monitoring Trump and relevant contemporary events

Sat 18 Apr, 2020 05:22 pm
I did. Thanks babe.
0 Replies
Sat 18 Apr, 2020 06:15 pm
Anyone want to try titling the category that includes those names?

Sat 18 Apr, 2020 06:29 pm
Other presidents have done much better with crisis poll numbers.

Other is the key word. This man was worth trying to destroy our FBI and DOJ and respect for due process and the rule of law. Which in large part remains unpunished. This is just not another president.
0 Replies
Sat 18 Apr, 2020 06:30 pm
I can categorize the people who're marching with that sign: wack jobs. And Ican further categorize them in a couple weeks, for marching with so many people in these times with uncovered faces: sick as a dog.
Sat 18 Apr, 2020 07:17 pm
the people did make the right choice. we chose Hillary. the e.c. blew it big time, as it makes a depressing habit of doing.
0 Replies
Sat 18 Apr, 2020 07:21 pm
Anyone want to try titling the category that includes those names?

Anyone see any violence? It must be a right wing protest if it is non-violent. Thanks again.

Also, you should source pictures.
Sat 18 Apr, 2020 07:24 pm
That's cheating.
0 Replies
Sat 18 Apr, 2020 07:45 pm
No ignoring going on.National Popular Vote Compact. .Unfortunately the GOP has rigged the system.
0 Replies
Sat 18 Apr, 2020 07:52 pm
Some personal news: A lady of my pelvic acquaintance has just warned me that if I become more of an asshole, Larry David will sue me for copyright infringement.

Can you believe that!? Me. I don't look anything like that skinny bald Jew. He drives a ****-ugly electric car because he's all so ecologically awakened. And, and because he knows his car is donkey-ass-****-face ugly, people won't think his grotesque puss is out of place...out of the ordinary. Now he's an asshole! We're not alike at all. Wasn't she a bitch to say that? Yes, right.
0 Replies
Sat 18 Apr, 2020 07:59 pm
They, or some, are wising up across the pond.
‘There’s no direct evidence that the lockdowns are working’

Lee: If you still believe that this virus is incredibly virulent and therefore is killing a high percentage of people that it infects, it might be reasonable to stay locked down. For example, in the plague that spread through Europe in the 14th century, it is reckoned that maybe one in three people died. Obviously, if we were facing something like that, it would be reasonable to take very extreme measures. But this is a disease that is maybe going to kill 0.3, 0.2 or 0.1 per cent of people that it infects. And it may only infect a relatively small proportion of the population. We just don’t know.

I have said this has been an overreaction and I think we will find out we did much more damage than the virus did.

Sat 18 Apr, 2020 08:26 pm
What do you consider direct evidence? Infecting someone and seeing what happens? There's pretty good statistical evidence that covid19 is pretty transmissible by close contact and a hell of a lot more contact with carriers, some asyumptomatic with everybody walking around in bigger bunches would have occurred.. That's kinda what pandemics do. Fortunately trump's month plus of head in the sand didn't totally rob us of the chance to do something about it.
Sat 18 Apr, 2020 08:43 pm
Fortunately trump's month plus of head in the sand

Trump issued a very early travel ban. Democrats had their heads up their asses trying to impeach. Nothing changes those facts.
Sat 18 Apr, 2020 08:55 pm
A whole lot of other countries issued travel strictures either before him or at the same time. No kudos there. If he was unable to do more than play golf and frantically whip the gop senate into obedience, he doesn't have the mental capacity to be president.. We were pretty sure the lockstep lackey senate would ignore the evidence and they did.. Pretty clear he's senle. Delusions of persecution often accompany senility
Sat 18 Apr, 2020 09:01 pm
he doesn't have the mental capacity to be president..

He has had the mental capacity to stay ahead of the people out to get him for over three years, that is no small feat. Biden does not have the capacity to find his way out of his own basement.
Sat 18 Apr, 2020 09:10 pm
Solomon: ‘Could See a Handful of Indictments, Much More Information’ Next Week in Durham Investigation

This is going to come out, and before November. A lot of people are going to look bad. I think the majority of those will lean Democratic.
Investigative reporter John Solomon joined Lou Dobbs on Friday night and told him there has been some criminal investigative activity that he thinks will result in some action. He added that we could see a handful of indictments next week and much more information.

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Sun 19 Apr, 2020 12:54 am
Your cites have been promising crimes would be prosecuted in a week or so for almost four years anow and so far nada, zip, zilch. They don't have any credibility left. Russia pulled a lot of ****, and that doesn't come from the dossier, but from intelligence assessments. Bill Barr and the truth seem to a really tenuous alliance. Trump's DOOJ is rapidly l,osing credibility too, as is this whole Trump-inspired witch hunt. This is the intelligence analogue of vaporware so far.
0 Replies
Sun 19 Apr, 2020 12:56 am
blatham wrote:

Dave Brown
UPDATE: The Navy says 669 USS Theodore Roosevelt crew members have now tested positive for Covid-19

That captain sure was irresponsible.

Yeah, it's awful ..... can't let these swabbies get all emotional and laboring under the impression they matter or the people in their command matter. Bunch of bleeding heart libs afraid to carry guns like real patriots.
Sun 19 Apr, 2020 12:57 am
you've hit several tender nerves.

It really screws up their rhetoric and narrative. Facts piss them off.
Sun 19 Apr, 2020 12:59 am
coldjoint wrote:

Anyone want to try titling the category that includes those names?

Anyone see any violence? It must be a right wing protest if it is non-violent. Thanks again.

Also, you should source pictures.

Dis you miss Charlottesville??? You scamp, you crack me up.

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