaria is not.
The author provides this map which clinches his case that covid-19 doesn't exist in countries where malaria is prevalent (malaria blue/covid yellow):
If the fool had waited
a few weeks he would have seen that the hypothesis was clearly false. coldjoint made a similar mistake, jumping on a false story and parading his ignorance for all to see.
MSM— 1, coldjoint — 0